Playable PvM (1-40) low-mid magic world, PvP (1-40).

I wanted to build a dual-wielder that could deal a lot of damage from all 3 phyiscal damage types, so The Tendorizing Tenor came forth. Blessed with great strength and a bunch of buffs that he really only needs for the tough fights he can literally chop his opponent down to size. and although Fighter/ Bard/ RDD builds have been made, I didn't see any similar to this. I have made a pure melee and DevCrit version of this build to suit any world's (or player's) fancy. I prefer the non-DevCrit one... but both get the job done.

Advantages: 6 attacks standard, lvl 16 Bard Song and Curse Song, Taunting, Lvl 6 Bard spells, 32 Strength base, Good AC along with Improved Invisiblity, WINGS!!!!, Immunity to Sleep, Fire and Paralysis, the ability to be an amazing pack mule with over 2000 lbs of stuff, build gets stronger with time.

Disadvantages: Saves not wonderful, AC leaves you open to attacks from strong creatures with Good sight, build gets stronger with time.

Race: Human
Class: Fighter 14/ Bard16/ Red Dragon Disciple 10
ST 14 (32)
DX 14 (15)
CO 14 (16)
WI 8
IN 14 (16)
CH 14 (16)

Level Class Notes
1 Fighter (1) Power Attack, WF(Handaxe), WF(Mace)
2 Bard (1)
3 Fighter (2) Cleave, Two-Weapon Fighting
4 Fighter(3) Dex(15)
5 Bard (2)
6 Fighter (4) WS (Handaxe), WS(Mace)
7 RDD (1)
8 RDD (2) Str(15)
9 RDD (3) Ambidexterity
10 RDD (4)
11 Fighter (5)
12 Bard (3) I2WF, Str(20)
13 RDD (5)
14 RDD (6)
15 RDD (7) Toughness
16 RDD (8) Str (21)
17 Bard (4)
18 Fighter (6) IC(Handaxe), IC(Mace)
19 Fighter (7)
20 Fighter (8) Great Cleave, Str(22)

Epic Level Class Notes
21 RDD (9) EWF(Handaxe)
22 RDD (10)
23 Bard (5)
24 Bard (6) EWF(Mace), Str(27)
25 Bard (7)
26 Fighter (9)
27 Fighter (10) EWS(Handaxe), EWS(Mace)
28 Bard (8) Str(28)
29 Fighter (11)
30 Fighter (12) Knockdown, IKD
31 Fighter (13)
32 Bard (9) Str(29)
33 Bard (10) Curse Song
34 Bard (11)
35 Bard (12)
36 Fighter (14) Armor Skin, Epic Prowess, STR(30)
37 Bard (13)
38 Bard (14)
39 Bard (15) Great Str(31)
40 Bard (16) STR (32)

HP- 400+
AB- Base (Fully Buffed)
Main Hand (Handaxe) 1-6+17 40/35/30/25 (1-6+19, +5 Slash, +3 Bludgeon, +2 Slash 51/46/41/36)
Offhand (Mace) 1-6+11 40/35 (1-6+12 +5 Slash, +3 Bludge, +2 Slash 51/46)

AC (in Full Plate)- 33 (41)

Saves- Fort 26(35) [28(37)], Reflex 20(29) [22(31)], Will 21(30) [23(32)]

* Not crucial to the build

Level Class Notes
1 Fighter (1) Power Attack, WF(Handaxe), WF(Mace)
2 Bard (1)
3 Fighter (2) Cleave, Two-Weapon Fighting
4 Fighter(3) Dex(15)
5 Bard (2)
6 Fighter (4) WS (Handaxe), WS(Mace)
7 RDD (1)
8 RDD (2) Str(15)
9 RDD (3) Ambidexterity
10 RDD (4)
11 Fighter (5)
12 Bard (3) Curse Song, Str(20)
13 RDD (5)
14 RDD (6)
15 RDD (7) I2WF
16 RDD (8) Str (21)
17 Bard (4)
18 Fighter (6) IC(Handaxe), IC(Mace)
19 Fighter (7)
20 Fighter (8) Great Cleave, Str(22)

Epic Level Class Notes
21 RDD (9) EWF(Handaxe)
22 RDD (10)
23 Bard (5)
24 Bard (6) EWF(Mace), Str(27)
25 Bard (7)
26 Fighter (9)
27 Fighter (10) EWS(Handaxe), EWS(Mace)
28 Bard (8) Str(28)
29 Fighter (11)
30 Fighter (12) OC(Handaxe), DC(Handaxe)
31 Fighter (13)
32 Bard (9) Str(29)
33 Bard (10) OC(Mace)
34 Bard (11)
35 Bard (12)
36 Fighter (14) DC(Mace), Epic Prowess, STR(30)
37 Bard (13)
38 Bard (14)
39 Bard (15) Great Str(31)
40 Bard (16) STR (32)

AB- Same as above
AC- 31
Saves are the same as well.

DevCrit DC- 41

*You also lose 40 HP from Toughness this way as well.

Edited By griphook on 10/07/05 21:49

Quote: Posted 10/04/05 20:11:35 (GMT) -- theshadow0015


I wanted to build a dual-wielder that could deal a lot of damage from all 3 phyiscal damage types, so The Tendorizing Tenor came forth.


Advantages: ... Lvl 6 Bard spells


just something i noticed. i think that you do not get 6th level bard spells without hitting 17th level bard or without some higher charisma (22+ i think).
also, how do you get three damage types from a mace (bludgeoning) and handaxe (slashing). you are missing piercing, aren't you? you get bludgeoning damage from bard song, so perhaps trading mace for dagger? or you could take morningstar and handaxe, which would give all three types.

nice build. a typical class combo with a new and different aim. quite powerful. i wouldn't want to get on this ones bad side in all out melee.

"You cannot pass!" SHOOT! I forgot to put my Longbow stats... all my characters typically carry one or a xbow since creatures can run and apparently climb to places you can't get...