Edited By griphook on 10/03/05 01:05
Dragons already get +6 enchantment.. also.. why 3 more monk.. 3 more SR isn't really gonna make to much difference..Quote: Posted 09/08/05 14:20:37 (GMT) -- PfhorAiur
INT:10/30 !!!
17-34 (druid) - here you gain your buffing abilities. put all ability increases to wisdom and take the great wisdom feats until you hit 30. At level 17, you will be able to take dragon shape.
Quote: just wanted to mention two quick, but important typos. i don't think INT will be raised to 30, and you get draogn shape at 34 instead of 17.
Edited By Grimnir77 on 09/09/05 15:38
Quote: Posted 09/09/05 15:34:19 (GMT) -- Grimnir77Quote: just wanted to mention two quick, but important typos. i don't think INT will be raised to 30, and you get draogn shape at 34 instead of 17.
He means at lvl 17 DRUID!
Quote: Posted 09/10/05 00:17:02 (GMT) -- christian.schnabelQuote: Posted 09/09/05 15:34:19 (GMT) -- Grimnir77Quote: just wanted to mention two quick, but important typos. i don't think INT will be raised to 30, and you get draogn shape at 34 instead of 17.
He means at lvl 17 DRUID!
sorry, but do you mean to tell me that at level 17 this build can get dragon shape, which requires 30 in Wisdom, and i believe must be taken in (and can only be achieved in) epic levels. if so, then this build has the (immensely huge and scaly) leg up on every other dragon build have ever seen.
but maybe i just misread your post as well, in which case, i apologise, but i request clarification.
Edited By PfhorAiur on 09/10/05 15:34
Quote: Posted 09/10/05 15:27:23 (GMT) -- PfhorAiur
And yes taking dragon shape is at the 17th druid level in this case, not the
17th character level.
Edited By Stravinsky00 on 09/10/05 18:06