Leveling up Notes: For every paladin levels, you should get max HP of 13 on each level up. For every cleric levels, you should get max HP of 11 on each level up. For every champion of torm levels, you should get max HP of 13 on each level up. Except for when taking ET feats, which should give you 33 HP per ET levels.
Author's Notes: Using the Lay on Hands or Smite Evil, you can easily score 250+ against any undead creature or any evil creatures.
The reason for taking trickery domains is that it gives you benefits of being able to sneak in using invisiblity spell and use one of your abilty(lay on hands or Smite Evil) on the undead creature when they are not aware of you. You also should be able to take out two or more undead creature using the Great Cleave, very useful. Or, if you wanted to test it on the other player, it is possible to do. Just make sure that they don't have True Seeing on their stats. If you are lucky, you would be able to take the player out in two shots or three, which is within your limitations.
Other thing to notice, which is the hefty amount of HP. It should give you plenty time to destroy any single evil creature such as red dragon. Just have to get close enough to use your lay on hands or smite evil and it will be great sight to see... heheh. By that time, you will be down to at least 330ish or 440ish HP, depending on how often the dragon attacks. Also, they are very effective against Demiliches, ignore any minions that they summon and use those two ability and kill it in one or two shots. Once that occurs, the minions will disappear.
This character is not meant to use spells, but mainly focused on charisma and to use that to boost farther the damage for his abilities. So if you are using magical equipment, make sure you can get many charisma booster as you can.
Reason for taking so many Champion of Torm is that they give you extra feats every two levels pre-epic and every three levels post-epic. This is the only reason why I was able to get Great Smiting VII.
Reason for taking 7 Cleric level is that you only need that many for getting the last spell that is part of the Sun Domain powers(sunbeam). The Trickery Domain powers is covered by that.
If you have any suggestion on how to farther the amount of Smite Evil and other abilities, please tell me. I want to get more out of it.
Anyway, what do you all think about this build?
Anuis _________________ - Epic Character Builders Guild
- Life is but a dream...
- I know more than I am letting on...
-I think, Therefore I am.
Adding new update to this character.
I recently tested this character against one of Emrill's build.
I was able to score 500+ damage on the character when using smite evil and full powers, such as Divine Wrath, etc etc, and that includes the paladin's spells and cleric's spells.
On average, you should be able to score 230+ to 250+ on per smites. But when using against any evil character with epic dodge, don't use the smite as first attack because it will miss. Attack first then use smite.
If you don't believe it, ask Emrill.
Anuis _________________ - Epic Character Builders Guild
- Life is but a dream...
- I know more than I am letting on...
-I think, Therefore I am.
Ya that 500 pt hit was insta death. Now if we could figure out how to not crash you by doing mass HIPS and sneaks. _________________ Come visit the Epic Builders Guild for all the character info you could ever want or need: Click Here
Quote: Posted 11/05/04 03:25:31 (GMT) -- Emrill
Ya that 500 pt hit was insta death. Now if we could figure out how to not crash you by doing mass HIPS and sneaks.
Regarding crashes, someone told me last night about an NWN Animation Fix that is available at NW Vault. I haven't installed it yet or tried it out, but 4 or 5 people in my party sweared that it really reduced the number of HOTU crashes. My HOTU seems to crash during fancy graphics so I'm curious to see if it will help me. This Fix is not a HAK pack but replaces some of the HOTU animations with older, more stable versions.
This guy sounds intriguing - a whole build based on blowing up undead. I'm not familiar with Charisma-based characters so I really can't speak on that. But I have a couple of thoughts/questions for you:
1. What if you raised your cleric levels to get Greater Sanctuary? Isn't that more effective than Greater Invis? I think G.S. is a 6th level spell, so you'd have to take 9 levels of Cleric. That would impact your build significantly, but it would also provide some more buffs. If you went this route, you could select Healing domain which makes Heal spell a 5th level, so all your 6th level slots could be Greater Sanctuary. Or Harm.
2. How does this character fare against non-undead? Is he too single-purpose that he's vulnerable outside of an undead hunt? What about a non-evil opponent? Well now that I look back on your build I see he has plenty of HP's and Epic Weapon Focus in Greatsword. So I'm sure he does fine.
3. How many times can his Smite Evil and Lay On Hands be used per day/rest period?
4. Being unfamiliar with Charisma based chars, what type of damage is Smite Evil? Is this Divine? I'm just wondering what (if any) immunities would nullify this type of attack. ie In PvP what item/ability would an evil opponent need to resist Smite Evil?
Thanks for posting this. I'm thinking this is a pretty non-standard build that might just be very effective.
Thanks, Kaliban.
PS - When you post builds, could you please not double-space? I find it really makes it hard to follow the build/feats/skills etc. Um, but you're the guild owner so of course you can do whatever you like!
This guy sounds intriguing - a whole build based on blowing up undead. I'm not familiar with Charisma-based characters so I really can't speak on that. But I have a couple of thoughts/questions for you:
1. What if you raised your cleric levels to get Greater Sanctuary? Isn't that more effective than Greater Invis? I think G.S. is a 6th level spell, so you'd have to take 9 levels of Cleric. That would impact your build significantly, but it would also provide some more buffs. If you went this route, you could select Healing domain which makes Heal spell a 5th level, so all your 6th level slots could be Greater Sanctuary. Or Harm.
I will see about that. I probably can move two levels from CoT to cleric and it should not change much.
Quote: 2. How does this character fare against non-undead? Is he too single-purpose that he's vulnerable outside of an undead hunt? What about a non-evil opponent? Well now that I look back on your build I see he has plenty of HP's and Epic Weapon Focus in Greatsword. So I'm sure he does fine.
Against the non-undead, just the same as I mentioned ine one of my posts, when I tested smite evil on Emrill's evil character. That was the approx. max damage that can be done to evil characters. As for non-evil, he should hold just as well because he has cleric and paladin's buffs and defenses along with CoT's abilities. That is enough to hold up against good characters.
Quote: 3. How many times can his Smite Evil and Lay On Hands be used per day/rest period?
I don't remember how often. But I know how often he can use Lay On Hands, which is one time per day/rest period. As for smite evil, I believe three time per day/rest periods, but that is usually enough to kill any hard to kill characters/bosses/creatures.
(quote) 4. Being unfamiliar with Charisma based chars, what type of damage is Smite Evil? Is this Divine? I'm just wondering what (if any) immunities would nullify this type of attack. ie In PvP what item/ability would an evil opponent need to resist Smite Evil?
I have no idea what types of immunity would be able to nullify the smites. Other than being different alignment. If you are good(lawful, neutral and chaotic) or true neutral alignment, the smite evil can't touch you then.
(quote) Thanks for posting this. I'm thinking this is a pretty non-standard build that might just be very effective.
Thanks, Kaliban.
PS - When you post builds, could you please not double-space? I find it really makes it hard to follow the build/feats/skills etc. Um, but you're the guild owner so of course you can do whatever you like!
Heh, I have tried before. If it doesn't have space after certain amount, it will not let me post. If I posted in with no spaces between each levels, it will not let me to post and give me a message that says that I have exceeded this certain amount. So that is why I put in space between every level.
Anuis _________________ - Epic Character Builders Guild
- Life is but a dream...
- I know more than I am letting on...
-I think, Therefore I am.
I'm looking for a paladin/cleric/Cot build and this one looks very promising. Two guestions though: 1 Did you ever make those changes to get GS? 2 What if you changed to a two-balde sword insted of a greatsword, though you need one extra feet I think.
I'm looking for a paladin/cleric/Cot build and this one looks very promising. Two guestions though: 1 Did you ever make those changes to get GS? 2 What if you changed to a two-balde sword insted of a greatsword, though you need one extra feet I think.
I haven't tried to change to get GS yet, but you should be able to get it without losing too much. Just take two of the CoT levels out and replace it with cleric.
Greatsword is two-handed blade if that is what you mean.
Anuis _________________ - Epic Character Builders Guild
I'm looking for a paladin/cleric/Cot build and this one looks very promising. Two guestions though: 1 Did you ever make those changes to get GS? 2 What if you changed to a two-balde sword insted of a greatsword, though you need one extra feet I think.
I haven't tried to change to get GS yet, but you should be able to get it without losing too much. Just take two of the CoT levels out and replace it with cleric.
Greatsword is two-handed blade if that is what you mean.
I think he's asking what if you switched from Greatsword to Two Bladed Sword. This would require 4 more feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting, and Imp. Two Weapon Fighting.
Thx Kaliban, not a good idea then. Thought you only needed wpn prof exotic and not 2 wpn fighting and ambidexierity its one big sword is it not?) What combo, on a high magic pvp world, is better Paladin/CoT Paladin/Cleric/CoT Paladin/Fighter/Cot Paladin/WM/Cot
It has to be a human lawfull knight With better I'm thinking about standing up to mages and other melee characters as vell as killing monsters.
Thx Kaliban, not a good idea then. Thought you only needed wpn prof exotic and not 2 wpn fighting and ambidexierity its one big sword is it not?) What combo, on a high magic pvp world, is better Paladin/CoT Paladin/Cleric/CoT Paladin/Fighter/Cot Paladin/WM/Cot
It has to be a human lawfull knight With better I'm thinking about standing up to mages and other melee characters as vell as killing monsters.
Two weapon fighting and ambidexterity is not necessary, but only if you want to have more attack and damage. Without those, you will lose couple attack and damage point.
If you don't care about the cleric buffs, you can take that out and take more levels in CoT, nine levels of paladin is enough to get most of the spells I think. If you took the cleric out and replaced it with CoT, you will get nine levels of paladin combined with 31 levels of CoT. That is good thing, why? That is because the more levels you take in CoT, the stronger the Divine Wrath will be which is very useful. Also you will be able to get more bonus feats.
But for high magic world, I think the magic user would be useless since you can find equipments that will boost your stats. So, it would be good to have focus on CoT and Paladin, but mainly on CoT. You don't want to do WM build because it requires many feats that seems to be useless in my opinion. And since you are taking CoT levels, it is basically the same as Fighter except that you don't get weapon specialization. But if you want to have both weapon specialization and epic weapon specialization, you will need to take four levels of fighter. You should take the fourth level on one of the feat selection, you will get two feats and you will be able to get both WS and EWS if you have taken epic weapon focus prior to that. Use the 21st level to get EWF.
I hope this post has been informative than being too long... lol.
Anuis _________________ - Epic Character Builders Guild
- Life is but a dream...
- I know more than I am letting on...
-I think, Therefore I am.
Thx Anuis! No not too long and very informative. One more question though, starting stats... My thought is like yours or maybe wis 10, and wis will not be increaced in game. I'll put that point into either str or chr. I'll look into a Paladin(9)/Fighter(4)/CoT(27) or maybe Pally(9)/CoT(31) and post it here for you later. On second thought I’ll post it in general discussion.
Ya that 500 pt hit was insta death. Now if we could figure out how to not crash you by doing mass HIPS and sneaks.
Regarding crashes, someone told me last night about an NWN Animation Fix that is available at NW Vault. I haven't installed it yet or tried it out, but 4 or 5 people in my party sweared that it really reduced the number of HOTU crashes. My HOTU seems to crash during fancy graphics so I'm curious to see if it will help me. This Fix is not a HAK pack but replaces some of the HOTU animations with older, more stable versions.
That fix rocks. Since i use it i had only one crash in 3 weeks, and i play on daily basis online. _________________ The Three Towns - a Neverwinter Nights persistent world. Oby DM Team www.threetowns.org.uk
I'm going to try this one out on my PW. I test-built her in the Novice to Epic mod, updating my Excel character sheet as I leveled up. In the interest of making your build more readable for everyone I will post the text export of my Excel file (cleaned up of course). The way I get the formatting to work for these boards is: 1. Copy Excel text to Notepad (to remove formatting) 2. Copy Notepad text to Word 3. Use Replace All to change the tabs to dashes 4. Copy from Word and paste straight to the message here. This presents a nice, tight level-by-level instruction that I find very readable.
Anyhow, I hope this helps. If you don't like it or if it has errors feel free to delete it or correct it as appropriate.
Thanks, Kaliban :::::::::::::::::::
Death Hunterby Anuis
Classes: Paladin 9/Cleric 7/CoT 24 Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Good
Stats Str – 15 (16) Dex - 8 Con - 14 Int - 10 Wis - 12 Cha – 16 (27)
AC 11 HP 439 BA 28 AB: 35/30/25/20 Fort Save – 47, Reflex Save – 37, Will Save - 39 Feats: Max: Taunt, Discipline, Lore?
Hey Anuis,
Can you explain why you picked Sun domain? I see that you did it for the Sunbeam spell. The spell description I read says it blinds non-Undead for 3 rounds and does 3d6 HP of divine damage. For Undead, it will do 7d6 of damage.
Is there more to it than that? Does it improve your smiting somehow?
Can you explain why you picked Sun domain? I see that you did it for the Sunbeam spell. The spell description I read says it blinds non-Undead for 3 rounds and does 3d6 HP of divine damage. For Undead, it will do 7d6 of damage.
Is there more to it than that? Does it improve your smiting somehow?
Thanks, Kaliban
It does not improve the smiting. But the reason I picked it is that I wanted to use the Sun domain for spells to harm the undead and since the spell you mentioned blinds the non-undead, I picked that for that reason as well.
However... if there is better domain than that, please let me know.
But basically, I picked it because I wanted to be able to hurt the undead by another means other than the smites, hence the name; Death Hunter.
As for trickery, I rather to keep that because you can sneak around and use the smites without being seen until you use the smite. Pretty effective against evil character that does not use True Seeing or any form of that.
I hope that this has helped.
Anuis _________________ - Epic Character Builders Guild
- Life is but a dream...
- I know more than I am letting on...
-I think, Therefore I am.
Okay, that explains why the Sun domain. I'll think about whether another domain might be more useful. I'm sure you put plenty of thought into that already though.
Thanks, Kaliban.
Happy New Year!
Hi Anuis,
I'm starting your Death Hunter build on a new PW and wanted to know why you picked Greatsword as weapon of choice. Is it strictly a style choice? Or are there benefits for this character to use Greatsword? (Other than it's big and hits hard.)
My concern is AC - without a shield, a character loses a lot of AC. Also, don't paladins have the ability to enchant/buff their armor and their shields? If so, I would think wearing a shield would be more beneficial to this character. Especially since his major attack is Smite, not smackdown
My personal choice is usually to save Greatsword for Dragon Disciples, or other high-strength meleers, where the 1.5x bonus from strength plays a greater role. With Death Hunter's strength of 16, his strength bonus is only +3 (or +5 with a two-handed weapon). But in looking at the numbers (see below), his average hit with a greatsword yields 4.5 more damage over a longsword.
Here's how I see the damage: Longsword: 1-8+3 --> Ave. 7.5 Greatsword: 2-12+5 --> Ave. 12
As I've said in other posts, I could focus in Greatsword, and carry a backup longsword & shield for hard-hitting foes.
Anyhow, if you could share your thoughts on this I'd appreciate it. Especially my questions on enchanting the paladin's shield.
I created the character this morning and took Power Attack and Cleave for the level 1 feats, so I have some time to debate weapon of choice.
If anyone else can educate me on a Paladin's abilities to buff/enchant armor and shield then pipe in.
Thanks, Kaliban _________________ Check out the Epic Character Builders Guild Click Here Test your new builds in this mod: Click Here
Paladins cannot buff their shields - but clerics can, with the spell Magic Vestment. Therefore a longsword + shield would be a good idea for this build.
Well, in PnP DnD, Divine Shield is used to buff your shield and is useless without one - but this is NWN.
I just notices that this build only has a wisdom of 12...which means it can only cast up to level 2 cleric spells.
How would you cast Imp. Invis, Sunbeam, etc? _________________ Check out the Epic Character Builders Guild Click Here Test your new builds in this mod: Click Here
I just notices that this build only has a wisdom of 12...which means it can only cast up to level 2 cleric spells.
How would you cast Imp. Invis, Sunbeam, etc?
Sun and Trickery domains grants you those spells regardless of what WIS you have.
Except that you don't cast Improved Invisibilty, but Invisibilty. Anyway, like I said, the two domains grants you those spells that you normally wouldn't get when you have low WIS.
However, as I said in the build, it is not meant to use spells but to focus mainly on the smite ability.
Anuis _________________ - Epic Character Builders Guild
- Life is but a dream...
- I know more than I am letting on...
-I think, Therefore I am.
Edited By Anuis on 01/13/05 22:23
A few things:
First off, to the person that was considering it: you can't do a Pally 9/CoT 31 build. You can only get a maximum of 30 levels in any prestige class because you can only take 10 levels before character level 21.
Second: If your WIS is only 12, you won't be able to cast Sunbeam. It's granted by your Domain, but only as a level 7 spell. Therefore you must have at least a 17 WIS to cast it. Perhaps you were thinking of Searing Light? That is a level 2 spell granted by the Sun domain (1d8 damage to a single undead per Cleric level, up to max of 10d8).
Third: Kaliban, with a STR of 16, you'll only get +4 damage with a greatsword (fractions are rounded down in NWN), so that reduces the average greatsword damage to 11.
Lastly: I was under the impression that Epic CoT got bonus feats every 4th level, not every 3rd. Is this incorrect? (I know it's documented that you get them every three levels, but I've read in various threads on the boards that this is inaccurate and they come every 4th level. Guess I'll have to do some testing...)
*edit* I just had another look at the build. You are getting bonus epic CoT feats every 4th level, so that's accurate. _________________ It's rogue, dammit, ROGUE!!!
Edited By Cinnabar Din on 01/14/05 03:12
Quote: Posted 01/14/05 02:48:40 (GMT) -- Cinnabar Din
Third: Kaliban, with a STR of 16, you'll only get +4 damage with a greatsword (fractions are rounded down in NWN), so that reduces the average greatsword damage to 11.
Fractions are rounded DOWN? Geez, you Canadians and your fuzzy metric math.... _________________ Check out the Epic Character Builders Guild Click Here Test your new builds in this mod: Click Here
Hello, I am currently using your build on a PW. I'm at lvl 18 now and am very happy with the character. Because I'm new to epic building I have a few questions.
I was surprised by your use of Taunt but after reading your comments on it I'm a convert. But I am confused by why you saved 44 skill points until lvl 40. Is there an advantage to doing that? I'm debating switching from Spot toanother skill since I'll be going after dracoliches and I don't have any trouble finding them!
I do have one suggestion that I would try if I were to do this build again and it may just be a factor for the PW I play on, but on the starting stats I would go with Str 14 and Wis 13. You wouldn't lose a Str modifier but you would gain access to 3rd lvl Cleric spells. I get a lot of Neg Energy attacks and being able to mem Prot from Neg would be very handy.
Thanks for sharing your work.
Quote: Posted 02/18/05 13:59:03 (GMT) -- St. Germain
Hello, I am currently using your build on a PW. I'm at lvl 18 now and am very happy with the character. Because I'm new to epic building I have a few questions.
I was surprised by your use of Taunt but after reading your comments on it I'm a convert. But I am confused by why you saved 44 skill points until lvl 40. Is there an advantage to doing that? I'm debating switching from Spot toanother skill since I'll be going after dracoliches and I don't have any trouble finding them!
The reason for that is that two other classes does not have Taunt skill for class skill, so since taunt skill is extrememly useful, especially at level 40. So I went ahead and used that skill because of what it can do.
It can reduce armor class equal to the difference between the taunt roll and the defender's roll(to a max of a -6 penalty) for 5 rounds. And the target will also suffer a 30% chance of spell failure if they don't resist the taunt.
As for the spot skill, you can change that to whatever you want. Spot is just an additional benefit to have.
Quote: I do have one suggestion that I would try if I were to do this build again and it may just be a factor for the PW I play on, but on the starting stats I would go with Str 14 and Wis 13. You wouldn't lose a Str modifier but you would gain access to 3rd lvl Cleric spells. I get a lot of Neg Energy attacks and being able to mem Prot from Neg would be very handy.
Thanks for sharing your work.
There are many ways that can be done with this build, you can easily get more spells if you changed couple things if you wanted to. And so on. And you can lose some CoT levels and replace them with cleirc levels. If you did this, you will be able to access higher level of cleric spells than 3rd level.
Anuis _________________ - Epic Character Builders Guild