The basic idea behind this build was to create another strong Ranger for melee, with reasonable prowess as well as having a few tricks up the sleave. A solid AB, HP, AC and saves were the primary goal. I wanted to get a first strike sort of thing, which is the reason for all of the initiative. A solid combat presence combined with a decent strategist.

Name: Forest Shadow
Classes: Ranger 23, Champion of Torm 10, Shadowdancer 7
Playable 1-40, PvM
Race: Human
Alignment: any non-evil

Starting Stats:

Str 14 to 26
Dex 14
Con 14 to 16
Wis 14
Int 14
Cha 8


1 Ranger1 - Dodge, WF: Scimitar, FE: Human
2 Ranger2
3 Ranger3 - Mobility
4 Ranger4
5 Ranger5 - FE: Undead
6 Ranger6 - Knockdown
7 Ranger7
8 Shadowdancer1
9 Champion of Torm1 - Blind Fight
10 Champion of Torm2 - Improved Knockdown
11 Ranger8
12 Shadowdancer2 - Improved Initiative
13 Champion of Torm3
14 Champion of Torm4 - Improved Critical: Scimitar
15 Ranger9 - Toughness
16 Champion of Torm5
17 Shadowdancer3
18 Ranger10 - FE: Elementals, Lightning Reflexes
19 Ranger11
20 Ranger12

21 Champion of Torm6 - Epic Skill Focus: Move Silently, Epic Weapon Focus: Scimitar
22 Shadowdancer4
23 Ranger13
24 Champion of Torm7 - Great Strength I
25 Champion of Torm8 - Epic Prowess
26 Ranger14
27 Shadowdancer5 - Great Strength II
28 Ranger15 - FE: Construct
29 Ranger16
30 Ranger17 - Superior Initiative
31 Champion of Torm9
32 Shadowdancer6
33 Ranger18 - Great Constitution I
34 Champion of Torm10 - Armor Skin
35 Ranger19
36 Ranger20 - Great Constitution II, FE: Dragon
37 Shadowdancer7
38 Ranger21
39 Ranger22 - Epic Will
40 Ranger23 - Bane of Enemies


Hide 43[45]
Move Silently 43[55]
Discipline 43[51]
Tumble 40[42]
Set Traps 19[21, 23 with synergy bonus]
Animal Empathy 21
Spot 43[45] - should see most things coming
Search 20[22] - can detect all deadly traps
Disable Trap 1[3, 5 with synergy bonus] (2cc)
Spellcraft 8[10] (16cc)


1: Camo, Resist Elem, Ultravis
2: Cat's Grace, One with Land, Protect from Elem
3: Aid, GMF, Invis Purge
4: Mass Camo, Freedom of Movement, Polymorph Self

HP: 546 max

AC: 22 naked (29-30 buffed with Large Shield and Chainshirt)

AB: 41/etc.


Fort: 31[33]
Reflex: 30[32]
Will: 27[29]


Good saves backed up with Slippery Mind, Evasion, Defensive Roll, Uncanny Dodge 2 (+1 vs traps)
Good HP
Decent AB
Decent AC
Ranger spells to buff animal and yourself
Stealth option, even with armour and shield (-6 to skills, -4 in chainshirt only)
Three different servants: Summon Shadow, Animal Companion, Dominated Animal
Trap Setting and recovery
General usefullness of healing and lore
First Strength-based meleer to strike with +12 to initiative
IKD sits you down to shut you up
HiPS for quick retreat and strategic movement
Darkvision, Shadow Daze, Shadow Evade, Trackless Step, free ITWF, FE's culminating with BoE
Not feat nor skill starved!

Basic strategy includes buffing animal companion, maybe shadow as well, and preparing traps ahead of time. Grab an animal to dominate and then make your stand. Make good use of stealth in really tough fights.

Comments, suggestions, ridicule all welcome. Well, maybe not so much on the ridicule...

“If you bring a Ranger with you, it is well to pay attention to him...”

Edited By griphook on 11/25/05 20:24

I would prefer to delay the last CoT level in order to pickup Bane of Enemies earlier.

33 Ranger18 - Epic Toughness I
34 Ranger19
35 Ranger20 - FE: Dragon
36 Ranger21 - Bane of Enemies
37 Shadowdancer7
38 Champion of Torm10 - Armor Skin
39 Ranger22 - Epic Will
40 Ranger23 - Epic Toughness II

Also, by switching the Great CON feats to Epic Toughness, you would keep the same HP and lose only +1 Fort, but since that save is already high enough it won't affect the build a lot. (I noticed Great Constitution is not a ranger bonus feat...) This is a good way to approach the Ranger class. My only suggestions would be to find a way to get more FEs and Bane earlier. 3 more Ranger levels would get you 2 more FEs and a stronger pet. Not sure what you would have to sacrifice though.

As it stands now, the only immediate change would be to postpone CoT5 until level 20 (since CoT5 is a "dead level" under its current condition, Divine Wrath won't be of much benefit). This will allow you to accelerate your Ranger levels to gain quicker access to spells and your 3rd FE.
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Ariel, Ookla, RIDE! To Saosin,

thanks. I like that leveling, but i do prefer the Great Cons over the Epic Toughnesses. While not critical, as you mentioned. Getting BoE earlier would be much better though. It wasn't one of my goals when building though. I think that anything which nets me BoE earlier, in retrospect, is good. Thanks.

To Grizz,

As I mentioned, I wasn't focusing on getting BoE, nor FE's, too early. I think that damage is alright by itself, but the boost is what makes Ranger so worthwhile. My main aim was, which i really should have mentioned but didn't because I am silly, is that I wanted to get the saving throw bonus feats from SD, the good saves from CoT, while having the Ranger as the primary class for the build. I did alright, but the BoE thing still kinda bugs me.

I think you are right. Pushing CoT5 to the end of pre-epic is a good move. Those Ranger levels just don't come in fast enough with those CoT levels in the way, but I needed them to be able to grab the initiative feats without sacrificing combat ability (which i already did to some extent by leaving out expertise, disarm and called shot).

btw, grizz, i am trying out the Journeyman Grim in HotU, with a small change - taking assassin levels one higher then listed to boost UMD more effectively. Pretty tough char. thanks.

This build, sadly, can't get much better, but its not too bad to being with. Unless someone comes up with a really inspired idea to help this char, which I would be glad to hear.

“If you bring a Ranger with you, it is well to pay attention to him...” I would give serious thought to dropping any SD until 22nd level - taking Ranger 16, then CoT 5 (this maximises your save potential by that point). Your BAB can reach 30 by doing this. You sacrifice your HIPS and Tumble until then, but lets be honest you can level to 22 fairly quickly all the same.

If you did leave it until epic, then both Dodge and Mobility can be taken later in the pre-epic stages, letting you take, KD, IKD, Toughness, Imp Crit, Imp Init earlier in the build.

I tried to understand how you got your skillspread on a base of INT 14. From that you only get 295 skillpoints:

Skill Ranks (Used)
Hide 43 (43)
MS 43 (43)
Disc 43 (43)
Tble 40 (45)
Spot 43 (43)
Srch 20 (20)
Lore 18 (18)
Heal 18 (18)
D.Trap 1 (2)
A.Emp 23 (23)
S.Trap 21 (21)
Spell 8 (16)

Total 329 (335)

Whilst on skills, perhaps of note is the synergy in Set and Disable Traps of a +2 bonus when you have 5 ranks in each.

How much do you really want SD 7? Is it just for Slippery Mind? Not sure how much safer I would feel being able to reroll my Will save.

I would consider taking Ranger 25 and SD 5 instead... as your FE bonus would raise by 1 point, you would gain an Epic Ranger Feat, allowing you take Epic Prowess there, and in turn freeing an epic CoT feat for Superior Initiative. This would give you an extra feat in epic that could be taken (perhaps ESF: Hide, Epic Fort or Reflex).

Again, perhaps Luck of Heros at 1st and dropping Lightning Reflex altogether (gain +1 to Fort, Will and Reflex instead of +2 Reflex only)

Just some thoughts for you
Quote: Posted 11/24/05 22:53:02 (GMT) -- I...Samphus

I would give serious thought to dropping any SD until 22nd level - taking Ranger 16, then CoT 5 (this maximises your save potential by that point). Your BAB can reach 30 by doing this. You sacrifice your HIPS and Tumble until then, but lets be honest you can level to 22 fairly quickly all the same.

true, but i thought that getting tumble early was a good idea. otherwise i might have gone for something more like HS instead of SD, and then used the epic feats gained there. also, with stacking cat's grace, it woulda been sweet. i think this idea has merit, but i decided that SD what more to offer. Tumble earlier, HiPS, evasion, slippery mind, defensive roll, uncanny dodge 2, shadow evade, summon shadow...a lot of perks for 7 levels of SD. whether BAB is 29 or 30, i thought made little different.


If you did leave it until epic, then both Dodge and Mobility can be taken later in the pre-epic stages, letting you take, KD, IKD, Toughness, Imp Crit, Imp Init earlier in the build.

true. potayto, potahto.


I tried to understand how you got your skillspread on a base of INT 14. From that you only get 295 skillpoints:

Skill Ranks (Used)
Hide 43 (43)
MS 43 (43)
Disc 43 (43)
Tble 40 (45)
Spot 43 (43)
Srch 20 (20)
Lore 18 (18)
Heal 18 (18)
D.Trap 1 (2)
A.Emp 23 (23)
S.Trap 21 (21)
Spell 8 (16)

Total 329 (335)

i don't know what i was thinking here. i checked my original layout and such, and i have no idea how those added up. something went screwy with my math. should read something more like this.

Hide 43[45]
Move Silently 43[55]
Discipline 43[51]
Tumble 40[42]
Set Traps 19[21, 23 with synergy bonus]
Animal Empathy 21
Spot 43[45] - should see most things coming
Search 20[22] - can detect all deadly traps
Disable Trap 1[3, 5 with synergy bonus] (2cc)
Spellcraft 8[10] (16cc)

sorry for the confusion. i offer up a heaping plate of suckling pig for the God of Edits, griphook, should he see this and perhaps change it for me.
***** *****
griphook .Changed
***** *****
Thanks for the catch, sam. this build no longer has the abundant skills points to play with, but still enough to fool around and tweek to your preferences.


Whilst on skills, perhaps of note is the synergy in Set and Disable Traps of a +2 bonus when you have 5 ranks in each.

good point. rather helpful. see above edit.


How much do you really want SD 7? Is it just for Slippery Mind? Not sure how much safer I would feel being able to reroll my Will save.

I would consider taking Ranger 25 and SD 5 instead... as your FE bonus would raise by 1 point, you would gain an Epic Ranger Feat, allowing you take Epic Prowess there, and in turn freeing an epic CoT feat for Superior Initiative. This would give you an extra feat in epic that could be taken (perhaps ESF: Hide, Epic Fort or Reflex).

i thought that the will save was good enough to warrant the slippery mind. the odds of failing both saves would be much lower than by itself. although the feat does come so late in the build that i doubt the effectiveness of it. your idea is again pretty good. ESF Hide isn't really necessary, but something like Epic Fort or Epic Reflex sure wouldn't hurt.


Again, perhaps Luck of Heros at 1st and dropping Lightning Reflex altogether (gain +1 to Fort, Will and Reflex instead of +2 Reflex only)

Just some thoughts for you

hmm...i debated that, but this means pushing other combat feats back a bit, unless i take your previous suggestion into account as well. this seems like a pretty good way to go about it (the combined thoughts, i mean. seperately they are intriguing but not buld shattering). i wanted to get relfex higher to make good use of defensive roll and evasion, but the one point different really isn't that big of a deal i suppose.

thanks for the comments and suggestions. any others are of course welcome.

“If you bring a Ranger with you, it is well to pay attention to him...”

Edited By griphook on 11/25/05 20:23