After reading someone asking for 95+ AC build (other thread), and seeing someone answer like this:

Quote: Posted 03/14/04 08:48:14 (GMT) by Neacal

Such high AC is usually only available if you are allowed to use homemade items.

And if thats the case, you dont need AC at all

Within the lvl 40 item restriction cap, its possible to make a set of items with all immunities.

That means you cant be hurt by physical attacks, cant be hurt by spells level 9 and lower and are immune to all elements as well.
Who cares if the monsters/pcs hit you every now and then, when they cant hurt you at all?

Id like to see anyone coming up with a way to kill a character with that equipment. Without using custom scripts to kill or strip equipment of course.

The only way I have figured so far is traps and special monster abilities that do damage in special ways.

This made me think about the maximum AC thing again... I know It's done hundreds of times, but I wanted to take another look at it. And I guess I did achieved somewhat original character too... Allthought this one uses magical stuff (original stuff, none are custom made).

This character needs two alignment changes, but I didn't let that bother me... As I would never play this character anyways

The build is:
Human Lawful Good -> Chaotic Good -> Chaotic Evil
7 Paladin/5 Bard/28 Palemaster

14 STR
12 DEX
12 CON
12 WIS
10 INT
14 CHA + 10 + 6

Level progression:
7 Paladin -> Alignment to non-lawful -> 3 Bard -> Alignment to evil -> 28 PM -> 2 Bard

Feat progression:

Pre-epic: Power Attack, Expertise (lvl 1), Divine Shield (3), Divine Might (6), Imp. Expertise (9), rest are for you to decide.
Epic: 6x Great CHA, Armor Skin + 1-5x Epic Energy Resistance (PMBF), Epic Mage Armor (yes, to my utter horror PM with Bard as only casting class can take Epic Spells as bonus feat, ignoring all the requirements...) and any 0-4 other Epic Spells.

at lvl 40 (bard) max Discipline, Spellcraft & Tumble. Rest are for you to decide.

AC calculation:

Naked (CHA 35 with Eagle's Splendor): 10 (base AC) + 1 Dex, + 6 Bone Skin, + 10 Epic Bone Skin, + 12 Divine Shield, + 10 Improved Expertise, + 8 Tumble, +2 Armor Skin, + 1 Mage Armor + 20 Epic Mage Armor = 80 AC

Add 8 from Full Plate & 3 from Tower Shield and deduct 2 from losing Eagle's Splendor and 1 from losing Mage Armor (unless U equip after casting), and you rise to 88 AC with mundane items.

Now add Bracers of Armor +10, +7 Enchantment to the tower shield, +10 Ring of Protection, Nymph's Cloack +7 & Amulet of Pure Evil for +3 CHA & WIS (for +10 CHA).

Now, without any buffs on, you are at respectable 75 AC. Still, there ARE people who can hit you without rolling 20. So cast Epic Mage Armor for +10 AC (Armor & Deflection not stacking). Then cast Divine Shield for +15. Noy you're at 100 AC. And IF there is a build that can hit 80+ with magical items (from original list of items), then go into Improved Expertise mode. And just to make it a little better, you can now exchange your amulet to Amulet of Natural Armor +7 for additional 2 AC (Natural armor of Epic Mage Armor doesn't stack with it). Note that neither Mage Armor nor raising your CHA by 2 for the +12 CHA max don't help to further this AC.

On the other stats, you AB is horrible. AB of 24, +1 STR bonus + any enchantments don't really enable you to hit anything, so you might as well run around with Imp. Expertise on and hope for 20 rolls. Note however, that if you have hard time hitting, so do your opponents. And you hit for additional +15 Divine damage each hit.

HP is 358, unrerolled. Saves are: For: 45, Ref: 35 Wil: 40. This is with the magical items on.

And if you find a build with higher AC, with or without items, please post it. It is always nice to see something done better
"Lavamancers use three aspects of magic to make a golem: Transmutation; to mold the golem, Necromancery; to bind a soul to control the golem, and Evocation; to blast the damn thing on fire."
- Jushak Firestone - Grim Lavamancer

Edited By Cinnabar Din on 02/27/08 02:36