On his 10th birthday Arashi got what he had always dreamed of - his first sword. He lived in a humble village but he had more than the other children. His father, Izande, was a legendary sword smith able to cast the most brutal weapon of the Samurai - the Katana. The king of his province would always purchase his swords for the best of his warriors when war was imminent.
As Arashi grew older, he was able to meet and befriend these great warriors, who at each passing would train Arashi with his new sword. Many years passed and many great warriors died in the battlefield but Arashi had trained with them all. One day, he would become one of the greatest warriors of all. When he had reached the age of 18, his father crafted him a Katana that he had started when Arashi was 12. He folded, sharpened, and worked the sword between orders for the king. He told Arashi it was his finest sword and that he would have no one but him wield it.
Word got out to the king that Izande crafted a sword unlike no other. The king was jealous and traveled to Izande’s black smithy. He demanded he turn over the sword for his personal body guard but Izande refused. In a furious rage, the king killed Izande where he stood. They searched for Arashi and his sword but he was nowhere to be found…
Days after his 18th birthday, Arashi decided to follow his inner spiritual path and traveled far to the west to live with the Monks. They had a great monastery with many books and elders who would pass knowledge down to those who were worthy. Arashi studied with them and fought by their side for 7 years. He had become a great warrior, and an even better tactician. Though he was never wise like the monks, he showed great intelligence in both tactics and enemy weaknesses.
When Arashi returned home, the villagers had explained what happened to Izande many years ago. Arashi visited his father’s grave and prayed…
What happens next is more myth than fact, but it is said that once Arashi mourned his father, he took up his father’s blade along with his own and traveled to the king’s palace. The king had hundreds of soldiers and many skilled archers but he somehow managed to maim or kill any that did not flee from his vengeance. In the end, the king sat dead in his thrown, his blood dripping down the blade Izande once owned.
No one knows what happened to Arashi since that day. Some believe he went back to the monastery to live the monks. Others believe he headed north to the great mountains for solace. One thing was for certain, after the king’s death, there was a long lasting peace in the land as it seemed no one wished to invade the province any more. ------------------------- Arashi the Humble Samurai Human Fighter 12 / Weaponmaster 19 / Monk 9
AB 48/43/38/33 (Mundane Katana) Dual Wield AB 44/39/34/29 44/39 (Mundane Katana) Damage Main 1-10+17 15-20x3 Damage Off 1-10+11 15-20x3 BAB 29 Base AC 23 HP 522(Max)
Saves: Fort 24 (+4 vs Spells) Reflex 24 (+4 vs Spells) Will 18 (+4 vs Spells)
Well, I am quite happy with this version. It's everything I wanted and more. Superior offense and great defense due to tumble, improved evasion, and wearing plate armor. The 9 levels of Monk really compliment this build. Thanks for everyone's input on the Original Humble Samurai thread in the making of this build. I can't wait to start playing it.
.... .... .... .... griphook ..Added Link
Edited By griphook on 09/23/05 20:26
Very nicely done! I have always thought about putting together such a build, but never got to it! Thanks for savin me the time
Might be considered bumping, but I really have to congrats the builder of this character
Its really impressive with a 13-20 Threat Range (keen weapon) and it hits very very hard and fast. An easy 7 attacks per round with haste, almost feels like my 10 attacks per round ftr/monk/rogue.
But this one just deals damage without it being sneak! I changed a few levels after lvl 20 for more monk, since I prefer monk lvls over the extra ftr/wm lvls. (better bonusses etc) But this is a really awsome build
Btw, how would you boost your AC the best?
Atm my server allows the following
Full plate+5 + Ring+5 + Haste Boots+4 + Barkskin potion+3 + (if needed) Tower shield +5 = giving it a total of 25 or 33 depending if you are using shield or not.
Its not bad, I do notice criticals do kill me a lot, but besides that it has decent saving throws and the imporved evasion helps a lot.
// Maniac_Mailman _________________ "Omnes morimur et quasi aqua dilabimur in terram, qua non revertuntur..." - Maniac_Mailman aka Nr|Five
Member of the Epic Character Builders Guild
This is a shameless bump. Very nice build for the dual-weild weapon master. I had been toying with the idea myself, but u saved me the trouble. Very solid.
It's funny, I couldn't agree more with the person that posted earlier that they had thought of something similiar. I feel like the guy in Jerry McGuire who is slapping Tom Cruise on the back, saying, "Someone finally said it!"
Ok, maybe not the most apt analogy, but regardless--this is a solid, very stylish build.
Good stuff. _________________ Favorite PW's: Hall of the Worlds, Higher Ground, World of Iniquity.
In looking at this build again I've got thoughts....
I'd suggest Armor Skin, Epic Wpn Focus and Epic Prowess be the WM bonus feats. It seems a shame to take EWF as a regular feat forcing you to blow a bonus feat on Epic Toughness (what's a mere 20 hit points at level 40?).
Maybe moving two fighter levels pre-epic would permit taking Wpn Spec as a pre-epic feat.
In these builds I try to get Monk 6 early for IKD. Maybe hit level 20 as Ftr 10/Mon 4/WM 6? Then take WM 7 for the bonus, then two Monk levels.
Going Ftr 11/Monk 10/WM 19 would cost one Epic Fighter Bonus Feat but gain you 1 AC - always nice for a dual-wielder. You could take 9 Monk levels early the take 10 late in life to boost Tumble.
I agree with everyone else - this is a nice build. Maybe we'll even see Cinn playing it one day?
Kaliban _________________ Intelligent design is neither. Science over superstition please.
Oh, thanks for the comments everyone. Yea, this guy really tears things up and looks good doing it. I was suprised to see the build back on page 1.
You make a good point Kaliban and I did think of that however, I wanted to get EWF and EWS early for playability. What you suggest is possible but would delay the two till post 30 since EWS requires EWF. But, if you wanted to wait for those two then yes, you would have one extra feat to play with. I agree Epic Tougness is less than ideal.
As far as AC is concerned, he is going to be limited by the equipment available. You can always swap in a shield for dire situations but he is more geared towards killing them before they kill you. My suggestion would be to let a DwD go in first and then slaughter the unsuspecting fools as they try to claw at the Dwarf.