hello, I was inspired to try and make a character that came close to being like the "WitchBlade" character from the comics and Tv. This wont be the best layout for I made this attempt at 3am. To anyone who knows who WitchBlade is perhaps you can help me improve what I made. My goal was to have a char that was deadly with a long sword but agile and tough enough to survive. This is what I came up with. Sry no per lvl choices here due to it being 3am. I'm listing the end results.... Nakid... Fighter(7), Paladin(12), Weaponmaster(21) str:20(5) dex:13(1) con:14(2) int:13(1) wis:13(1) cha:14(2) AC 14 HP 485 AB +46/+41/+36/+31 can these be improved?? damage 1-3 +5(crit:20/x2) fort: 27 reflex: 25 will:21 Base Attack: 40 SR: nil (sadly)
skills: Half I choose then after ..ugh..."Reconmended".. appraise 1 bluff 2 concentration 17 craft armor 1 craft trap 1 craft weapon 1 discipline 48 heal 23 hide 3 intimidate 6 listen 9 lore 1 move silently 1 parry 20 (does anyone use this skill??I'm mean really?) persuade 2 search 2 spellcraft 7 spot 3 taunt 4 tumble 10
ok the above needs work I know...
Feats... armor prof: light,med,heavy armor skin aura of courage cleave divine grace divine health divine shield dodge epic character epic prowess epic reflexes epic sup weapon focus epic toughness 2 epic weapon focus (longsword) epic weaponmaster expertise imporved critical (longsword) increased multipler ironwill ki critical ki damage lay on hands mobility power attack quick to master remove disease shield prof smite evil spring attack superior initiative superior weapon focus toughness turn undead weapon focus (longsword), (shortsword) weapon of choice (longsword) weapon prof (martial) weapon prof (simple) weapon specialization (longsword) WW attack.
Spells: all 3rd lvl and lower cleric spells.
Ok so after rereading what I did...sigh...Why do some of the feats seem like there the same and I unintentially doubled up on them? Well perhaps there is a "WitchBlade" fan out here who can help me tidy this developing character up a little. I'm sure there are some choices I made that are not needed. thnx for any help/guidance I get.