Edited By Kail Pendragon on 10/14/07 13:31
Nice build Griz!!!Quote: Posted 07/18/05 04:17:46 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
"Your money or your life!"
The brigand grabbed the elf woman by the roots of her hair, and with a mailed gauntlet forced her to her knees. Around the rest of the caravan, other figures leaped from the undergrowth and knocked the elven pilgrims to the ground. These highwaymen carried weapons grim in nature-- heavy spiked flails, serrated swords, and cold, gleaming scimitars. These were no desperate ruffians. Murder was their business, and business was good, for they were well-armed and trained.
"Do as we say, and your lives will spared!" barked the leader who stepped slowly into the perimeter. He was a huge man, if man he was. He towered head and shoulders above even the tallest of the outlaws, and black leathery wings stretched out behind him as if he were some demon from the ancient world. In his hands he gripped a Great Axe whose like had not been seen since the days of Nether, and his eyes were red, his countenance fell. A wave of fear, palpable and menacing, throbbed around his being, and even his own men strayed not too close. This was no ordinary outlaw. He was Ardekzor, one of the feared Seven Fists of Gruumsh.
"Do not, and I shall elevate your suffering to an art form!" His sinister laugh reverberated throughout the canyon.
All around the caravan train, the people threw themselves to the ground and cowered and prayed for mercy. But there was one who did not. He stood alone, in the midst of it all. He was short, perhaps 5 feet, but broad of back. He wore no armour, and appeared unarmed. He was clad in simple garb, mostly tattered rags of black and brown, and his face was obscured by the shadow of his cloak, which he had pulled over his visage. He was still and silent, like a statue, and the brigands stared at him in disbelief.
"What? Are you the token deaf elf pilgrim?" sneered the closest bandit, "On your knees!" He immediately made an attempt to grab the stranger's arm and throw him to the ground. But in the moment that he blinked, the stranger sidestepped the brigand's clumsy attack and turned it back on him, and the man found himself face first in the dirt.
"I am no elf," the stranger uttered in a low voice of gravel.
Three more brigands jumped at the stranger. Three more fell to the earth.
"Kill him," ordered Ardekzor, "Kill him now! I want his head and all the rest of their heads on pikes!" He had no sooner spoken this than the stranger suddenly was a blur of motion that the eye could barely follow. He had produced a sword from the confines of his cloak, and from somewhere else came a shield, and in a dance that was half art and half macabre, he slew eight of the nine brigands who assailed the caravan. The stranger then stood still as stone again and waited. Next to him, the ninth bandit made a slight motion with his arm, looked to his leader in pure astonishment with a word perched on his lips, and then he, too, fell without a sound.
Ardekzor grunted and, blind with fury, charged the stranger with the Great Axe held high above his head. The stranger, with minimal movement and effort, sidestepped his first blow and countered with two quick strikes that pierced the leader's abdomen, and then he simply vanished. The leader whirled around in rage, sweat and blood running into his eyes.
"Come on and fight me! Fight me you coward!"
And then he felt steel sink deep into the back of both his knees and he buckled and fell. And then the stranger was before him with a long sliver of steel whose tip he jammed against Ardekzor's throat. From behind the stranger, Ardekzor could see a blackness begin to swell, as if it were some stygian creature made of wings and shadow rise up from the ground.
"Who are you?" he gasped, and he could feel the steel-tip slowly penetrate his flesh.
"Your worst nightmare," the stranger whispered.
Stygian Knight
PvM, Playable 1-40
Race: Any (I chose Dwarf, though Elf/Halfling work best)
Alignment: Any
1Rogue1, Dodge
2Fighter1, Weapon Finesse
3Rogue2 Wpn Focus(shortsword, rapier, mace or hand axe)
4Fighter2, Mobility, Dex19
6Fighter4 Wpn Spcl, Knockdown
8Shadowdancer1, Dex20
9Shadowdancer2, Improved KD
12Shadowdancer3, Improved Critical, Dex21
15Rogue6, Iron Will
16Rogue7, Dex22
18Shadowdancer7, Blindfighting
20Rogue8, Dex23
21Shadowdancer9, Great Dex I
24Rogue10, Great Dex II, Epic Dodge, Dex 26
27Fighter6, EWF, EWS
28Rogue12, Dex27
30Shadowdancer12, Great Dex III
32Fighter8, Epic Prowess, Dex29
33Fighter9, Great Dex IV
34Rogue13, SC I
35Shadowdancer13, SC II
36Rogue14, SC III, Dex31
38Rogue16, SC IV
39Fighter, SC V, Armor Skin
40Rogue17, Dex 32
Hit Points: 346
NakedAC w/Small Shield: 33
AB: 41/36/31/26
Max AB: 67(True Strike +12 to Dex)
Fort: 19 (25)
Will: 16 (22)
Reflex: 34 (40)
Discipline: 42 (44)
Hide: 43 (54)
Move Silently 43 (54)
Tumble: 40
Spellcraft 18 (20)
Set Traps: 43 (54)
Disable Traps: 20 (31)
Open Locks: 20 (22)
Search: 20
UMD: 36(35)
Hide in Plain Sight
Epic Dodge
Self-Concealment V
Nifty built-in Meat shield (Summon Shadow)
Still has nice damage output with EWS/+2 for Strength and 9d6Sneak and UMD to self-buff
Mucho Skill Points
Numerous Ways to Generate Sneak Attacks
High Reflex Save, no fear of Evokers
Low Will Save: (this is buffered by Dwarven Hardiness, +4 Spellcraft, Iron Will, and Slippery Mind)
Low Hit Points: But he doesn't really need a lot of Hit points
Low Fort Save ( Fort-enhancing items should be sought)
Non-Dualwielder (can still be obtained at the expense of Blindfighting, Iron Will, IKD)
This is just a classic finesse build. Nothing special. Before I posted this, I carefully searched the index for a build similar. What surprised me was I could not find one, for I thought this was a pretty common template for making a Fighter/Rogue/SD. It's just a straight up Epic Dodge/SC V build with EWS/IKD. I found that most builds either went really SD light (1-2 levels), or really SD heavy (19+levels), or very Rogue heavy(24+ levels). The majority went for Dual wielding which, though attractive, can get to be expensive. Yet I couldn't find any that had this particular balance. For those of you who find some similar to this, PM me so I can establish a few links in this thread for others looking to build a straight up, no-frills, SC V meleer. For that's all I wanted--no Monk, no assassins, no dual-wielding WMs, just a modest amount of SD and Rogue, and a good portion of Fighter to get all your pre-epic and epic combat feats. And actually workable for all races with just minor tweaks to starting stats. Actually, Elf is really the most ideal race for this build, but, inexplicably, they incur an XP penalty in this level combination, so I had to forsake them(thanks for the catch, Cin). Halflings, of course, become the natural choice, but I had an urge for a Dwarf to get SC V and still maintain a semi-melee presence. Humans work pretty well, as the extra feat could be used to take Strong Soul or Toughness to compensate for their lack of Save bonuses the other races get.
Quote: Posted 07/18/05 19:59:02 (GMT) -- DaMouse404
I'm with you pulse cap but I wasn't actually about to say it.
I may seem stupid but why SD13 rather than Rogue 19? :S Doesn't rogue get SC as a bonus feat?
Quote: Posted 07/18/05 16:07:35 (GMT) -- syrath1001
You could trade off for fighter 8/ rogue 19/ shadowdancer 13.
This loses you a fighter bonus feat and gains a rogue bonus feat. Might restructure your build though.
Quote: Posted 07/18/05 19:59:02 (GMT) -- DaMouse404
I may seem stupid but why SD13 rather than Rogue 19? :S Doesn't rogue get SC as a bonus feat?
Edited By grizzled_dwarflord on 07/19/05 02:58
Quote: Posted 07/19/05 02:49:37 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
Shadow Daze gets a little better with Lvl13, as does his Meat Shadow, which gains 2 more Hit Dice at Lvl 12.
Quote: Posted 07/19/05 12:17:30 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
That's new to me. According to the Grimoire, the Shadowdancer's Summon Shadow(not Shadowlord), gains 2 hit dice every three levels after 9th level. Perhaps it was just referring to its "Turn" hit dice?
There are 4 types of shadows that a Shadowdancer can summon. These are depending on the level of the Shadowdancer and whether he has the Epic Shadowlord feat.
All the shadows share similar immunities and abilities. These include Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease, Negative level, Abilitiy Decrease, Mind Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack, Knockdown
Summoned Shadow
AC 12
HP 19
AB +1
Damage 1-3
Summoned Shadow Fiend
AC 20
HP 55
AB +4
Damage 1-6+1
Damage Immunity Increased (Cold)
Damage Immunity Increased (Electrical)
Damage Immunity Increased (Fire)
Damage Reduction
Summoned Shadow Lord
AC 22
HP 70
AB +8
Damage 1-8+5/1-8+5/2=12+5
Damage Immunity Increased (Cold)
Damage Immunity Increased (Electrical)
Damage Immunity Increased (Fire)
Damage Reduction
Summoned Epic Shadowlord
This summons increases with the level of the shadowdancer at the rate of shadowdancer level -1. ie a 15 th level shadowdancer will summon a level 14th level shadowlord.
The first level you can take the feat epic shadowlord is level 13. A very important aspect of the Epic Shadowlord is that it does not have concealment
Epic Shadowlord Stats
Damage 1-6/1-6/2-12
Level 12 Shadowlord (summoned at level 13 Shadowdancer)
AC 22,Hp 132, AB 16/11/6, Damage bonus 6
Level 13 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 143, AB 17/12/7, Damage bonus 6
Level 14 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 154, AB 18/13/8, Damage bonus 6
Level 15 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 165, AB 19/14/9, Damage bonus 6
Level 16 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 176, AB 21/16/11, Damage bonus 6
Level 17 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp187, AB 22/17/12, Damage bonus 7
level 18 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 198, AB 23/18/13, Damage bonus 7
Level 19 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 209, AB 24/19/14, Damage bonus 7
Level 20 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 220, AB 25/20/15, Damage bonus 7
Level 21 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 231, AB 26/21/16, Damage bonus 7
Level 22 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 242, AB 27/22/17, Damage bonus 7
Level 23 Shadowlord
AC 22, Hp 253, AB 28/23/18, Damage bonus 7
Level 24 Shadowlord
AC 24, Hp 264, AB 29/24/19, Damage bonus 7
Level 25 Shadowlord
AC 24, Hp 275, AB 30/25/20, Damage bonus 8
Level 26 Shadowlord
AC 24, Hp 306, AB 31/26/21, Damage bonus 8
Level 27 Shadowlord
AC 24, Hp 317, AB 32/27/22, Damage bonus 9
Level 28 Shadowlord
AC 24, Hp 348, AB 33/28/23, Damage bonus 9
Level 29 Shadowlord
AC 24, Hp 359, AB 35/30/25, Damage bonus