To the best of my knowledge, this build hasn't been posted before.

Let me present the Black Knight

Concept: Scythe wielding servant of darkness that takes no lip and even fewer prisoners. His standard operating procedure revolves around swinging his scythe until is nothing is left standing. Subtlety is not his strong point.

Basically, he is a monster. He does great base damage, sneak attacks, and crits hard and often due to the weapon master levels. He can also summon a 21HD Epic Vrock. I didn’t feel it was worth following the smite path because this is primarily a PvM build and not many monsters are good aligned.

Final levels are Blackguard 25 / Fighter 8 / Weapon Master 7

Starting Stats:
Strength 16
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 8
Charisma 12

Level Progression is as follows:
Fighter x 6
Weapon Master x 7
Blackguard x 7
Fighter x 2
Blackguard x 18

All stat increases are strength.

Hide 5
Intimidate 4
Discipline MAX
Tumble 20
Allocate the rest as you like. Max taunt or intimidate perhaps.

1. Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Dodge, Weapon Focus Scythe
2. Mobility
3. Expertise
4. Spec Weapon: Scythe
6. Spring Attack, Whirlwind
9. Power Attack
12 Cleave
15 Improved Critical Scythe
18 Greater Cleave
21 Epic Weapon Focus
22 Epic Weapon Spec
24 Great Strength
27 Overwhelming Critical
28 Epic Prowess
30 Great Strength
31 Devastating Critical
33 Knockdown
34 Epic Fiend
36 Improved Knockdown
37 Toughness
39 Great Strength
40 Improved Sneak Attack

Level 40 stats
Max base hitpoints: 520
BAB: +44 / +39 / +34 / +29

Damage with a non-magical scythe
2-8 +19 Crits are (17-20 / x5) +4D6 from overwhelming crit
Sneak Attack: 9D6

Fort 25
Ref 21
Will 16

In my opinion, this guy is great in combat. Hits hard, huge crits and will punish anything that is distracted. He can knockdown for sneak attacks, or summon his vrock to distract them.

What do you all think? Any ways I could improve him?
Moderation in all things, including moderation..

Edited By Urgos on 04/02/04 18:46:03 How does this compare to the Heaven's Bane build?

Edited By Kail Pendragon on 10/21/07 09:38

Quote: Posted 10/21/07 06:18 (GMT) -- GGuirao

How does this compare to the Heaven's Bane build?

Overall, they are very similar. I prefer the level distribution of the Black Knight compared to the Heaven's Bane split.