Name Wacko

Race Halfling

Alignment True Neutral!

Base Attributes
STR 11
DEX 19
CON 14
INT 14

Leveling Guide


*Note that using lvl 40 to gain max hide/ms capabilities with rogue at lvl 40.

Attribute Bonuses
All 10 go to Dex


(pre-epic feats)= Toughness, weapon finesse, weapon focus(shortsword),weapon spec(shortsword), improved critical(shortsword),skil focus (in MS, Hide and Disc), Stealthy, Improved initiative, knockdown, improved knockdown, blind fight, dodge.

(epic feats)= Armor skin, epic prowess, epic weapon focus(shortsword), epic weapon spec(shortsword), epic skill focus in (MS, hide,Disc), Great Dex III, defensive roll, improved evasion, crippling strike, epic dodge.

Final Attributes
STR 11
DEX 32
CON 14
INT 14

AB= 46/41/36/31 in outdoor areas.
Naked AC= 31 AC
Maxed HPs= 438 HPs

Skills fully calculated:
Appraise 22
Hide 69
MS 71
SPellcraft 42
Tumble 51
Use magic device 40
Disc 55
Open Lock 51

I think this build is really nice. Has alot to offer but lacks the saves you would need for taking down everything.

Feel free to comment

Edited By griphook on 02/16/05 14:10

Why 3 levels of druid?
Quote: Posted 02/15/05 12:49:32 (GMT) -- Herbie Shimmer

Why 3 levels of druid?

Probably to get Trackless Step:

Trackless Step
Type of Feat: Class
Prerequisite: Druid 3, Ranger 1
Specifics: This feat grants a +4 competence bonus to Hide and Move
Silently when in wilderness
Kalmar _-> Put the classes and levels in your build title please (eg Lonely Wacko - Fighter 6/Rogue 31/Druid 3). By the way, you have a typo in your Epic Build line you should ask the mods to fix. It says "(Epic)6 Fighter/11 Rogue/3 Druid"

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Edited By Kaliban99 on 02/15/05 18:41

The (epic)6fighter/11rogue/3druid is excactly what it should be. It says how many levels you take after level 20. Im sorry for the mistakes but it is my first posted build. Newbies makes mistakes

Druid is also for gaining +2 AB in outdoor areas and i get imunnity to entangle like spells. A nice feature and of course who wouldn't want to have spellcraft and a small but still cute animal friend?

I'll ask for the change.