Hey all.

I was looking for something rather different to work on, and i have been wanting to work a shifter for some time. I had this idea and id love any kind of input into the build.

Elf, true neutral
str 13 dex 10 w17 int 10 con 10 ch 14

1 druid1 Alertness
2 druid2
3 druid3 Power Attack
4 druid4 w18
5 druid5
6 shifter1 Cleave
7 shifter2
8 shifter3 w19
9 shifter4 Wpn Foc: Longsword
10 shifter5
11 shifter6
12 CoT1 w20 Wpn Prof: Exotic
13 CoT2 Improve Crit: Longsword
14 CoT3
15 CoT4 Imp Crit:scythe/ wpn foc:Unarmd #1
16 CoT5 w21
17 CoT6 Great Cleave
18 CoT7 Toughness
19 CoT8 Wpn foc: scythe
20 CoT9 w22
21 shifter7 Epic wpn foc: longsword
22 shifter8
23 shifter9
24 shifter10 w23 Undead shape
25 CoT10 Epic Wpn foc: scythe
26 shifter11
27 shifter12 Great wis I
28 shifter13* w25 Outsider shape
29 shifter14
30 shifter15 Great charisma I
31 shifter16* Great wis II
32 CoT11 w27
33 shifter17 Construct #2
34 CoT12
35 CoT13** Epic Prowess
36 CoT14 ch17 Great Charisma II
37 CoT15
38 CoT16** Armor skin
39 CoT17 Great charisma III
40 CoT18 ch19

#1/#2- these are feats i am not sure about
* designates a shifter epic bonus feat
** designates a CoT epic bonus feat

end stats
str 13 dex 10 int 10 wis27 cha19 con 10

The idea of this build is to use the Epic Drow as a main combat shape, with Risen lord as an alternative (would say main, but has a limit of 3 per day so..) and to have the unlimited ice storm of raksha available if needed. I noticed the iron golem hits hard so i was wondering what your folks opinions are of taking unarmed feats to improve upon that. I could take less charisma feats to add to it, or if construct isnt really worth it..?

Any suggestions PLZ!


Edited By Cinnabar Din on 02/27/08 20:28

Move levelling around so that you have 10 shifter level before 20. If I remember my numbers correctly that gets you a BAB of 16 still being 5 druid/10 shifter/5 CoT (I may be wrong as I'm doing it from work without any books in front of me). The benefit of this is you can then take your bonus CoT feats from the epic list.
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Click Here erm.. actually, if I read it right; 8lvls not 10. The levels got 3ab per 4; so you would be wasting a possible ab - the difference of an extra attack _is- still a difference you will feel. Can you tell me what reason there is to take greater cha? Just can't see it...

With COT you should be able to get Dragon shape easily. Really, all the shapes are good now since you can merge more items with most of them.

I'd like to note that you can get epic weap foc and epic prowess for unarmed but it doesn't seem like regular weap foc helps. Thanks for the input.

The reason for 9 cot lvls before lv 20 is to get 4 attacks per round. This gives me a nice base for a melee character (drow/risen lord.. possible iron golem)

Thank you for the post epic cot level suggestion, but im really not that interestd in epic cot feats. I am debating whether or not to keep wisdom at 27! The only real benefit that epic cot lvls would give (if i see it right) would be great wisdom and initiatives..

The reason for the charisma increase is to make use of cot abilities: lay of hands, smite evil, divine wrath are all influenced by charisma.

I have been looking at what i was wondering about: unarmed and i think wpn foc:unarmem is needed if i am to use iron golem, as is epic wpn foc in this area, which means at least 2 substituted feats.

Elf, true neutral
str 13 dex 10 w17 int 10 con 10 ch 14

1 druid1 Alertness
2 druid2
3 druid3 Power Attack
4 druid4 w18
5 druid5
6 shifter1 Cleave
7 shifter2
8 shifter3 w19
9 shifter4 Wpn Foc: Longsword
10 shifter5
11 shifter6
12 CoT1 w20 Wpn Prof: Exotic
13 CoT2 Improve Crit: Longsword
14 CoT3
15 CoT4 Imp Crit:scythe/ wpn foc:Unarmd
16 CoT5 w21
17 CoT6 Great Cleave
18 CoT7 Toughness
19 CoT8 Wpn foc: scythe
20 CoT9 w22
21 shifter7 Epic wpn foc: longsword
22 shifter8
23 shifter9
24 shifter10 w23 Undead shape
25 CoT10 Epic Wpn foc: scythe
26 shifter11
27 shifter12 Great wis I
28 shifter13* w25 Outsider shape
29 shifter14
30 shifter15 Epic wpn foc: unarmd
31 shifter16* Great wis II
32 CoT11 w27
33 shifter17 Construct
34 CoT12
35 CoT13** Epic Prowess
36 CoT14 ch17 Great Charisma I
37 CoT15
38 CoT16** Armor skin
39 CoT17 Great charisma II
40 CoT18 ch18

This makes the character alittle better in melee with the iron golem shape. I have less charisma, but is 18 really less than 19? LOL

Anyway, If anyone has any ideas on the validity of the iron golem, plz let me know.

Thanks for the input

PEACE This really isn't the forum to discuss class abilities. Helping tweak a build is one thing, but class discussion or discussion how to use a class should be in the general forums.
Come visit the Epic Builders Guild for all the character info you could ever want or need:
Click Here I was trying to decide which forum to post this one in, thank you for pointing that out

It is a fact that this build is COMPLETE. It is a legit build, it is a viable build. It is even an EPIC build, whatever that means.

I was asking advice on how to make it better, which is why i thought we were all here.

peace Actually, discussing about the class abilities would be best suited to be posted in the Information about Classes forums. After all, it would be useful information for others to use. Especially that it will be compiled so it can be used as a reference(off-line that is).

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