This is a build that I made because, well, I'm cheesy and I love RDDs. Again, alot of mobs on my PW have fear aura, and theres some synergy between RDD and Pally stat wise, so I went Pally instead of Ftr. Ok I'll admit the real point of this build is to carry a big sword and have angel wings while maintaining a holy motif
This guy could be better, I'm not really pleased with taking IKD at 39, but I'm not really sure what else to do. He's immune to fear, has very good buffs (Pally lvl 4 and Sorc lvl 4), dispells on hit 50%, and has Dev Crit with a good DC. I suppose it would make more sense to go with scimitar/shield but I'm a sucker for two-handers. The build doesnt change anyway. He's also got a good AB + taunt + devine strike (+ true strike if ur really desperate), so he won't miss often. Unfortunately he also won't be missed often either, and with 330 health that doesn't bode well. Still, he has a good LoH and many defensive buffs to see him through, provided he doesn't get dispelled himself. Ok so fix it
.... .... .... .... griphook ..Added classes to title