Edited By Grimnir77 on 08/23/06 12:05
Dear Lord, Tyr. That's the closest thing to a masterpiece I've seen in a long time. That's sexeh. Good job, mate.Edited By Cinnabar Din on 08/20/06 02:03
It looks good Tyr, really well done. There are a couple of tweaks that might make it slightly better.Quote: Posted 08/20/06 01:50:44 (GMT) -- Blake Whelm
Dear Lord, Tyr. That's the closest thing to a masterpiece I've seen in a long time. That's sexeh. Good job, mate.
Edited By TyrTemplar on 08/23/06 03:47
One thing I dont understand. How can you get epic dodge at level 24 when one of the prerequisitions is 30 ranks in tumble?Quote: Posted 08/23/06 10:17:19 (GMT) -- blixen71
One thing I dont understand. How can you get epic dodge at level 24 when one of the prerequisitions is 30 ranks in tumble?
Edited By Ariel Thomas on 07/17/07 09:51
Thanks for the informationQuote: Posted 07/17/07 23:39 (GMT) -- Rabbac
Thanks again for the reply, after some thought though i might just go 17 rogue, 1 sd and 22 wiz. 15 rogue and 1 sd 4 wiz should comue out with the same baband a little more wiz power!!
Quote: Posted 07/18/07 16:53 (GMT) -- Rabbac
I'm sure your right mr moderator but why?
Arent Rogue and SD in the same category for bab? does that mean if i go 5 wm and 11 fighter and 4 wiz for example i would loose bab? As opposed to say 12 fighter and 4 wm and 4 wiz?
Your really learn so much on here lol
Thank you all for your response.. i'm off to lie down now cos my head hurts with so much information lol.Quote:
...and now, for that info:
AB - avail. enhancements:
+3 Emp. Cat’s
+5 GMW
+9 Tenser’s Transformation
+20 True Strike (short, hence of questionable duration, but for sneakinng/rogue purp -- auto.provides +20 Weap. Cap, and nice to know you have)
Damage Enhancements (illustrative)
Tenser’s, raises your STR to 20 (so, +5 dam/str. mod.)
+5 GMW
1d4, +10 flame weapon (note: stacks w. other dam. enhancements, as in, UMD/darkfire scroll, etc.)
Other Enhancements:
Greater Spell Breach: strips enemy of protections
Mord’s Disjunction: ult. Magic-stripper: Click Here
Ultimate Offense: Time Stop (enjoy)
Shape-Shifting (special abilities/enhancements, in case you need "something else" in a pinch):
You also have polymorph and shapechange as req’d, so can change into i.e. umberhulk for auto./perma true seeing for eg., undead/zombie for immunity to sneak, criticals (denying a dev.critter of his/her dev.crit? awww![]()
For more info, see above link (spells)
Damage, Other (remember, you've the empowered feat)
Damage Shields (wonderful-each time someone hits you, they take damage!):
Death Armor 1d4+5 – on hit dam.
Mestil’s Acid Sheath: 1d6+2/caster (at 18, 1d6+36) – no save, ignores SR, etc.(enemy monk w. a gazillion apr buggin you? No problem, watch 'em apre-on to his/her own death![]()
Need some allies?
You've various Summons, incl: Mord’s Sword: a faithful powerful sword/helmed horror, http://www.nwnwiki.org/Helmed_horror ; Black Blade of Disaster: http://www.nwnwiki.org/Black_blade_of_disaster
What about damaging w.o getting your hands dirty?
Mestil’s acid breath: 10d6 cone of effect
Melf’s acid arrow (single target): 3d6 acid dam, +1d6 dam./round for 1 round/3 caster levels
Evard’s tentacles: 1d4+(1 per caster level, to max. +20 tentacles): each doing 1d6+4 bludgeoning to target (w. chance to paralyze, barring fort save- ignores spell resist., but keep in mind small creatures (ie. Gnomes, Halflings) are completely immune)
Other (remember, can be empowered):
My personal fave -- Ice Storm: http://www.nwnwiki.org/Ice_storm (and has no save)
Meteor Storm: 20d6 dam. all in area of effect (refl. ½),
Chain Lightning: at 18 caster, 18d6 electrical damage to initial target, and ½ that to his/her allies (refl. ½)
Finger of Death: assuming fort save avoidin' death (hey, can always roll a "1"), still take 3d6+18 dam.
Power word, stun: barring immunity to mind-effects, target is Stunned
Now, use your rogue/sneak, and go finish what’s left standing …
Some notes re: DEFENSE:
In addition to what’s listed,
Special: re, defense note – how to give yourself +20 dodge AC (self-buff to cap):
Shadow Conjuration: mage armor:
“The dodge AC from this spell will stack with the dodge AC from the level 1 mage armor spell if cast first. If cast again after the level 1 mage armor, it will not stack, but an additional level 1 mage armor will. This sandwich effect can be carried until the target has hit the +20 dodge AC cap.”
Improved Invisibility: in addit. to giving you invis., unlike invis., doesn't end when you strike, but rather becomes 50% concealment when you strike
Greater Spell Mantles: absorbs incoming spells;
Various DR spells, elemental resistances, etc.
Other (worthy mentions-and formulae):
- Bigby’s Interposing hand: lowers target’s AB -10 (thus raises your AC +10)
- Bigby’s Forceful Hand (Bullrush): Bull rush works as follows: caster rolls 1d20 + 14 versus the target's roll: 1d20 + target's strength modifier + target's size modifier
- Bigby’s Grasping Hand: http://www.nwnwiki.org/Bigby%27s_grasping_hand
- Bigby’s Clenched Fist: 1d8+11 dam./round (for 1 round/caster lev.), plus chance of stunning http://www.nwnwiki.org/Bigby%27s_clenched_fist
- Bigby’s Crushing Hand: http://www.nwnwiki.org/Bigby%27s_crushing_hand
Ultimate protection Spell: Timestop, and saunter on out![]()
Quote: Posted 07/20/07 17:52 (GMT) -- Rabbac
Thanks also to the Grizzled one glad to see your still alive and kicking in the forums.. ive read many of your storiesPity you dont all play on GvM (ive played there for 5 years now and still know nothing hee hee.