Edited By Kail Pendragon on 10/12/07 16:03
Looks sweet Grizz. Only thing I might suggest as a tweak is perhaps taking FTR 15 at around level 32 or so, just to top out Discipline ranks, then move the PM levels accordingly. Delays your last Energy Resist feat by 2 levels.Quote: Posted 09/17/06 21:09:31 (GMT) -- Cinnabar Din
.. One myth has them as a race of people that Zeus created from ants. They were extremely hardy and effective warriors and fanatically loyal. Achilles commanded and led a group of them at Troy.
Quote: Posted 07/24/06 22:47:54 (GMT) -- FinneousPJ
You should listen to avado![]()
Quote: Posted 09/17/06 22:04:38 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
Very true, Cin.
But also, for those who can harken back to the days of yore-- the days of 1st Edition, when the player's handbook cover was a giant statue of an efreet with thieves crawling upon his shoulders to pry out the gem-ensocketed eyes-- one will recall that each class had titles given to them as they leveled up. A first lvl Ftr was a "Veteran", and a 1st lvl Magic-user was a "Prestidigatator,", et cetera. And it was, I believe, at level 6 when a Fighter was given the title of "Myrmidon". Of the 9 titles given to fighters, that was always my favorite of the bunch.