1. Cleric 1. Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Toughness. 2. Cleric 2. 3. Cleric 3. Weapon Focus: Longsword. 4. Cleric 4. +1 to Strength. 5. Cleric 5. 6. Cleric 6. Power Attack. 7. Cleric 7. 8. Cleric 8. +1 to Strength. 9. Cleric 9. Extend Spell. 10. Cleric 10. 11. Champion of Torm 1. 12. Champion of Torm 2. Cleave, Improved Critical: Longsword. +1 to Strength. 13. Champion of Torm 3. 14. Champion of Torm 4. Great Cleave. 15. Champion of Torm 5. Blind Fight. 16. Cleric 11. +1 to Strength. 17. Cleric 12. 18. Cleric 13. Called Shot. 19. Cleric 14. 20. Cleric 15. +1 to Strength. 21. Champion of Torm 6. Great Strength I. Epic Weapon Focus: Longsword. 22. Champion of Torm 7. 23. Cleric 16. 24. Champion of Torm 8. Great Strength II. Overwhelming Critical: Longsword. +1 to Strength. 25. Champion of Torm 9. 26. Cleric 17. 27. Cleric 18. Great Strength III. 28. Cleric 19. +1 to Strength. 29. Cleric 20. 30. Cleric 21. Armor Skin. 31. Cleric 22. 32. Cleric 23. Great Wisdom I. +1 to Strength. 33. Cleric 24. Great Strength IV. 34. Cleric 25. 35. Cleric 26. Great Wisdom II. 36. Cleric 27. Great Strength V. +1 to Strength. 37. Cleric 28. 38. Cleric 29. Great Wisdom III. 39. Champion of Torm 10. Devastating Critical: Longsword. Great Strength VI. 40. Bard 1. +1 to Strength. (Note: Domains are of course to be changed depending on server items. I took Healing and Good only becuase those are two of Torm's Domains. And if you want to make this even more, ermmm..."Tormy," go Greatsword, but remember you're taking a rather large hit on AC.) (Another Note: You can get Dev Crit a lot earlier if you'd like, but CoT is taken at Level 39 to somewhat max Discipline.) Ending
Skills Concentration: 43. Discipline: 43. Spellcraft: 43. Taunt: 43. Tumble: 40. Free: 5. (Suppose you could put them in perform and pick up the very minute bonus the song would give you? *Shrug.*)
HP: (28x10)+(10x12)+(8x1)=408.
AC: Base Plate/Tower Shield: 30. +5 to all types of AC, Haste: 54.
AB: Base Longsword: +40/+35/+30/+25. Longsword +5, +12 to STR: +51/+46/+41/+36. Longsword +5, +12 to STR(War Domain could get you this mundane.), Fully Buffed(Bless, Aid, Divine Favor, Divine Power, Battletide, Prayer): +66/+61/+56/+51. (+6 from Taunt to +72/+67/+62/+57.)
Saves: Base/Buffed. (+8 Against spells, of course.) Fort: 29/31. Reflex: 23/25. Will: 29/31. Critiques? Praise? Threats?
Added class level to leveling guide - Kail Pendragon
Edited By Kail Pendragon on 07/20/06 20:47
I'll be fast, have got just a few minutes. Bard has got Discipline as a class skill no need for CoT to max it. Get that Dev Crit earlier lad. Also pump up your WIS first, you spend a long time without access to higher level spells and that ain't wise.
I'd move 2-3 CoT lvls in Epic, drop Called Shot, get EP and most importantly exploit Divine Power. That way the fourth attack would be at full AB instead of -15
I'd pick Trickery and War as domains, they are an excellent choice for a battle priest.
Next time remember to put class levels in the leveling guide
Cheers, Kail _________________ Looking for a realm of adventure? Check out World of Greyhawk, you won't regret it.
*Smacks himself in the head.* Yeah, I forgot Bard got Discipline as a Class Skill(Because...I always thought they shouldn't, but...Eh. ). Mmmm, but yeah, get it earlier in that case.
It looks very nice, Cleric and CoT were made for each other, quite the little monster you have here. My one complaint is the fortitude save. If you plan to PvP in a dev. crit. environment it's a good bet your opponent has dev. crit. as well and your forititude save isn't up to the task. I have a few suggestions that can shore that weakness up a bit and make your build better.
Drop toughness for knockdown, your final hitpoints won't change if you made the change I suggested above and you'll get a +1 to your fortitude save. Knockdown is awesome, you get +4 against a prone opponent and while an opponent is prone he can't cast spells or attack you.
Quote: 11. Champion of Torm 1. 12. Champion of Torm 2. Cleave, Improved Critical: Longsword. +1 to Strength. 13. Champion of Torm 3. 14. Champion of Torm 4. Great Cleave. 15. Champion of Torm 5. Blind Fight. 16. Cleric 11. +1 to Strength. 17. Cleric 12. 18. Cleric 13. Called Shot.
Change this to: 11. Champion of Torm 1. 12. Champion of Torm 2. Cleave, Improved Critical: Longsword. +1 to Strength. 13. Cleric 11. 14. Cleric 12. 15. Cleric 13. Blind Fight. 16. Cleric 14. +1 to Strength. 17. Cleric 15. 18. Cleric 16. Great Cleave.
Take the other CoT levels in epic levels. This way you pick up another +1 to fortitude and will saves, you lose one AB and an attack. But you can get the attack back with Divine power and you'll get it at your max AB instead of at -15. With the extra epic feat, take epic prowess. You lost one strength, by changing the starting attributes, so drop one great strength for an epic fortitude. Your final strength will be reduced by 1 but your AB won't be reduced because the epic prowess, this will net you a further +4 to fortitude. I'll also echo, taking devastating critical as soon as possible.
So in total, from these changes, you would lose 1 AB, 1 point of damage and 1 from your Dev. Crit. DC and one attack at -15. You would gain +6 to foritude, +1 to will and an attack at full AB when buffed. This should make you more dev. crit. proof as well as make you immune to implosion clerics. _________________ Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do.
Ariel, Ookla, RIDE!
I too love the synergy of cot/cleric (see my elven priest build). I like the way this build is done (as I too, in the past have liked my clerics to have 16+ab at 20), but I am finding the truth that leaving it at 15 (full cleric ab) at 20 IS much more beneficial (as has been suggested). The ONLY real negative I've heard about this is "I dont want to rely on a short term buff for my ab". Here's the thing with that, your cleric can really either be a caster OR a meleeist. It is very hard to do BOTH in the same build (yes, you can get by as the opposite, but you really cant excel at both, this is testament to the power of the cleric class). So, what this means is that at the low lvl slots, what a melee cleric should do is, after they have the EXTENDED buffs (or with this many cleric lvls, regulars), you add all the availables as divine favs and powers. My cleric routinely has 18 favs (reg and extended) and about 6 d pwrs, and he is lv 20. You get +10 ab!! and it takes only a second. remember, IF you get trouble, you can ALWAYS have Harms memd to get you out of that.
Sorry for the longness, but I just wanted to point out that a cleric doesnt need to have the 16+bab. Especially with all the strength! Take from this what you will, but its from a reformed 16+bab cleric lover _________________
I think avado answered your question like no other could...
I couldn't ask for better critques/suggestions. Much appreciated, guys. Will write up the changes and post the new version on this thread pretty soon. ^^
This is very good, and even better with Mith's suggestions.
Way to go, DragonRaider (and Mith)! _________________ "With Europe liberated, the people of the world turned their attention to that old devil, the United States of America [...] We taught that monster of old the true meaning of freedom." Star Wreck
(Thanks go out to Mith, and everyone else who offered their oppinions/suggestions.)
1. Cleric(1). Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Knockdown. 2. Cleric(2). 3. Cleric(3). Weapon Focus: Longsword. 4. Cleric(4). +1 to Wisdom. 5. Cleric(5). 6. Cleric(6). Power Attack. 7. Cleric(7). 8. Cleric(8). +1 to Strength. 9. Cleric(9). Extend Spell. 10. Cleric(10). 11. Cleric(11). (Heh, I messed up here, should be CoT. But it doesn't actually make a difference. ) 12. Champion of Torm(1). +1 to Strength. Improved Critical: Longsword. 13. Champion of Torm(2). Cleave. 14. Cleric(12). 15. Cleric(13). Blind Fight. 16. Cleric(14). +1 to Strength. 17. Cleric(15). 18. Cleric(16). Great Cleave. 19. Cleric(17). 20. Cleric(18). +1 to Strength. 21. Champion of Torm(3). Great Strength I. 22. Champion of Torm(4). Epic Weapon Focus: Longsword. 23. Champion of Torm(5). 24. Champion of Torm(6). Epic Prowess, Great Strength II. +1 to Strength. 25. Champion of Torm(7). 26. Champion of Torm(8). Overwhelming Critical: Longsword. 27. Champion of Torm(9). Great Strength III. 28. Champion of Torm(10). Devastating Critical: Longsword. +1 to Strength. 29. Cleric(19). 30. Cleric(20). Armor Skin. 31. Cleric(21). 32. Cleric(22). +1 to Strength. 33. Cleric(23). Great Strength IV. Great Wisdom I. 34. Cleric(24). 35. Cleric(25). 36. Cleric(26). Great Strength V. Great Wisdom II. +1 to Strength. 37. Cleric(27). 38. Cleric(28). 39. Cleric(29). Great Wisdom III. Epic Fortitude. 40. Bard(1). +1 to Strength.
AB: Down One, and one less attack unbuffed. (However, buffed you have a fourth attack at full AB, instead of -15 AB.)
Saves: (Base/Buffed) (+8 Against spells, of course.) Fort: 35/37. Reflex: 23/33. Will: 31/33.
Edited By Grimnir77 on 07/22/06 11:17
Way to go, Dragon (and Mith)!!
Dev crit now coming into your 30s, - YAYYY!! Better saves, and super nice vs. spells, plus gets yer AB back etc. with all that divine stuff. Also, with epic cleric, some really great protections, too - which non-holy warrior types (i.e., non-holy sword wielder) don't so quickly cut through - Cool! This is a nice monster, indeed, with lots of utility/versatility.
Just for fun, could toss those extra skill points into perform (that'd give ya a whopping +1 AB and +1 damage, but, er . . . for what it's worth, toss it into UMD or something instead (UMD works in multiples of 5); might even consider dropping a few more skill points into UMD from something else but, with all those awesome cleric spells, buffs, etc. of yours to choose from, not really necessary. Dragon: well done, and nice going!!
Sling & Slash On ~ Tyr
p.s. that's dev crit, not dev strength you mean, yes? although a cleric with str/dev crit, that's pretty dev., too -
Edited By TyrTemplar on 07/21/06 21:00
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...I got a D- in Proofreading, eh? Yes, it's Dev Crit, not strength.