Edited By griphook on 06/19/05 15:50
Quote: Posted 06/16/05 09:27:10 (GMT) -- fernandooa
Rogue(19), Fighter(11), Blackguard(10), Human
STR: 16 (26)
DEX: 15
CON: 14
WIS: 8
INT: 14
CHA: 8 //Forget about the blackguard cha-based skills![]()
01: Fighter(1): Power Attack, Ambidexterity, Weapon Proficiency Exotic
02: Fighter(2): Weapon Focus: Two-Bladed Sword, Discipline(5)
03: Fighter(3): Two-Weapon Fighting
04: Fighter(4): STR+1, Weapon Specialization: Two-Bladed Sword
05: Fighter(5)
06: Fighter(6): Cleave, Knockdown
07: Fighter(7): Discipline(5), Spellcraft(5)
08: Fighter(8): STR+1, Improved Knockdown
09: Fighter(9): Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
10: Fighter(10): Blind Fight, Hide(5)
11: Blackguard(1)
12: Blackguard(2): STR+1, Improved Critical: Two-Bladed Sword, Discipline(5)
13: Blackguard(3)
14: Blackguard(4)
15: Blackguard(5): Great Cleave
16: Blackguard(6): STR+1
17: Blackguard(7): Discipline(5), Spellcraft(5)
18: Blackguard(8): Toughness
19: Blackguard(9)
20: Blackguard(10): STR+1, Discipline(3)
21: Rogue(1): Epic Weapon Focus: Two-Bladed Sword, Spot(23), Tumble(20), UMD(21)
22: Rogue(2): Listen(10), Tumble(5)
23: Rogue(3)
24: Rogue(4): STR+1, Armor Skin, Listen(10)
25: Rogue(5): Listen(5)
26: Rogue(6): Spot(5)
27: Rogue(7): Epic Prowess, Listen(5), Tumble(5), UMD(5)
28: Rogue(8): STR+1, Spellcraft(5)
29: Rogue(9)
30: Rogue(10): Overwhelming Critical: Two-Bladed Sword, Crippling Strike
31: Rogue(11): Spot(5)
32: Rogue(12): STR+1, Listen(5), Tumble(5), UMD(5)
33: Rogue(13): Epic Toughness I, Improved Evasion
34: Rogue(14)
35: Rogue(15)
36: Rogue(16): STR+1, Devastating Critical: Two-Bladed Sword, Slippery Mind, Spot(5)
37: Rogue(17): Listen(5), Tumble(5), UMD(5)
38: Rogue(18): Spellcraft(5)
39: Fighter(11): Epic Weapon Specialization: Two-Bladed Sword, Discipline(19)
40: Rogue(19): STR+1, Improved Sneak Attack I, Listen(3), Spot(5), UMD(5)
My chosen skills: (You can change all of them as you wish always you dont lower hide):
Discipline 42(50)
Hide 5(7) //For blackguard
Listen 43(42)
Spellcraft 20(22)
Spot 43(42)
Tumble 40(42)
UMD 41(40)
Still 70 free skill points remaining.
Max HP: 464 (I know its low for a melee fighter, but you can kill faster than others)
Fortitude: 25 (30 vs spells)
Will: 14 (19 vs spells) //Rerolls because slippery mind
Reflex: 17 (22 vs spells) //Improved evasion, you take at most half damage
AB: 30(Base) +8(str) +1(WF) +2(EWF) +1(Epic Prowess) -2(Dual wielding Two bladed sword) = 40AB
Attack Schedule:
Main Hand: +40/+35/+30/+25
Off Hand: +40/+35
Main Hand: 1d8(Two-bladed sword) +8(str) +2(WS) +4(EWS) = 1d8 +14 [+14d6 sneak attack]
Off Hand: 1d8(Two-bladed sword) +4(str) +2(WS) +4(EWS) = 1d8 +10 [+14d6 sneak attack]
You can still cast bull's str on yourself to raise your AB and damage slighly. (Or cast buffs from scrolls)
Devastating Critical DC: 10 + 20 + 8 = 38(It could be lower.)
Naked AC: 10(base) + 2(dex) + 8(tumble) + 2(armor skin) = 22 (Only 21 applies when wearing full plate).
P.S: I have had a few problems with the CBC text output. I hope it's the only thing that went wrong.![]()
Comments? Tweaks? Flames?
Quote: Posted 06/16/05 12:31:01 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
I'm not sure why you've chosen Blackguard in this instance. I don't see it adding anything to the build.
Quote: Posted 06/16/05 12:31:01 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
Further, you get there the long way by crossclssing skills to get to it. It seems like you scarificed everything to get the highest AB possible. Taking 4 Rogue levels in pre-epic would really help you a lot. Who cares if you lose 1 AB. It's not going to make any difference.
Quote: Posted 06/16/05 12:31:01 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
You also have both Listen and Spot maxed. No need. And you have Blindfighting on top of that. Drop spot.
Quote: Posted 06/16/05 12:31:01 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
I would also drop the Epic Toughnesses and Improved Sneaks. This guy's hit points aren't the problem, it's his saves, and both his reflex and his Will are low. There should be a way to work some save feats in there. 4 Rogue levels pre-epic will help your SAves.
Quote: Posted 06/16/05 12:31:01 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
There's more, but I'm currently distracted by other matters....
Edited By fernandooa on 06/16/05 13:00
Nothing wrong with RP factor.Quote: Posted 06/16/05 12:54:06 (GMT) -- fernandooa
You are right, I took it mainly for the RP concept but there still are a couple of other reasons:
Has Sneak attack (3d6 at bg10) and fighter BA progression (So you keep your BAB).
Can cast a few things (Mainly bull's str) and summon undead (Heh, I'm starting thinking I posted him here more because the coolness factor than anything).
Here's what I think: I think this character would benefit tremendously by going Dex-based. Raise you AC, raise your AB, raise your Reflex saves, get hide/MS, Epic Dodge even, and still maintain everything you have in the build. I think he would hae more potential tofight "dirty" in this light(or is it shadow?) You see, you already start with a 15 Dex, so you're really half way there. You admitted that your Dev Crit DC is a bit low, and I think you'd get more use out of Epic Dodge than you would Dev Crit. You could keep exotic, and finesse kukri's or kamas dualwielded, drop Str 12 or 14, and raise your starting dex to either 16 or 17.Quote: I tried to make him as strong as possible at level 40. I consider itself a regular fighter until level 20 (I dont think anybody will have any problem levelling) and then I consider him a rogue.
My first attempt to do it was the same, 4 rogue levels each 5 pre-epic to keep some skills maximized.
When I took a second look at it I saw its it's sacrificing 5 skill points for 1AB (+24 if I took rogue at level 1, of course), this build has plenty of skill points so I found it worth the sacrifice. It depends on what each one prefers..
So do I. I never PvP. Almost exclusively PvM in a multiplayer setting. And in most situations where I get my arse handed to me, is when I fail saves repeatedly over and over again. It's rarely my AC or AB, which will be highly modified by items and gear and buffs anyway.Quote: About the saves. I dont use to care much about them (I know they are very important and I always suffer the consequences). Mainly because I dont use to PvP so I design my chars for PvM. Thats why I dont use to pay attention to saves.
No, it is good, but you don't get it until LVL 33, and that's 84.138% of the character's career of geting waxed by mage blasts and acid traps and dragon breaths and all the other cruel horrible things designers put in their mods.Quote: Anyway. I though the Improved Evasion was good for the low reflex and the slippery mind could make up low will.
It would indeed.Quote: The one that really worries me is will. Maybe switching epic toughness for epic will could fix that a bit.
Edited By grizzled_dwarflord on 06/16/05 13:35
Why the two bladed sword? You might see a lot better results with a greatsword, plus gain a feat. I also don't think BG was the best choice wit a low CHA, but I can understand the RP reasons as well as anyone. You may also want to shift some rogue levels up a bit and take some fighter post epic. Thsi will let you get epic weapon specialization a bit earlier, as well as get more out of your build. A split of 10/10/20 would probably be a bit better. After all an 11th level of fighter doesn't really add anything. of course it's probably a wash on the level split, uless you start looking at something more drastic. Remember you only need a BAB of 16 to get four attacks pre 20.Quote: Posted 06/16/05 17:12:21 (GMT) -- Emrill
Why the two bladed sword? You might see a lot better results with a greatsword
Edited By Stravinsky00 on 06/16/05 20:58
Heh, I'm starting to feel ashamed. Both the build and the RP concept seemed very good to me. I have tested it on the Novice to Epic and he does enough good on PvM.Edited By griphook on 06/19/05 15:54
An improvement on the str-based version (and byebye RP concept).Edited By fernandooa on 06/17/05 10:54
CoT can, in fact, get epic weapon specialization. However, you have to get weapon specialization first with a fighter. CoT can not get the regular weapon specialization feat. Which, of course, your build uses fighter to get the regular weapon specialization, so you should be goodEdited By DarkStar27909 on 06/17/05 15:38
Ya CoT levels will do a lot more level for level than BG. I liked both versions with the exceptions I pointed out above, but the CoT will be much better on alow CHA build than the BG.