Edited By griphook on 06/06/05 20:53
sorry but exactly what is this build supposed to do that the exalted sorceress cannot do? u have 2 attacks per round, so no more melee capability, and 3 fewer caster levels? what is this build designed to excel at? if it's casting, there are a lot of excellent caster builds out there.Quote: Posted 07/18/04 21:56:27 (GMT) -- Cinnabar Din
Okay, first kick at the can (a tip of the hat and a big "Thank you" to cdaulepp for advice on a few points):
Human, NE
STR 14
DEX 10
CON 14
INT 14
CHA 16 +12 = 28
Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Spellcraft, Tumble, UMD, Hide, Lore*
*You'll have 36 extra skill points, which I chose to put into Lore, but you could take whatever you feel suits. (I considered Taunt, but went Lore instead)
1) ROGUE Power Attack/Expertise
2) SOR
3) SOR Improved Expertise
4) SOR
5) SOR
6) SOR Extend Spell
7) SOR
8 )SOR
9) SOR Empower Spell
12)SOR Combat Casting
15)SOR Still Spell
18 )SOR Cleave
21)SOR Epic Skill Focus: Discipline
24)SOR Auto Still Spell I
27)SOR Auto Still Spell II & III
28 )SOR
30)SOR GRT CHA I/Epic Mage Armor
33)SOR GRT CHA II/Epic Warding
36)SOR Maximize Spell*/Improved Combat Casting
39)BG Divine Shield
*I chose Max, but you could choose anything you feel would be best.
Final Skills (modified):
Concentration: 43 (45)
Discipline: 42 (54)
Hide: 5 (prereq for BG)
Spellcraft: 43 (45 - good for +9 to saves vs spells)
Tumble: 40
UMD: 41 (50)
Lore: 36 (38)
On your Rogue levels, take your UMD and Tumble to max, stopping Tumble at 40.
On BG levels, you'll max Discipline and Concentration.
SOR levels you max Concentration and Spellcraft.
FORT: 29
WILL: 28
For spells, try to choose anything that doesn't allow a save, as you're not focussed in any schools of magic. Also, defensive spells are a must.
With only 34 levels of SOR, you may want to pick up a Spell Pen. feat to help beat SR, possibly in place of Maximize Spell.
Thoughts? Comments?
Quote: Posted 07/19/04 00:11:16 (GMT) -- Diesel, Vin Diesel
sorry but exactly what is this build supposed to do that the exalted sorceress cannot do? u have 2 attacks per round, so no more melee capability, and 3 fewer caster levels? what is this build designed to excel at? if it's casting, there are a lot of excellent caster builds out there.
sorry mate, looks like a nice build and all, but I just don't understand what u want to do with it.
happy gaming![]()
Quote: Posted 07/19/04 00:15:33 (GMT) -- Anuis
Just wanted to point out something... If you took Rogue instead of Sorceror at the last level, you would be able to max out the tumble skill and couple other rogue abilities. By doing that, you would be able to raise the AC if you put in more skill points into tumble.
Quote: In addition to that, if you dropped couple levels of sorceror, you would be able to raise the max tumble to 45, giving you another +1 to the AC.
The concept is an evil character. I wanted BG for the boost to saves and the discipline skill, and wanted them early as well, so that's why 2 levels of BG (the saves boost doesn't kick in until BG level 2) I know I could get the same benefit with 1 level Pally, but I didn't want to do an alignment shift (Just feel it's a bit too cheesy). The 3rd level of BG is to max discipline, and the Divine Shield feat is an added bonus.Quote: And a question.. why three levels of blackguard?
Edited By Cinnabar Din on 07/19/04 01:42
I told you I thought it was a nice build, but I just didn't understand why it got posted so soon after exalted sorceress was released as epic build... cuz that's maybe the best caster that one can make, so basically any variation of it isn't quite as strong as the original. you could have just gone out and said that it was an evil version that detested monks (*woot* *woot*).Quote: Posted 07/19/04 01:42:20 (GMT) -- Cinnabar Din
Basically, it is maxed. The highest you could get is 43 ranks, and the game does not take into account the modifier to your skill with respect to AC bonus. However, with the last level as SOR and being able to max Spellcraft to 43, it gives me 45 Spellcraft with the modifier - which the game does take into account with respect to saves vs spells.
Quote: You can't get 45 Tumble - see above.
The concept is an evil character. I wanted BG for the boost to saves and the discipline skill, and wanted them early as well, so that's why 2 levels of BG (the saves boost doesn't kick in until BG level 2) I know I could get the same benefit with 1 level Pally, but I didn't want to do an alignment shift (Just feel it's a bit too cheesy). The 3rd level of BG is to max discipline, and the Divine Shield feat is an added bonus.
Quote: Posted 07/19/04 03:15:29 (GMT) -- Diesel, Vin Diesel
I told you I thought it was a nice build, but I just didn't understand why it got posted so soon after exalted sorceress was released as epic build... cuz that's maybe the best caster that one can make, so basically any variation of it isn't quite as strong as the original. you could have just gone out and said that it was an evil version that detested monks (*woot* *woot*).
Quote: and divine shield is really nice, making for a nifty AC with buffs, auto-still spell, tumble and impr expertise (although I don't think it should be usable while casting). but with that high AC, why do you need discipline? is anything likely to hit you anyways?
I have the same question regarding my F/R/W, if the AC is high enough, is discipline worth it?
Quote: why the 3 levels of rogue? I think I would've skipped out on 1 making it first and last levels.
happy gaming![]()
Quote: Posted 07/19/04 03:26:44 (GMT) -- Anuis
Actually... you can get more than 40 if you use both skill focus. Skill Focus in pre-epic, and Epic Skill focus in epic levels.
Quote: However, if you want to have max of 43, then all you need to do is to have +2 for the DEX modifier, which is 14 DEX. Not sure if that is right, but that will give you 45 tumble, it would give you advantage since it will save you from damage. And it would help with the low HP.
Quote: And the game does take into the account of the modifer regarding the AC. For every +1 you have, it adds one to the AC. You can find information regarding this anywhere in the search. If you had +4, it will add 4 to natural AC.
Please stop me if I am wrong, but the builds that I have done that is DEX based, always has the AC increased.
Quote: Would it be best if you added more blackguard class? It has poison feat that you can use, you add it to any weapon and you can try to poison somebody...
Quote: However... I recommend that you change the rogue class to shadowdancer if you can get that class. The only downside is that you lose 8 skill points for every levels that you take in rogue. But you get more feats out of shadowdancer if you took several levels in that... 10 in that class would be best. For example, if you took shadowdancer, you can get slippery mind and several other free feats that can help your character. I don't remember all of them right now, but they are good feats.
But that is your choice.
Quote: Posted 07/19/04 04:17:06 (GMT) -- Cinnabar Din
If this is the case, then I see your point, but from what I've been able to glean, only your base Tumble ranks count towards your AC bonus - and from looking at all the builds that stop putting points into Tumble at 40, I figured that was accurate information.
Quote: Again, if that's the way Tumble works, point taken. Only problem is: where do you get the 4 extra ability points to put into DEX? I need at least 13 STR for BG prereqs, I don't want to lower CHA, my INT is needed at 14 for skill points, my WIS can't be lowered, which only leaves CON. I figured the extra HPs and boost to concentration were better than the DEX modifier (especially since the build willeventually don full plate, which would cut the benefit down to +1 on AC. I thought that 80 HPs would outweigh +1 AC)
Quote: I wasn't disputing the fact that if you had (for example) 14 DEX, you would get +2 to your AC. What I meant was that if you had 43 ranks in Tumble and your modifier brought it up to 45, the bonus to your AC from Tumble would still only be +8, not +9 because the game does not give you an AC bonus for every 5 ranks in Tumble if they come from anything other than base ranks. I'm quite certain this is the case, which is why you see so many builds that have Tumble stop at 40 ranks. So, just as another example for edification: even if you had 43 base ranks in Tumble and 14 DEX (+2 modifier) and Epic Skill Focus:Tumble, your modified Tumble skill is 55, but your AC bonus is still only +8, not +11.
An interesting idea, but it would only weaken the power of the spellcasting even further against SR, and 34 was about as low as I wanted to go.
I meant that you lose the ability to get 8 skill points per rogue levels.Quote:
Actually, you'd lose only 2 skill points for each SD level (as they get 6 per level), but I wanted UMD in the build, so that's why I opted for Rogue. SD also requires an investment in 2 other feats (Dodge, Mobility) and a substantial cost in cross class skills (you'd have to spend an extra 10 in Hide, 16 in MS, and 10 in Tumble just to qualify, and then you'd only get your first SD level at level 18 earliest) Also, more levels in SD would be the same as more levels in BG - you'd weaken your spellcasting power.
Other than that, SD looks to be an interesting option, as you can get both the Evasion and Uncanny Dodge feats with only 2 levels. Maybe another project with SD and SOR is in order...![]()
Quote: Posted 07/19/04 16:13:49 (GMT) -- AnuisQuote: I wasn't disputing the fact that if you had (for example) 14 DEX, you would get +2 to your AC. What I meant was that if you had 43 ranks in Tumble and your modifier brought it up to 45, the bonus to your AC from Tumble would still only be +8, not +9 because the game does not give you an AC bonus for every 5 ranks in Tumble if they come from anything other than base ranks. I'm quite certain this is the case, which is why you see so many builds that have Tumble stop at 40 ranks. So, just as another example for edification: even if you had 43 base ranks in Tumble and 14 DEX (+2 modifier) and Epic Skill Focus:Tumble, your modified Tumble skill is 55, but your AC bonus is still only +8, not +11.
Yes.. you are correct about that. However, it would be benefitful if you had high tumble skill for your build since you are not melee based, it would be useful so you can avoid being hit by heavy hitters.
Edited By MajorJuggler on 07/24/04 18:01
If you want Toughness and Armor Skin drop Combat Casting and Imp. Combat Casting.Quote: Posted 06/24/05 15:59:47 (GMT) -- dididusel
If you want Toughness and Armor Skin drop Combat Casting and Imp. Combat Casting.
You can avoid Attacks of Opportunity by casting defensively.
Quote: Posted 06/24/05 16:08:23 (GMT) -- King2Gypsies
SD gets UMD?
With full plate and tower shield tumble and other dex-based skills suffer a pretty big penalty, so just 15 would not be very useful. Still, 40 should more than enough of course.Quote: Posted 07/19/04 20:12:03 (GMT) -- Cinnabar Din
But the build does have a high Tumble (40 ranks), and since Tumble is used to avoid AoOs while moving in combat - at a DC of only 15 - then having a higher Tumble score than 15 is pointless other than the AC benefit.
Edited By pulse cap on 07/03/05 01:06
Quote: Posted 07/03/05 01:03:45 (GMT) -- pulse capWith full plate and tower shield tumble and other dex-based skills suffer a pretty big penalty, so just 15 would not be very useful. Still, 40 should more than enough of course.Quote: Posted 07/19/04 20:12:03 (GMT) -- Cinnabar Din
But the build does have a high Tumble (40 ranks), and since Tumble is used to avoid AoOs while moving in combat - at a DC of only 15 - then having a higher Tumble score than 15 is pointless other than the AC benefit.
Edited By OMGZERGRUSHWTF on 09/14/05 05:43
Quote: Posted 09/14/05 05:42:25 (GMT) -- OMGZERGRUSHWTF
Hrmm.. I was thinking about making something similar for the PW I play on. Imp EX is disabled on casting, however. Wouldn't the best way to do this be to sub out the two rogue levels for two monk levels and reduce blackguard levels to two? You end up with 36 spell DCs, the blackguard darkblessing saving throw thing and all the skill points you need. So you would be Sorc36/BG2/MO2
In addition, you get cleave for free, which makes it easier to multiclass to blackguard.
You could switch your abilities around to something more like this:
Skill points would look something like this:
Discipline: 43
Tumble: 40
Concentration 42
Spellcraft: 40
Hide: 5
Edited By Cinnabar Din on 09/14/05 06:20
I have never seen the saves bonus from spellcraft change due to modifiers. I mean if I have 12 ranks in spellcraft and 14 INT and on a level up add one rank in spellcraft it doesn't change my saves. Not on the screen atleast. Does it really change?Edited By Bruce Lee 72 on 09/15/05 10:29
Quote: Posted 09/15/05 10:23:42 (GMT) -- Bruce Lee 72
I have never seen the saves bonus from spellcraft change due to modifiers. I mean if I have 12 ranks in spellcraft and 14 INT and on a level up add one rank in spellcraft it doesn't change my saves. Not on the screen atleast. Does it really change?
Ah sorry stupid remark... I'll take your word for it.
Edited By Stravinsky00 on 09/15/05 15:47
Sorry but I had to add this, I have tested the tumble skill in battle and even if the roll was a 1 you still dont fail your saving throw as long as your skill point is over 14. This makes this skill (along with spellcraft) the best skill to take even if you have to cross class. If I am wrong please let me know.Quote: Posted 09/18/05 11:26:08 (GMT) -- Jehoshua
Sorry but I had to add this, I have tested the tumble skill in battle and even if the roll was a 1 you still dont fail your saving throw as long as your skill point is over 14. This makes this skill (along with spellcraft) the best skill to take even if you have to cross class. If I am wrong please let me know.