basic feets 1 weapon focus heavy flail 2 toughness 3 knockdown 4 power attack 5 improved knockdown 6 improved critical heavy flail 7 blind flight 8 cleave
basic epic feats epic weapon focus heavy flail great strength 1 to 4 both critical feats
ranger feats all favored enemies and bane of enermies
the flail is for bypasing comen resistace types and looking right. heavy armor for defence of course.
slight mod to my divin warrior build...
basic feats 1 weapon focus heavy flail 2 knockdown 3 power attack 4 cleave 5 improved knockdown 6 improved critical heavy flail 7 blind flight 8 great cleave
I just remeembered he needs great cleave...
anyway plot wise he's a holy slaying warrior, who's ranger levels repersent him training to fight more monsters (and people) the bit I feel most woried about is the animal companion.
By the way anyone know any druid/monk/SD type build (i.e. blasting people with natures wrath from the shadows)