Hi there, I've been reading this topic (and the last one) from the start and there are very cool works. Keep up the good work, pals.
I'm a Cleric Fan. I mostly like playing a Chaotic Good BattleCaster Cleric. Mostly Direct Damage spells and Melee fighting. (if you ask "Why?" the answer is "that is how I enjoy my game" )
I made a character build thinking that I can attain 27th level if I finish the HotU OC. I haven't played the HotU OC, yet. So I may be wrong about the level. I'd like from the people here to evaluate this build and point out bads and goods, give constructive advice if they can. Here goes my humble BattleCaster Cleric...
-------------------------- Human/Male/Chaotic Good Fighter(1)/Cleric(26) STR:14 DEX:12 CON:12 WIS:16(22) INT:10 CHA:10
Final Skills:Concentrate(25), Lore(25), Spellcraft(30) + 40 Skill Points to spend on any skill preferred
PS:I really can't explain why I took something at somepoint because I'm very new at this thing and the only reasonable explanation would be "Because I thought that was good" _________________