OK, so now the real work begins

It is my hope that each build listed here will be commented on and/or evaluated by our best character builders, variants posted,etc. so that all such info can be easily found instead of digging through the hundreds of pages of the 'excellent builds' thread so please feel free to comment. Of course, I think spam and replies that don't say anything useful about the build should be deleted IMHO to make sure the info is easy to find. Also, I think it would be nice to have some kind of a name for each build, any suggestions along these lines would be cool too

**edit** I think generic descriptive names would be best rather than personal names, for eg.: Elven Warleader as opposed to Bobulo DeSara or whatever. I'm thinking more of names for the builds, not really characters.

Err, okay so I'm a mod now Cool. Well then, this is me saying everybody should feel welcome to post anything that they feel is relevant to a particular build in the list. I thought that the above might sound like I only wanted the 'best' builders to post and that's not what I meant, I just suck at building powerful characters so basically anyone who would post on the thread(s) this guild is derived from can post here. Lengthy quotes and non-useful commentary will be frowned upon (at least by me) This should be a lot cleaner to navigate than the excellent builds thread so quoting the entire build post to make a one sentence comment will be unnecessary. Thanks

Edited By billb0 on 03/26/04 18:04

Also having some rating system in place wouldn't be a bad idea, perhaps make a voting thingy on all the posts with a 1-10 rating on it so the poster could get a good idea whether or not everyone thinks his builds are kewl or suxxorz.

Another suggestion would be to make several topics on this board, Excellent builds with a score 8-10. Mediocre builds and fun builds. Another idea for a topic would be be to have a board that is for builds in progress, ie. builds that havn't been voted on.

Edited By bakerkenn on 04/04/04 03:55

Yeah, the rating thing would be cool..I don't know how to do it tho help? anybody? The rating system is not possible in as far as I know... The only system I know of in the guild is the member ranking, which has three custom ranking plus four others I think.

Guild Officer
New Officer
Access Forum Group #1
Access Forum Group #2
Access Forum Group #3

Those three can be renamed and I can assign them to anyone who I want to have this "ranking" while they have access to all forums.

That is the only system I know of in any guilds.

Anuis How about a standard format for posting a build?
It could be made available for download somewhere (word/excell).

This way (if you set it up right) finding stuff in a build will be a lot easier (i.e. damage, nr of attacks, level distribution, etc.) And you won't forget any information on a build when posting it, so others have all the info for building the build. OK, it feels totally weird posting in a sticky, but here goes...

About the rating system I think I have an idea. I'm not quite sure what the moderator "interface" looks like but supposedly if you could make a PHP/mySQL or perhaps even javascript "moderator bot" then you could let people post ratings to the build topics using a post consisting only of "rating 8" or something such. The bot, which should be able to run off another server, would then at set intervals check new posts to see if they have that structure. Whenever it finds one it would add it to a mySQL database, make a new post with the average rating, and finally remove the "rating 8" post as well as the previous post containging average rating. Might not be doable, but it's an idea.

Edited By pulse cap on 07/06/05 20:33

I think we need a consistent way of laying out a build too, then we need to feed a MySQL db, and allow people to sort / filter on certain aspects:

Race (I want a dwarf gosh darnit),
Classes (CL15+, etc...),
Feat Selection (no dev crit, dev crit).

Must also allow for feedback / testing of the build, AB, AC, data so we can sort them in order of these