Edited By Grimnir77 on 05/17/09 15:03
I would skip the auto-quicken feats. If you are hasted, they have no effect, and since you can cast haste, you should almost always be hasted even without perma-haste items, which you will probably also have.Edited By I...Samphus on 02/15/06 15:16
Well, in that case I would take CC and ICC, and still have 2 left (maximize and armor skin, or auto-silent I-II, or EP and Armor Skin, etc.). Four feats is a lot to spend just to avoid AoO's, especially since once you take the Bard level and bump Tumble you will be able to avoid them anyway.Quote: Posted 02/15/06 15:39:20 (GMT) -- Tattoed Monk
Well, in that case I would take CC and ICC, and still have 2 left (maximize and armor skin, or auto-silent I-II, or EP and Armor Skin, etc.). Four feats is a lot to spend just to avoid AoO's, especially since once you take the Bard level and bump Tumble you will be able to avoid them anyway.