Two straight and very similar builds to slice through your enemies like there's no tomorrow. High AB, KD/IKD, called shot, blind fight, high damage output, decent saves (will apart), DR 9/- this guy is a melee master. My only regret is dwarves incredibly do not get weap prof: dwarven waraxe for free and therefore I had no room for it at all in the first build. In the second one could move FTR 7-8 preepic to make room for WP: exotic, foregoing 1 epic feat, which ends up to be epic thoughness after you rearrange feat selection (get EWS with CoT), so it's dwarven waraxe at the cost of 20 HP. First build gets +1 AB, second build +1 ST and +20 HP or +1 ST and WP:exotic (for dwarven waraxe). Just pick yours.
Fighter(6), Champion of Torm(8), Weapon Master(26) Dwarf, any non evil PvM playable 1-40, untested PvP (should fare well)
CoT really helps with the saves which would be abysmal otherwise. If you wanna get Ov.Crit/Dev.Crit it's easily done but I'll let you figure it out yourselves
Cheers, Kail _________________ Dilegua notte Tramontate stelle Tramontate stelle All'alba vinceṛ Vinceṛ Vinceṛ
Edited By griphook on 12/21/05 23:49
Great tank build literally overflowing with melee feat goodness.
Edited By Talamier on 12/21/05 22:17
Thanks, I would have liked to get also disarm/impr.disarm but there was no room for can't get everything
For griphook: I indicated twice any alignment when instead it is obvious the build has to be any non-evil. Wyvern eggs and mushrooms are getting ready...
griphook ..Mmm (drools) _________________ Dilegua notte Tramontate stelle Tramontate stelle All'alba vinceṛ Vinceṛ Vinceṛ
Edited By griphook on 12/21/05 23:56
Just a pity that CHA is so low making Divine Wrath useless.
On the other hand in an unbuffed straight fight, these would both be fearsome beasts.
Just a pity that CHA is so low making Divine Wrath useless.
On the other hand in an unbuffed straight fight, these would both be fearsome beasts.
The only way to pump up CHA was to either nerf STR (and therefore AB and damage) either CON (HP, ref save and access to EDR), so no way to go for this meleer. A real pity, I agree. We'll have to put CHA gear in the build's wishlist to make smite evil and divine wrath usable and give you (another) edge in tough fights. Another thing in the wish list is a cleric friend
Cheers, Kail _________________ Dilegua notte Tramontate stelle Tramontate stelle All'alba vinceṛ Vinceṛ Vinceṛ