Hi all

This is my first go at acually making a build that fits the way in which I want to play the game!
Pls feel free to drag it through the mud

First I must say that the race I play is Drow, I understand that this is not
avalible in all worlds however I belive that if you make builds that are not
suited to the world you play in then what is the point! If no drow in your
world please feel free to -2 from INT and Cha and disregard the spell res.

That said there are a few things that I wanted from a build and they are dual wielding,
spell casting, high AC and a decent melee presence. With all this in mind the build
that seemed to fit is;

Bard 14 / RDD 10 / PM 16

I have chosen the kukri as the weapon of choice and the reasons for this are;
alot of players overlook them as a weapon
the dual wielding pens are only -2 for each hand
I personally like the look of them (so important hate it when people build souly on stats!!
good critical threat range

I have never built with dev crit in mind however because of the kukri's it seemed to fit
as this is excatly what the weapon is designed for, a quick death!!

And so the singing kukri's are born....................


True Neutral

Stats; (all lvling stats to STR)

[start] [finish]
STR 16 (34)+12
DEX 16 (16)+3
CON 12 (14)+2
WIS 08 (08)-1
INT 12 (14)+2
CHA 16 (18)+4

01.ba [Two-Weapon Fighting]
03.ba [Weapon Prof Exotic]
06.ba [Amdidexterity]
09.ba [Weapon Focus Kukri]
12.rdd [Improved Crit Kukri]
15.rdd [Improved Two-Weapon Fighting]
18.rdd [Power Attack]
21.pm [Cleave]
22.ba {skill dump}
24.pm [Great Cleave]
27.pm [Overwhelming Crit Kukri]
30.pm [Dev Crit Kukri]
33.pm [Epic Weapon Focus Kukri]
34.pm [Epic Energy Res: Acid]*
36.pm [Epic Mage Armor]
39.pm [Armor Skin][Epic Warding]*
[or Hellball]*
40.ba {max skills}

bab = 24
[mundane kukri's]
ab (main hand) 37/32/27 (unbuffed)
ab (off hand) 37/32 (unbuffed)
+1 attack per round with haste
Dev crit DC = 42 (unbuffed)
Crit threat range (12-20)x2 {with keen cast}

Naked AC = 37 (no sheild or armor)

Saves: (unbuffed) (+7 spells)

fort = 22
will = 23
Reflex = 23

Spell resistance: 52

All class skills and immunities for Bard/Rdd/Pm, Elf/Drow
(to many to list )

Undead Graft DC = 22
Deathless Touch DC = 20

Max Hp 380 (no eqip or buffs)

Bard Song: (lvl 14)

+2Ab/+3Dam/+ 1Saves/+16HP/+3AC/+2Skill

Spells: Known/Day

lvl_0: 5/4
lvl_1: 4/5
lvl_2: 4/5
lvl_3: 4/5
lvl_4: 4/5
lvl_5: 3/4

Base Spell DC = 14+(spell lvl)

Skill Points: Accual/Finish

Spell Craft.......34/36

Pls Note that all values given are unbuffed and with no gear!!
as you could imagine some change dramatically!!

{legal stuff}
I know that this is not a new build as such however I have not followed another but
made it for what I want, so if another build is close im not claiming to have
invented it as such! I hope you enjoy!

ps. I think another ab point can be gained by a different lvling progression however
its to late to even contemplate thinking about it

CHEERS & BEERS Nice build, just one question that I can't figure out.

Where do you get the Spell Resistance of 52 from?

Otherwise it looks good, on first glance Errr..... But NWN with only the original expansions cannot have Drow o_o. Soz. Maybe it should be moved to the PRC builds section...
.:\_/:. Only those who have known darkness in
(OvO) their hearts will see the shadows in life...
.."..".. I only have NWN and the two expansions but i think they modded my player world to allow the drow a duerger chars... that is why I explained at the begining about the drow. However the build is essentially the same playing as an elf! Just a few less skill points and spells per day and like I said disregard the spell res..

52 comes from drow starting with 12 spell res and gaining 2 per char lvl. I f any builds look like yours? I doubt any other exact combination has been used so many times.

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Yeah, I know, one of those builds are mine. I made it before the search engine were born.

It makes for a strong AC build, this combination. You should mix your bard/RDD levels pre epic, to even your skill allocation out more. Hitting lvl 20 as 12 bard/8 RDD to maximise AB, which is not to great. It is possible for you to get 2 epic spells, if you take them at 39.

And 1 thing about the kukri. It's often overlooked you say. Its perhaps the most common dual-wield weapon if they can afford exotic prof.

Has a nice amount of self buffs to help some of his AB problems to, and song is undispellable.
Quote: Posted 10/12/05 14:13:47 (GMT) -- Wi11oW

52 comes from drow starting with 12 spell res and gaining 2 per char lvl.

Nice bonus being a drow on your world, even if a trifle unfair!