Vitals Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Neutral Class Spread: Cleric (30), Monk (2), Divine Champion (8)
Starting Stats STR 08 (-1) DEX 15 (+2) CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 08 (-1)
Final Stats STR 08 (-1) DEX 15 (+2) CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) WIS 38 (+14) CHA 08 (-1)
Feat progression 1(C1): Toughness*, Ambidexterity, Domain Powers: Healing, Travel 2(C2): - 3(C3): Two Weapon Fighting 4(C4): - 5(C5): - 6(C6): Spell Focus: Evocation 7(C7): - 8(C8): - 9(C9): Extend Spell 10(C10): - 11(C11): - 12(C12): Empower Spell 13(C13): - 14(C14): - 15(C15): Improved Two Weapon Fighting 16(C16): - 17(C17): - 18(C18): Greater Spellfocus: Evocation 19(C19): - 20(C20): - 21(C21): Knockdown* 22(C22): - 23(C23): Epic Spellfocus: Evocation 24(M1): Weaponfocus: Kama 25(CoT1): - 26(CoT2): Great Wisdom I 27(CoT3): Great Wisdom II 28(CoT4): Great Wisdom III 29(CoT5): - 30(CoT6): Great Wisdom IV, Great Wisdom V 31(CoT7): - 32(CoT8): Great Wisdom VI 33(C24): Great Wisdom VII 34(C25): - 35(C26): Great Wisdom VIII 36(C27): Great Wisdom IX 37(C28): - 38(C29): Great Wisdom X 39(C30): Armorskin 40(M2): -
Ability Raises All ability raises to wisdom
Skill point spread Discipline: 43 Concentration: 43 Spellcraft: 42 Tumble: 40 Listen: 4 Open Lock: 1 Disarm Trap: 1
HP: 376 base AB (main) dual wielding, self buffed: 48/45/42/39/36/50/50 AB (off) dual wielding, self buffed: 48/45 AC: 57 self buffed (magic vest, emp owls, shield of faith, haste, UEF) Fort: 26 Reflex: 22 Will: 40
This character features maximum DC for evocation spells, especially implosion with an attainable DC of 48 if buffed and using +WIS equip (only+5 from items needed)
This character also dual wields for 9 attacks using dual kamas, divine power and haste, all self-buffed.
Using healing domain, the character can restore himself to full health very frequently and outlast opponents in melee even after the offensive spells have been exhausted.
The main difficulty when playing this char is that he is very feat starved. Getting Great WIS X surely takes a lot of feat investment which in turn is even worsened by the fact that this character also needs dual wield feats. Toughness and Knockdown can really be replaced by any other feat if you like. I found Epic Weaponfocus in Kama and/or Blind Fight also worth taking instead, but of course this build cannot have all 4 without losing other essential feats!
Note that above stats are naked with mundane items, no magical equipment involved. With equipment, this character will shine even more.
Corrected CoT for Divine Champion - Kail Pendragon _________________ Inactive for a while
Edited By Kail Pendragon on 04/11/06 13:00
Is Divine Champion Champion of Torm? Or else you are in the wrong forums.
You can't take WF: Kama when you do either, since you don't have prof with it yet. Take monk1 on char lvl 21 and you're set though. _________________ I see the fear you have inside, you can run but never hide. I will hunt you down and tear you limb from limb.
I run the Pre-Epic Builders guild. Join and share your experience.
Yes, Divine Champion is CoT. I used DC instead since that would distinguish it from Cleric in the build outline (saves a few letters) and I've been playing with the toolset too much where CoT == DC
And correct about the WF, I mixed the two levels up fixing that as we speak _________________ Inactive for a while
Much as having a maxed WIS stat is great, bear in mind that you only gain one point to your spellcasting DC by starting WIS at 18. Same is true of your Will Save, and you lose 1 x 2nd and 1 x 6th level spell.
Personally starting at WIS 16 would allow you to put 2 points into DEX - giving you a DEX modifier of 3, thereby raising your Base Reflex save by 1 point. You could also raise CON by 4 points, giving you a further 80 hitpoints and Base Fort save by 1 point also.
It could be well worth it IMHO. After all if you can't beat a DC of 47 (Max possible Implosion DC with base WIS of 16 and capped WIS through items) is one more point really going to solve your problems?
Food for thought.
Edited By I...Samphus on 02/14/06 05:08
you cant be evil when you go cot.
the ab is crap for a cleric , why dont you use the nioce feat called zenatchery?
Much as having a maxed WIS stat is great, bear in mind that you only gain one point to your spellcasting DC by starting WIS at 18. Same is true of your Will Save, and you lose 1 x 2nd and 1 x 6th level spell.
Personally starting at WIS 16 would allow you to put 2 points into DEX - giving you a DEX modifier of 3, thereby raising your Base Reflex save by 1 point. You could also raise CON by 4 points, giving you a further 80 hitpoints and Base Fort save by 1 point also.
It could be well worth it IMHO. After all if you can't beat a DC of 47 (Max possible Implosion DC with base WIS of 16 and capped WIS through items) is one more point really going to solve your problems?
Food for thought.
I am aware that the 1 point in DC isn't going to make that much of a difference but in some cases it just might as 5% extra chance can make a difference. The purpose of this build is really to have max DC and a strong offense, the best of both worlds so to say.
While I could gain 6 points from dropping WIS to 16, the extra bit of HP and 1 pt of AC isn't going to make much of a difference either. With all those heal spells you likely won't be dying much unless you of course meet a timestopper but thats more likely in PvP and not much one can do against a pure arcane caster as cleric anyway besides being quicker and getting that implosion off
the ab is crap for a cleric , why dont you use the nioce feat called zenatchery?
The build is LN, are you sure we are talking the same build?
The AB notably is for Mundane Kama and nothing else on the character. If you can get a better weapon or some boosts from items, it only gets better. Also, with Zen Archery this build would have 4 attacks less which likely isn't too great. Besides, you can't buff a bow, but you can buff a kama and CoT requires focus in a melee weapon _________________ Inactive for a while
Well you didn't list your unbuffed AB which is 25 and max AB 51. _________________ Fanget av begravelsen pines vi av guds godhet ingen flammer, intet hat de hadde rett vi kom til Helvete...
Max AB possible would be 24 (base with 8 STR) + 1 (focus) +6 (+12 STR) + 20 (buffs) = 51 or 49 dual wielding. _________________ Inactive for a while
Until this build gets his kama/Monk training at Epic levels, it would appear to wield dual maces. I find this very appealing -- rather life the bass drummer in a marching band giving his sticks a twirl before striking. Too bad we can't craft maces with leather thongs for the same purpose: the animation sequence would be worth watching.
On a more serious note, a strength of 8 means carrying capacity of 73 lbs, which is do-able for a Dex based monk, when your super-WIS = AC bonus, but how do you campaign at lower levels with such a low cc?
Otherwise, it looks like a fun build, and I'm enjoying it (level 4 so far) Thank you!
I think you are giving up too much for the high Wis. Even fully buffed, your AB is only 51 (49 when dual-wielding), which is pretty low at level 40. I would drop starting Wis to 16, and bump Str to 14 (with no Weapon Finesse, you are taking a -1 to AB the whole build). I would also drop 2 Great Wis feats for Epic Weapon Focus and Epic Prowess. These will cost you a grand total of 4 is (2 AC and 2 spell DC), but gain you +6 AB, +3 to damage and some carrying capacity. I would also drop 1 Cleric level and 1 Monk level for CoT - this will gain you another Epic bonus feat.
Last, I would make a decision about this character - is he a melee character, or a spell caster? Right now he looks like a caster to me, but not very effective at melee due to the low AB and damage output. If he is a caster, drop the TWF feats for some metamagic feats and leave the wisdom high like you have it (he will rely on Harm, Hammer of the Gods, and Implosion, and only melee as a last resort).
If he is a melee character, drop starting Wis to 16, and only bump it to 20. Start Str at 14 and put the rest into Str, and take the combat feats I mentioned above. Drop Cleric to 26 levels (buffs can't be dispelled) and add 2 COT levels and some early monk levels (go Cleric 16 Monk 2 CoT 2 pre-epic, take the last 2 monk levels at 27 and 37). You can end up at around 26 Str, take all the combat feats, and have a decent AB (37-38 unbuffed, can reach 63-64 buffed).
the AB is terrible drop 29 of those cleric levels and replace it with COT
the AB is terrible drop 29 of those cleric levels and replace it with COT
PrCs are limited to 30 lvls _________________ Stand and fight, live by your heart Always one more try, I'm not afraid to die Stand and fight, say what you feel Born with a Heart of Steel!
Edited By Kail Pendragon on 03/07/06 15:17
Just to update, I have discussing with a mate the other day and found that the build can be improved by going 32 cleric/ 2 monk / 6 CoT as the casterlevel improves by 2 at the cost of +1 saves only (well and a few hp)
Also, taking 16 cleric, 1 monk 3 CoT can improve saves for the build in general while it will weaken the build slightly due to getting a lower tumble initially (which is really only a loss of 1 AC temporarily and thus no big deal) ->note BAB will stay at 15 this way
I've played the build for a while now and its doing quite well. You also have the option of dropping dual wield for some extra HP and 3 free feats which can be quite useful if you don't mind losing 2 attacks. _________________ Inactive for a while