This is a basic foot-soldier, as can be found in any army. He has survived many battles and has considerable experience in close combat. Whith his trusty longsword and shield he can charge into the fray, but he's equally skilled in the use of the spear for fighting mounted enemies. With plenty of combat maneuvres at his disposal, as well as extensive basic combat skills, he can dispose of most enemies without too much effort.
Abilities: Str 15 -> 26 Dex 14 Con 14 Wis 8 Int 14 Cha 12
Recommended skills: Concentration 43 (45) Discipline 43 (51) Intimidate 4 (5) Perform 11 (12) Spellcraft 43 (45) Tumble 40 (42) 45 remaining, split them between UMD and heal as you like
Unbuffed stats: HP 456 AC 32 (with full plate and tower shield) AB 46/41/36/31 (with longsword or spear) Damage 1-8 +14 (critical 15-20 / 3x)(with longsword) Damage 1-8 +18 (critical 17-20 / 4x)(with spear) Saves: (vs. spells) Fortitude 21 (30) Reflex 24 (33) Will 17 (26)
Bard song can be used to get an extra +1 to ab, saves and skills and +2 dam. With UMD he can also use any scrolls and wands, but the bard spells won't be of much use past the early levels. I'm about to start playing it on a PW, so please tell me what I did wrong
Edited By griphook on 09/25/05 15:05
Interesting build. I would say with so many levels of WM, he's not your typical soldier.
Note that you have Weapon Spec: Longsword twice How about moving Bard 3 to level 12 to max. Tumble? How about dropping Power Attack at 15 for Improved Knockdown? Note at 21 and 24 you have Epic Weapon Focus and Spec as "IWF" and "IWS" Do Disarm and Imp. Disarm work right now? I thought they were bugged by one of the latest patches.
That's all I can think of right now. Nice job!
Kaliban. _________________ This space for rent
Edited By Kaliban99 on 09/21/05 02:40
Thanks for the input, all good points really. I felt that a typical soldier would be something like a lvl 10-12 fighter perhaps, and in becoming a veteran he might become something like a weapon master, but I could be wrong. Of course it's pretty odd for a newly trained soldier to have the feats I take on the first 10 levels, but I think the name works pretty well with the end result. I'm a bit more worried about the bard levels myself, but everyone's gotta have a hobby. I didn't know disarm was bugged, can you post a link to a description of the problem? I spent a lot of time moving feats around, I feel it's a bit feat-starved on the whole (for what I wanted to do), but with a pretty good ab I felt that power attack could be quite helpful to have early on. When I get to level 15 I'll see if I hit often enough for power attack to be worth it, or if my kd needs a boost. Perhaps IKD would be better. I'll post a new leveling plan without the typos and with bard on 12.
Here's a fixed-up leveling sheet, thanks Kaliban for pointing out my mistakes in the last one.
1 bard 1, dodge, knockdown 2 figh 1, weapon focus(longsword) 3 figh 2, weapon focus(spear), expertise 4 figh 3, (+str) 5 figh 4, weapon spec(longsword) 6 figh 5, mobility 7 bard 2 8 figh 6, spring attack, (+str) 9 figh 7, whirlwind 10 figh 8, weapon spec(spear) 11 WM 1, weapon of choice(longsword) 12 bard 3, imp crit(longsword), (+str) 13 WM 2 14 WM 3 15 WM 4, power attack 16 WM 5, (+str) 17 WM 6 18 WM 7, imp crit(spear) 19 WM 8 20 bard 4, (+str) 21 WM 9, EWF(longsword) 22 WM 10 23 WM 11 24 figh 9, EWS(longsword), (+str) 25 WM 12 26 WM 13, weapon of choice(spear) 27 bard 5, disarm 28 WM 14, (+str) 29 WM 15 30 WM 16, imp disarm, EWF(spear) 31 figh 10, EWS(spear) 32 WM 17, (+str) 33 WM 18, IKD 34 WM 19, armor skin 35 WM 20 36 WM 21, imp power attack, (+str) 37 WM 22, epic prowess 38 figh 11 39 figh 12, great strength, blind-fight 40 bard 6, (+str)
A nice little damage dealer there. I to feel that a WM build often gets somewhat feat-starved, because of the prereq's. Thats why I never invest in it with just 7 WM levels. I take a lot, like you do. Your AB is good, but not to good for a non-buffer. (Nearly non, at least ) So I agree on the PA part with Christian. I really don't think IPA to be of any use, unless you somewhere along the road gets into a battle of 20's. Then 10 extra damage becomes goooood. Its environmental, as always. Nice veteran to. Make him an middle-aged portrait and you're there.