Torm Cleric - Cleric(15), Weapon Master(24), Bard(1)
Human, Chaotic good (any non lawful goes)
PvM and PvP, Playable from 1-40

STR: 16 (26)
DEX: 14
CON: 10
WIS: 14 (18)
INT: 14
CHA: 8

Hitpoints: 366
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 20/21/24
BAB: 26
AB: 43
AC : naked ( 22 ) with +5 items ( 61 )
Lvl 8 cleric spell

<Concentration> <43>
<Discipline> <51>
<Intimidate> <4>
<Taunt> <42>
<Tumble> <42>
<Use Magic Device> <39>

01: <Cleric>(1): Dodge , Weapon Proficiency Martial
02: <Cleric>(2):
03: <Cleric>(3): Expertise
04: <Cleric>(4): <Wisdom> (Wis 15)
05: <Cleric>(5):
06: <Cleric>(6): Mobility
07: <Cleric>(7):
08: <Cleric>(8): <Wisdom> (Wis 16)
09: <Cleric>(9): Spring Attack
10: <Cleric>(10):
11: <Cleric>(11):
12: <Cleric>(12): Whirlwind Attack <Wisdom> (Wis 17)
13: <Cleric>(13):
14: <Cleric>(14):
15: <Cleric>(15): WF Scimitar ( 4 intimidate )
16: <Weapon Master>(1): <Wisdom> (Wis 18)
17: <Weapon Master>(2):
18: <Weapon Master>(3): Extend Spell
19: <Weapon Master>(4):
20: <Weapon Master>(5): <Strength> (Str 17)
21: <Weapon Master>(6): Great Strength I (Str 18)
22: <Weapon Master>(7):
23: <Weapon Master>(8):
24: <Weapon Master>(9): Great Strength II <Strength> (Str 20)
25: <Weapon Master>(10):
26: <Weapon Master>(11):
27: <Weapon Master>(12): Great Strength III (Str 21)
28: <Weapon Master>(13): Armor Skin <Strength> (Str 22)
29: <Weapon Master>(14):
30: <Weapon Master>(15): Great Strength IV (Str 23)
31: <Weapon Master>(16): Epic Prowess
32: <Weapon Master>(17): <Strenght> (Str 24)
33: <Weapon Master>(18): KD
34: <Weapon Master>(19): EWF Scimitar
35: <Weapon Master>(20):
36: <Weapon Master>(21): IC Scimitar <Strength> (Str 25)
37: <Weapon Master>(22): Epic Thoughness
38: <Weapon Master>(23):
39: <Weapon Master>(24): IKD
40: <Bard> (1) <Strength> (Str 26) ( 40 Tumble , 43 Taunt , 43 discipline , 43 concentration , 40 use magic device)

Touched up format - Kail Pendragon

Edited By Kail Pendragon on 01/27/07 14:17

Personally, I'd drop 1 DEX and 1 INT for 2 more points into CON.

Second, I don't see the need for the 24th WM levels, when 22 is your last bonus AB/Feat. So certainly 2 more Cleric levels, if not for a skill dump at the very least.

Finally, I'd consider replacing Imp. Criticals and IKD for 2 Great Wisdom feats, and going 20 Cleric, 19 WM, 1 Bard. As your 22nd WM level only nets you 20 HPs and 1 AB. I'd prefer the 9th level spells. I agree with Mantis that you need less WM levels, but not 2 less. Take 16 cleric pre-epic, that wont hurt your AB, and you get more lvl 8 spells. Another option is one more WM level, but that way you lose your lvl 8 spells and only gain +1 ab (WM lvl 25, epic superior weapon focus), so I dont think its worth it.

Quote: Finally, I'd consider replacing Imp. Criticals and IKD for 2 Great Wisdom feats, and going 20 Cleric, 19 WM, 1 Bard. As your 22nd WM level only nets you 20 HPs and 1 AB. I'd prefer the 9th level spells.
Another interesting option, and the WM level loss is only -10 hp, not 20 (cleric d8, wm d10 hp). Another 1 ab loss, but the lvl 9 spell Undeath's Eternal Foe can come in handy (we all know how good it is to cast it a few times) Also I'd leave the Imd. Crit where it is, WMs love criticals, heh. (increased multiplier and threat range)

Something else: I miss spellcraft a bit. I love to be defended against those nasty spells and spellcraft helps with +8 to saves. I know you dont have more skill points, its just an idea for those defensive types like me.

And why do you take Weapon Prof Martial? WM gets it free --> one more feat

Btw I like the idea. Clerics can be very versatile when using them in melee, combined with WM levels they can dish out really nice dmg.
"I will be the last...and you will go first!"
Sarevok, Child of Bhaal Praetor_Ghastkill,

Weapon Focus is required for Weapon Master. So, the build poster had to take Martial Weapon Proficiency and choose Scimitar before the first Weapon Master level. You're right, keep improved criticals as having a rounded 20 WIS wouldn't help this build much.

Second, going from 22 WM to 19 WM would lose you the epic toughness feat, so net loss 30 HPs. (I forgot to figure the hit dice HP loss ) After some review ill go up with this
Torm Cleric - Cleric(20), Weapon Master(19), Bard(1)
Human, Chaotic good (any non lawful goes)
PvM and PvP, Playable from 1-40

STR: 16 (24)
DEX: 14
CON: 10
WIS: 14 (20)
INT: 14
CHA: 8

Hitpoints: 356
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 20/21/25
BAB: 26
AB: 34
AC : naked ( 22 ) with +5 items ( 61 )
Lvl 9 cleric spell

<Concentration> <43>
<Discipline> <50>
<Intimidate> <3>
<Spellcraft> <42>
<Tumble> <42>
<Use Magic Device> <42>

01: <Cleric>(1): Dodge , Weapon Proficiency Martial
02: <Cleric>(2):
03: <Cleric>(3): Expertise
04: <Cleric>(4): <Wisdom> (Wis 15)
05: <Cleric>(5):
06: <Cleric>(6): Mobility
07: <Cleric>(7):
08: <Cleric>(8): <Wisdom> (Wis 16)
09: <Cleric>(9): Spring Attack
10: <Cleric>(10):
11: <Cleric>(11):
12: <Cleric>(12): Whirlwind Attack <Wisdom> (Wis 17)
13: <Cleric>(13):
14: <Cleric>(14):
15: <Cleric>(15): WF Scimitar ( 4 intimidate )
16: <Weapon Master>(1): Weapon of Choice Scimitar <Wisdom> (Wis 18)
17: <Weapon Master>(2):
18: <Weapon Master>(3): Improved Critical Scimitar
19: <Weapon Master>(4):
20: <Weapon Master>(5): <Wisdom> (Wis 19)
21: <Cleric>(16): KD
22: <Cleric>(17):
23: <Cleric>(18):
24: <Cleric>(19): Extend Spell <Wisdom> (Wis 20)
25: <Cleric>(20):
26: <Weapon Master>(6):
27: <Weapon Master>(7): Great Strength I (Str 17)
28: <Weapon Master>(8): <Strength> (Str 18)
29: <Weapon Master>(9):
30: <Weapon Master>(10): Great Strength II (Str 19)
31: <Weapon Master>(11):
32: <Weapon Master>(12): <Strenght> (Str 20)
33: <Weapon Master>(13): Great Strength III , Armor Skin (Str 21)
34: <Weapon Master>(14):
35: <Weapon Master>(15):
36: <Weapon Master>(16): Great Strength IV , Epic Prowess <Strength> (Str 23)
37: <Weapon Master>(17):
38: <Weapon Master>(18):
39: <Weapon Master>(19): IKD , EWP Scimitar
40: <Bard> (1) <Strength> (Str 24) ( 40 Tumble , 40 Spellcraft , 43 discipline , 43 concentration , 43 use magic device)

Edited By LauraRift on 01/27/07 18:17

Looks better, to be sure. But, I still would drop WIS to 19 for one STR point, lose the IKD feat, and take a great STR feat.

Basically, one AB/damage or IKD.