Edited By Kail Pendragon on 07/04/10 16:01
Neat build. I do like assasins as well and this could be great fun. A few questions:Quote: Noticed you took ambidetry, but not improved two weapon fighting. Why is that? Will this be a duel weilding character?
It is fun. For once, you don't have to wait until Epic to be an effective Assassin. He comes out of the womb fighting and killing, and is as powerful an Assassin you'll find in pre-epic.Quote: Posted 08/10/05 20:12:21 (GMT) -- TeoDeathDealer
Neat build. I do like assasins as well and this could be great fun.
Good questions. I actually stated in the last paragraph of the build that Dwarf or Human allow for the best approach. Halflings make it harder to go strength-based but can work as well. Going human gives the build extra skill points(which Assassins always need), and would also allow for another feat, in which case I recommend either Exotic or Skill Focus: Move Silently.Quote: 1. Why do you consider dwarf versus the .5ling or human?
For Death/Sneak attack, crit range means very little. He could use 1d1 twigs and still land 16d6 sneak damage. Mace is chosen only because it is bludgeoning damage, and bludgeoning is perhaps the least resisted of the 3 weapon types.Quote: 2. Why choose the mace versus a bladed weapon with higher crit range?
He takes it at Level 12 (ITWF). Dualwielding al the way, with instant capacity to switch to shield for those who like to Quickslot different weapon groups.Quote: 3. Noticed you took ambidetry, but not improved two weapon fighting. Why is that? Will this be a duel weilding character?
Quote: Posted 08/11/05 17:04:33 (GMT) -- twiztidcabbie
hopefully this doesnt come off as really stupid. but how would you recommend spreading out the skillset. that is always my problem with builds...not knowing what skills to take on what levels has always bugged me. TIA for any help that can be provided here.
Quote: Posted 08/12/05 12:19 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
5. 4, D=1, Save 3 (16 saved)
6. 10, H=5, MS=5, UMD=5, T=5, DT=1, OL=1, S=1,ST=3
7. 6, H=1, MS=1, UMD=1, T=1, ST=1, Save 1
8. 6, H=1, MS=1, UMD=1, T=1, ST=1, Save 1
9. 6, H=1, MS=1, UMD=1, T=1, ST=1, Save 1
10. 6, H=1, MS=1, UMD=1, T=1, ST=1, Save 1
11. 6, H=1, MS=1, UMD=1, T=1, ST=1, Save 1
12. 6, H=1, MS=1, UMD=1, T=1, ST=1, Save 1
13. 6, H=1, MS=1, UMD=1, T=1, ST=1, Save 1
14. 6, H=1, MS=1, UMD=1, T=1, ST=1, Save 1
15. 6, H=1, MS=1, UMD=1, T=1, ST=1, Save 1(9 saved)
16. 4, D=11, Save 2
17. 6, H=1, MS=2, UMD=1, T=2, ST=1
18. 4, D=2, Save 2
19. 4, D=1, Save 3