Edited By griphook on 10/30/05 22:48
Great build, I love it!Indeed, with the exception of the Palemaster's Demi-lich, and whatever an Epic Ranger summons as his Stalwart companion, I am hardpressed to pick anything better than the Epic Vrock. Casting a Concealment spell with a Bulls Strength on him makes him twice as deadly. But I understand your rationale, and your character maintains enough balance both offensively and defensively to help mitigate his loss.Quote: Posted 10/17/05 21:22:33 (GMT) -- Xylophone
Q: Why didn't you take Epic Fiendish Servant?
A: It didn't fit my concept of the build, which was someone who enjoys doing his own dirty work. I also question the value of most summons in epic levels, though I think the epic fiend is one of the top three
Quote: Posted 10/18/05 02:22:56 (GMT) -- Kaliban99
Great build, great write-up, and great story.
My only complaint is your use of the word 'screwhead' in the story. It threw me out of the story :/
Edited By Xylophone on 10/18/05 03:49
A blackguard. Cool. And getting nice strength and CHA to. I have a Dwarf build here with these classes, but he is very different.Edited By Jennalee on 10/18/05 14:37
Ah, I had missed that.Quote: Posted 10/18/05 14:35:44 (GMT) -- Jennalee
It's not that it works or doesn't work, it's that it needs 8d6 base sneak attack to be taken. Blackguard's sneak attack is different from the Rogue's (progresses every 3 levels after level 4 BG rather than every 2 levels from level 1) and they don't stack for that feat but they do for damage. I think you need BG 25 at least to take Imp. Sneak so he can't get it.
BTW, I really like this build.