Champion of Mystra (Paladin 17 / Wizard 23)
Playable 1-40, PvE

Lawful Good

Str 16 (28)
Dex 10
Con 12
Wis 14
Int 15 (20)
Cha 8

1 Paladin (1) - Weapon Focus: Longsword, Toughness
2 Paladin (2)
3 Paladin (3) - Knockdown
4 Paladin (4) - STR 17
5 Paladin (5)
6 Paladin (6) - Power Attack
7 Paladin (7)
8 Paladin (8) - STR 18
9 Paladin (9) - Cleave
10 Paladin (10)
11 Paladin (11)
12 Paladin (12) - Empower Spell, STR 19
13 Paladin (13)
14 Paladin (14)
15 Paladin (15) - Extend Spell
16 Wizard (1) - STR 20
17 Wizard (2)
18 Wizard (3) - Still Spell
19 Wizard (4)
20 Paladin (16) - STR 21

21 Wizard (5) - Epic Weapon Focus: Longsword, Great Intelligence I*
22 Wizard (6)
23 Wizard (7)
24 Wizard (8) - Epic Prowess, STR 22
25 Wizard (9)
26 Wizard (10) - Great Intelligence II*
27 Wizard (11) - Great Strength I
28 Wizard (12) - STR 24
29 WIzard (13)
30 Wizard (14) - Great Strength II
31 Wizard (15) - Great Intelligence III*
32 Wizard (16) - INT 19
33 Wizard (17) - AutoStill I
34 Wizard (18)
35 Wizard (19)
36 Wizard (20) - AutoStill II, Epic Warding*, STR 26
37 Wizard (21)
38 WIzard (22)
39 WIzard (23) - Great Strength III, AutoStill III*
40 Paladin (17) - STR 28

AB 41 - [BAB 28 + Str 9 + WF 1 + EFW 2 + EP 1]
AC 25 - [Base 10 + Plate 8 + Tower 3 + Tumble 4]

AB 56 - [41 + Emp Bulls 3 + Divine Favor 5 + GMW 5 + Aid 1 + Prayer 1]
AC 38 - [25 + Cats Grace 1 + Mage Armor 4 + Haste 4 + Shadow Shield 4]

Fortitude 21
Reflex 16
Will 20
(+8 to saves versus spells with max Spellcraft)
(also, an Emp. Eagles Splendor with Aura of Glory could give a possible +3 to saves)

HP 342

Recommended Skills
Concentration - max
Discipline - max (when possible)
Spellcraft - max (when possible)
Taunt - max (when possible)
Tumble - 20


Build Notes:

I'm not particularly happy with this build, but as I didn't see anything too close, I thought that I'd post it as it isn't necessarily *bad*. My main goal was to take a mage class and tie it to a class that could boost its AB. Cleric was my first choice, but Paladin stood out as it needed less Wisdom.

I know that it seems strange to take a Paladin class and marry it to a Wizard instead of a Sorcerer, but I was finding that without the 4 bonus meta-magic feats that the Wizard gets, I was having to sacrifice too much in terms of my Strength or Wisdom score to achieve the 19 in my spellcasting stat (as well as AutoStill).

I'm not exactly "happy" with it as it is mediocre at combat and weak-to-average at spellcasting. But the arcane line of protections can be very usefull against other spellcasters (spell mantle, shadowshield) and the HolySword can be used to strip buffs (although I don't quite understand the mechanics of it). Most wizard spell will be of the buffing type or the no-save-hope-they-dont-have-SR type. It definately playes as a buffed meleer and not a spell-flinger.

Things I like about it:
- Good solid AB and AB boosting spells (+7 to AB with Divine Favor, Aid, Prayer)
- Decent pre-epic AC with Full Plate and a Tower Shield
- All Paladin buffs reach full potential in pre-epic levels
- Level 9 Wizard spells cast in full armor with no spell failure
- Strength isn't *terribly* gimped in a build that casts both from Wisdom and Intelligence.
- Epic Warding
- Spell Mantles to protect against IGMS, Bigby's and such.

Things that I DON'T like about it:
- Wizard spells come verrrrry late in the build
- No Charisma boost to saves
- Can only cast autostilled spells at the end of the build
- Only a 50% chance of beating standard toolset SR
- Weak Saves
- Low HP (can be boosted with Emp. Endurance to 462)

While I found it playable, it wasn't stellar; and I imagine that there is still some room for improvement or tweaking (perhaps trading Power Attack and Cleave for some much-needed save boosting feats).

Anyway, thanks for your input.

Cheers. Power attack and cleave are both feats you can get rid of, certainly.

As for SR, you can still deal with it reasonably well by using Mordekainen's Disjunction, it reduces enemy SR by 10 for a bit. Not something to rely on if spells are your main offense but with this build, I'd probably fill my 9th level spell slots with disjunctions. The level 7 bigby will do fine for you since you can just beat things to death after they're stopped.
Experience is the mother of good judgement; bad judgement is the father of experience. Not a bad build at all, I think it should work well with the paladin buffs to increase your AB. I'll echo that you can drop power attack and cleave and pick up a couple of other feats, maybe IKD and lightning reflexes (or spell penetration and greater spell penetration). As long as you aren't fighting a pure wizard or sorcerer you should be able to keep your defensive wizard buffs up and shadow shield and mind blank effectively cover the low fortitude and will saves. The only real draw backs are the low reflex saves and hitpoints. As for bypassing SR, you can use mord's as was pointed out or even the spell breaches (I believe greater spell breach lowers SR by 5 which should be enough for you to land spells in combat.)
Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do. Giving it a bit more thought, drop the paladin level at level 40 and take a bard level instead, that way you can raise your tumble to 40, and maybe a couple of other skills. Actually this gives me an idea...
Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do.