After failing a few times to come up with a decent character (unplanned), I started reading these forums. I have based three successfull characters off of builds found here, and have decided to try to build one from scratch (that and I couldn't find a similar build that I liked.)
So I am submitting this one in hopes that some of you more seasoned builders can give me a few pointers and help get this build up to snuff.
After bringing this char up in a trainer to figgure out skill allotment, and get some of the info from below (all are from the char sheet. I don't have logs.) I am now trying him out on a server. (he's only lvl 3 thus far.)
Race: Hafling (he's small but quick. Clan of the Waist Down Fist) Alignment: Any Lawfull PvM, 1-40 (This is my hope anyway)
My actual stats are (Fortitude/Will/Reflex): 29/29/37
Also, I know I can get one more attack per round by adding 4 fighter levels pre-epic. but is that one extra apr worth the 20% xp penalty?
Edited By Aakanaar on 03/09/07 21:42
Oh, no need to tear anyone apart but a few suggestions do spring to mind.
It would be very tempting to add at least one more level of rogue and a little more dex so you could pick up epic dodge.
Personally I think that you should always take at least 5 points in set trap with a rogue. With the synergy with disable trap and +8 from dex you can set anything but epic traps and strong and deadly gas traps.
No point in taking more then 40 points in tumble.
Lightning and epic reflexes are probably not needed. Your reflex save should be sky high even without them.
Dodge and mobility are not rely doing much for you, you could take something more useful. Weapon focus and blind fight for example.
I've been watching, took your suggestions to heart, and will try some if not most of those.. including losing dodge and mobility.. (well, mobility at least)
I checked the nwnwiki on the Epic Dodge, didn't see where much more dex would be needed.. but even with another lvl of rogue it'll be lvl 40 before i could take it. I might still, however, since i don't normally get a feat at that lvl anyway.
The wiki says with 5 lvl's of set traps i'd get a +2 on disable, or vise versa.. is that every 5 levels of disable adds +2 to my set traps? (if i spend the original 5 points first that is) Not sure how that whole synergy thing works yet.
So is Sneaky the only one with any suggestions? anyone else?
Edited By Aakanaar on 03/10/07 02:54
One of the reasons I suggest more dex is so you can take epic dodge earlier.
I also notice that you are doing a 5/15 split at 20. If you where to do a 4/16 split instead you would gain a point of ab and +1 to all your saves.
You might also want to drop the iron and epic will feats, you will be immune to mind affecting spells once you get to 20 levels of monk anyhow.
I'm not sure how useful it rely is to take imp crit either, most of your damage against non crit immunes is going to come from sneak attack damage anyhow.
If you where to take a few more rogue levels you could probably drop your starting int to 14 and leave it there and possibly drop your starting strength to 8 and start with a dex of 18 instead, and if you do that you could take rogue 10 much earlier and pick up a great dex feat on 21 or 24 and then take epic dodge on level 27.
You rely could use a few more great dex feats anyhow, dex is good both for your ab and your ac in this build.
If you want more attacks you could take 4 levels of champion of torm instead if fighter to avoid the xp penalty. That would also get you a few more points to your saves and 2 bonus feats. You would need wf in an actual melee weapon to take CoT (not unarmed) but that still leaves you with one feat more the before.
I'm also a bit suspicious about the spell resistance feats, generally I would only bother with them if I where to get my SR up high enough to be immune to magic.
If you are going to rely need discipline you might want to take the skill focus and epic skill focus too to help compensate for your low str score.
I hope I'm not giving you too much to think about here. There are just so very many ways to go with a chap like this.
I have a number of suggestions:
1 - You reach level 20 Monk, so are immune to Mind Spells. Drop all of the Will save feats - you are immune to those effects anyway.
2 - Monk 31 gets you nothing. Go Monk 30/Rogue 10 to get Epic Dodge.
3 - Your AB is low. Start Int at 14, and leave it there. Drop Con to 12 and start Dex at 18, put all points into Dex. Drop Lightning and Epic Reflexes for 2 more Great Dex. Drop Epic Will for Epic Weapon Focus. Drop Iron Will for Weapon Focus. Don't take Rogue 5 until level 21 (gains you 1 BAB).
4 - Skills. Check out the Grimoire - you are taking extra points in several skills. Leave Tumble at 40. Leave UMD at 41. Set Search and Disable Traps at the minimum you need to disable whichever level of traps you want (Deadly or Epic). I recommed aiming for Deadly, you can get Search, Disable, and probably Set traps all high enough for Deadly traps.
5 - Weapon choice - halflings get the lower unarmed damage chart, so I would switch to kama.
6 - You might want to consider taking 5 levels of SD. You get HiPS, and Defensive Roll for free, so you can use the level 10 Rogue feat for Crippling Strike.
You do end up with less SR (but it wasn't high enough to work against pure mages, anyway). Will save is lower, but you are immune to mind effects anyway. Fort save is lower, watch out for Dev Crit or Implosion. AC is better, AB is MUCH better (41), you now have Epic Dodge and Crippling Strike and HiPS (and you get HiPS at level 8, the earliest possible). You get 5 attacks per round (6 with Flurry, 7 with Haste).
Oh, a few other options to consider:
You can add Fighter and Rogue as long as you balance them. You could end up Monk 30/Fighter 5/Rogue 5 or Monk 25/Fighter 8/Rogue 7 with no XP penalty. You don't get Epic Dodge that way, but you do get the 6th attack and WS/EWS.
To get the 6th attack without losing ED, you could take CoT. End up Monk 26/Rogue 10/CoT 4. You get 2 bonus pre-epic feats, but can't use them for WS or EWS. You also get +2 to all saves.
You can get ED with just 5 levels of SD, so you could get the extra attack and WS/EWS with Monk 30/SD 5/Fighter 5. No Rogue, so no UMD, and no sneak damage.
Thank you tattoo!!
For the rookies here, please note the subtle difference between what tattoo monk posted and what the op is. THis is the difference between an experienced builder and a rookie (and we were all there).
See it?
It's the placin of Rogue on lvs 7,12,17 etc. WHy? On levelup you get the tumble bonus at 10, 15 20 etc! its a subtle thing but, to experienced builders it screams professionalism (if we could call it that) vs ametuerism.
I agree with the addition of a 3rd class. Sd is great. A dexer without epic dodge, well, is vulnerable to alot. I lvld a dexer cleric all the way to 39 before getting epic dodge one time, and let me tell you, it was night and day between lv 38 play and lvl 39 play (in the same area). Its THAT important to a dexer.
Avado, Tumble is a class skill for all classes here.
UMD though is only a class skill for rogue, so taking the cha into account you rely would want to take rogue on 8,13 and 18.
The choise of kama vs fists realy depends on the equipment available. Even for a halfling the fists will do 2d6 blunt damage vs the kamas 1d6 slashing. Fists also do blunt damage and that is the least commonly resisted damage. If you choose to go with your fist you can also use stunning fist and even though your dc won't be astonishing it can still be rely usefull.
Quote: Posted 03/11/07 11:32 (GMT) -- The Sneaky Sneaker
UMD though is only a class skill for rogue, so taking the cha into account you rely would want to take rogue on 8,13 and 18.
I was placing them for UMD dumps - all except the first one, which was at 7 so you could take SD 1 at 8 (SD for HiPS is more important than getting UMD to 10).
Quote: The choise of kama vs fists realy depends on the equipment available. Even for a halfling the fists will do 2d6 blunt damage vs the kamas 1d6 slashing. Fists also do blunt damage and that is the least commonly resisted damage. If you choose to go with your fist you can also use stunning fist and even though your dc won't be astonishing it can still be rely usefull.
True, but you only need to get a kama +4 to do better damage on average than fists for a halfling. And that's not until monk level 16, which comes late. If you want to focus on fists, I would rearrange the levelling to get to monk 16 pre-epic (delaying SD until level 21). I would also switch to Human. It will delay ED a few levels (I think you can get it at 27 or 30), but you gain an extra pre-epic feat and some more skillpoints (not that you are short now). Also, for a dex-build, using a kama frees up your glove slot so you can wear bacers of Dex, which either makes it easier to max dex (belt and bracers), or may free up the belt slot for a belt of giant str, boosting damage some more.
Whether you focus on fists or kama, I always keep both gloves and a kama on me in any monk build. You can always switch if you facing something resistant to slashing or blunt, you only lose the 3 points of focus AB when using the other one.
Edited By Tattoed Monk on 03/11/07 13:41
Now that you've mentioned it, I could tighten up those early levels a bit. Take Rogue at 1, then Monk 1-6 (IKD), then SD 1 at 8, then Rogue 2 at 9 (UMD dump), then SD2-4, the rest as written. Gets you IKD earlier and a UMD dump to 10 at level 9 instead of to 5 at level 7.
Oh, I know you where doing UMD dumps at the right places. I just thought I'd mention it after avados post so no one would get confused.
Good points about the kama vs fists there. I frequently find myself wanting to use my gloves slot for something other then the monk gloves.
But I still think it's much more amusing to have a halfling monk using his fist. I'v done several on both high and low magic server and always had a good time doing them. I'm even playing a little unarmed ninja halfling on a server right now. He rocks.
Sorry I missed all the action yesterday, got called to help take down a couple trees.
This paticular server i'm on, equipment isn't an issue. They have a forge, so i can add up to +6 of just about anything onto almost everything.
I kinda liked the idea of going fist, but it sounds like kama might be better..
And I like to keep a minimum of 25 levels of monk, perferably 30.. so I was considering a 30/9/1 split of monk/rogue/sd.. but that means no ED.. perhaps the 25/10/5 would be better as eventually, while i'm playing this on a very easy server, i need to design him to be able to follow the same build on most any server i decide to go on.
Also.. I've been using the nwnwiki a lot, i havn't seen this grimoir.. I'll check the useful links and google to see if i can find it.
At +6, you will do slightly more damage with a kama than with fists, plus the glove slot bonus. So, for power-building, kama is better.
But if you are playing for the RP value of a halfling beating people up with his fists, go for it. RP trumps power IMHO.
I guess you could also consider the alternative of going 30/5/5 with him. That would get you ED as well as HIPS and 30 monk levels.
LOL, good catch bout tumble! I made the point more for build concept than for any one build. It looks so unpolished when people put a class on a lvl where it wouldnt max out a stat (ie 10, 15, 20 points) It is just an efficiency thing. _________________
There isn't any need of telling him rookie avado, everybody knows how much they know, true that Tatooed Monk answered greatly but you actually didn't suggest a thing avado
Quote: And I like to keep a minimum of 25 levels of monk, perferably 30.. so I was considering a 30/9/1 split of monk/rogue/sd.. but that means no ED.. perhaps the 25/10/5 would be better as eventually, while i'm playing this on a very easy server, i need to design him to be able to follow the same build on most any server i decide to go on.
Hmmmmm, let's see, you've never used Epic Dodge I presume, as it is one of the most powerful feats, and not taking it when you can is just wrong, Epic Dodge automatically lets you evade 1 hit per round, considering the last hits have lower AB and you will be dodging the first attack that hits the damage reduced by this single feat is really big against almost any melee (might not be too useful against a hasted dual wielding kama monk with pre-epic BAB 16 that makes 10 APR, but other than that it does works swell).
Besides, what is that of minimum 25 Monk levels? I fail to see a significant reason.
On another view, perhaps you could take even more Rogue, your damage is lowish, and you sneak attack isn't high at all, Monk 25 / Rogue 15 will let you get Epic Dodge with a signifcantly higher sneak attack, although I'd probably go Monk 20 / Rogue 19 / Shadowdancer 1 or Monk 20 / Rogue 19 / Ranger 1.
There isn't any need of telling him rookie avado, everybody knows how much they know, true that Tatooed Monk answered greatly but you actually didn't suggest a thing avado
Quote: And I like to keep a minimum of 25 levels of monk, perferably 30.. so I was considering a 30/9/1 split of monk/rogue/sd.. but that means no ED.. perhaps the 25/10/5 would be better as eventually, while i'm playing this on a very easy server, i need to design him to be able to follow the same build on most any server i decide to go on.
Thax, I really dont understand a word of what you wrote above... from what you wrote, it appears you called me a rookie.. hmm And I take offense to the quote, as it appears to have come from me, when, infact it did not.
IMVHO, people new to any forum need to learn the customs of that forum. IN this case, placing rogue on lvs 5 was fine as ALL classes have Tumble, but he was placing them for UMD, as above. In this respect, what I said is very accurate, just for umd not tumble, which i already said was my bad. I was only trying to point out the differences between what tattoo did and the OP so that when the OP does another build, he would have something to think about. _________________
This post is for general information purposes only, and does not constitute a legal opinion or render any legal advice. It may not be relied on for any purpose, and gives rise to
I pretended to tell you not to stumble upon telling Aakanaar he's a rookie comparing his build with what Tatooed Monk posted, I mean, sure an experienced builder is better than a rookie, we all get that, but say, I got mad when I was the rookie and somebody did something like that; it's just mean to do so (or it's just my imagination). Since you didn't add a suggestion (admit it, you didn't, you just said that what Tatooed Monk posted is better than the OP), your post is simply being mean, it probably sounds odd from me trying to be nice, maybe I'm just not good at it and it came out wrong.
Heh, sorry for the confusion, the quote is obviously not yours, I normally just quote like that and I forgot to add the author, I was referring to Aakanaar, as he is who wrote the quoted phrase. probably sounds odd from me trying to be nice, maybe I'm just not good at it and it came out wrong.
Hehehe, so very true.
But in all honestly, I agree with what Thax said about 'being mean'. It may very well of been true, but not very constructive(and discouraging to new builders).
This has been in quite friendly terms so far, but it might get worse. So no post from now on is to comment on other forum-members and their way. The topic here is the build, and this guild does not go on personal attacks.
Oh, and I don't want any posts apologizing anything either, and this is not a warning, just a friendlly reminder.
Thank you all, now move on. _________________ We are sons of Odin, and the fire that we burn inside is the legacy of warrior-kings who reign above in the sky I will lead the charge, my sword into the wind Sons of Odin fights to die and live again
I'll admit, and thought I had admitted in the first post, I am indeed a rookie.. I put the rogue levels on the 5, 10, 15, etc simply because I havn't got a complete understanding of why 7, 12, 17 would be better.
I'm sure there is a reason, I just havn't figgured it out yet. I am thinking of writing a program that will let me create a build and get all the stats.. much like the many trainers and a couple excell sheets i've seen, but the purpose of writing it isn't to use it, but rather to gain a deeper understanding of how the levels, feets, skills, and stats blend together.
The reason for the 25 levels of monk, is speed. That was the main thing I am working on with this char.. that, and I find that at higher levels, sneak attacks don't do very well. Most bosses are immune. (not to mention undead, and constructs)
As for the epic dodge.. recently I have leveled a toon following the Chameleon build (found somewhere on this forum.) to 40.. I still can't solo him in some spots, but he's done much better than any character I've tried to create in the past. Either case, he's my first lvl 40 on any server other than a trainer. So no, I havn't had much experience with it, yet.
I'd like this guy to not worry about crits, or sneaks, i'm not looking to do a lot of damage in one hit but over a series of hits. I'd like to get as many hits as I can per round. And I'd like him to be able to avoid hits (thus why i like that definition you gave of ED), and be resistant to spells.
But, and i realize this is for astheatic reasons only, I want him to be short (halfling) and Fast (Monk Speed). I want to get sideways around corners.
P.S. The Rogue levels weren't so much for the UMD dumps, I know I could take that down a ways, though I have to look up how much i'll need for <= $100k value. I just put them into UMD cause i have it. My skills I was worried about was Open Lock and Disable Trap. (And of course, Search to find the traps) That's what I had the rogue levels for.
Edit: Oh yea, and sorry for the long delays between posts. I work 12 hours a day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and every other Sunday. I usually don't see my computer for half the week.
Edited By Aakanaar on 03/14/07 02:16
Quote: Posted 03/14/07 02:13 (GMT) -- Aakanaar
I'll admit, and thought I had admitted in the first post, I am indeed a rookie.. I put the rogue levels on the 5, 10, 15, etc simply because I havn't got a complete understanding of why 7, 12, 17 would be better.
It's for skill dumps. Some skills (Tumble and UMD, in particular) give bonuses at multiples of 5. Since you can pump a skill to level +3, you want to do your skill dumps on levels where you can gain the next bonus. Tumble dumps at levels 7, 12, 17, etc., all allow you to pump Tumble to the next multiple of 5 for +1 AC. Since his Cha is only 8, though, UMD needs to get to the next multiple of 5 +1 (6, 11, 16, etc.). So I put the Rogue levels at 8, 13, 18, etc. to pump both Tumble and UMD.
Quote: I am thinking of writing a program that will let me create a build and get all the stats.. much like the many trainers and a couple excell sheets i've seen, but the purpose of writing it isn't to use it, but rather to gain a deeper understanding of how the levels, feets, skills, and stats blend together.
Download the CBC by Kamiryn (search for it on Does all of that very well. Using it will give you the experience you are looking for. Also download the Grimoire (search the same site).
Quote: The reason for the 25 levels of monk, is speed. That was the main thing I am working on with this char.. that, and I find that at higher levels, sneak attacks don't do very well. Most bosses are immune. (not to mention undead, and constructs).
If bosses are immune to sneak attack, you will need to rely on either traps, weapon/glove enhancements, henchmen/summons, or go str-based. If they are only immune to sneak damage, but are susceptible to either SF or IKD, you are fine. If they also have significant DR, you really need a str-based henchie or a str build (or lots of traps).
Quote: P.S. The Rogue levels weren't so much for the UMD dumps, I know I could take that down a ways, though I have to look up how much i'll need for <= $100k value. I just put them into UMD cause i have it. My skills I was worried about was Open Lock and Disable Trap. (And of course, Search to find the traps) That's what I had the rogue levels for.
That's why I suggested checking the Grimoire tables for how many points you need for different types of traps. Decide what you want to aim for (are Epic Traps even available?), and just put in the points you need. Don't forget that you get to take 20 out of combat.
Quote: Download the CBC by Kamiryn (search for it on Does all of that very well. Using it will give you the experience you are looking for. Also download the Grimoire (search the same site).
Ok, I have the CBC already, and will probably be using it along with another excell sheet as a basis. However, you missed my original point, in that programming a program that does it requires me to realy dig into how each piece effects the end result. Thus the act of making one helps me understand better than just using one that someone else made.
I also have the Grimoire, and admittedly, after glancing at it, I don't notice much difference between it and the NWN Wiki.. Maybe i'll have to look into it a bit more.
I understood your point, but I found that using the CBC to make builds had the same effect you trying to get by programming it from scratch. If you really want to, by all means go ahead. It will certainly help your programming skills more than using the CBC will. I think it's a lot more work than using the existing one, and I suspect that if you try building 10 or so variants in CBC you will get the hang of it quickly. Your call.
I find the grimoire to be nicely organized and have easily readable charts. You can certainly use the Wiki instead, they both have most of the same information.
Quote: Posted 03/14/07 02:13 (GMT) -- Aakanaar The reason for the 25 levels of monk, is speed. That was the main thing I am working on with this char.. that, and I find that at higher levels, sneak attacks don't do very well. Most bosses are immune. (not to mention undead, and constructs)
As for the epic dodge.. recently I have leveled a toon following the Chameleon build (found somewhere on this forum.) to 40.. I still can't solo him in some spots, but he's done much better than any character I've tried to create in the past. Either case, he's my first lvl 40 on any server other than a trainer. So no, I havn't had much experience with it, yet.
The thing is that I find Monk to have very slight power increase over level 20, easily overpowered by most classes, though I don't think I could argue anything if you really like the speed that much
Hmmm, sneak attacks not working too good is a real problem here... as for powerbuild I'd replace Rogue for Cleric, it really works too well. But, Cleric won't allow you to get Epic Dodge, you still need Defensive Roll (10 Rogue or 5 Shadowdancer levels), even if the Cleric might be stronger, I advice you to at least try playing a build with Epic Dodge for some while, I gues there's no better way to know how good it works than real-time play.
It just dawned on me as to why you said the 16/4 split would bring an extra attack per round. Let me know if this is correct.
The base attack bonus per level don't stack between classes. Since the monk and rogue each have a base attack bonus of 3/4 per level, at the 15/5 split, the monk levels would have given me 3 3/4 BAB, rounded down to 3, and the rogue levels would have given me 1 1/4 BAB, rounded down to 1, for a total of 4 BAB. But at the 16/4 split it would have been 4 plus 1, for 5 BAB.
But then, 5 BAB at lvl 20 seems very low. Have I got that right?
If that is right, so does that mean 1 attack per round for each BAB above 1? How does that work out?
I'd like to take one of the SD levels before lvl 20, but from the sounds of it, i either have to take 4 SD levels before 20, or wait till 21 to start adding SD levels. I need to figgure this one out.
Edited By Aakanaar on 03/16/07 13:26
ok.. shows what happens when I post so early in the morning. 3/4 levels. that would be at the 15/5 split, 9/3 for a total 12 BAB. at 16/4 however, it would be 12/3 for 15 BAB.
I just found the BAB chart on the nwnwiki, i'll see if i can figgure out how the attacks per round relate to the BAB. for now, it's listed there, but i'm sure there's a forumla in there somewhere.
Edit: argh.. another error. I gotta drink more coffee before attempting to think.
Edited By Aakanaar on 03/16/07 13:44
Well, it's like this (no real formulas on this stuff).
Since you saw the table at nwiki probably you get now that classes listed as 3/4 BAB means that their BAB does not increases at levels 0, 5, 9, 13 and 17. Which effectively means that you want your 3/4 classes to be in multiples of 4, that's why 16/4 split gets 1 more BAB than 15/5, a class that increases BAB at 3/4 will have 15 BAB at level 20.
BAB is, as you should know, Base Attack Bonus, so a higher BAB means a higher AB.
Now, APR is very simple, you get a bonus attack per round when your BAB reaches 6, 11 and 16. However, Monks have a different APR progression, they get another attack per round when your BAB reaches 4, 7, 10, 13 and 16, but to get a BAB of 16 you'll need to multiclass with a class that gets a higher BAB progress for at least 4 levels.
In epic levels your BAB increases by 1 every 2 levels, it won't matter your class. Epic BAB does not affects APR.
Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 03/16/07 14:53
Just remember, when taking a class with mid or low AB progression (3/4 or 1/2), you miss out on the BAB the first level you take in said class.
So, if you leveled your monk like this:
1st monk level = 0 BAB 2nd monk level = 1 BAB 3rd monk level = 2 BAB 4th monk level = 3 BAB 5th monk level = 3 BAB
And so on. It's easy to get confused into thinking that the fourth level in monk (or any mid AB progression classes) misses out on the BAB, but in truth it's the first of four you miss out on BAB.
P.S.: Couldn't honestly understand your posts, so I wasn't sure if you were clear of this. So if you were, well..
ok.. after some more playing around with it, I've come up with this. (I should do this as a new post, but I don't like starting new posts if an old one will do.)
It is almost the same as yours, Tatoo, but with a few changes. My primary focus with skills was tumble to 40, Set trap to 5, Disable Trap and Search to 35 (was going for an effective of 36), UMD to 30, Hide and Move Silently maxed out, along with Open Lock, then whatever i can into Discipline.
Str of 6 is awfully low - you may get overloaded just carrying your robes. Int of 15 gets you nothing over Int 14 - I would at least drop Int to 14 and bump Str to 8. To be honest, I would also drop Discipline as a skill and drop Int to 12 and push Str to 10. The reason Discipline isn't worth much is that your naked AC is already 38 (vs. Discipline of 40). With items, your AC will probably be more than 20 over your discipline, which means that any KD or Disarm attack that hits you will overcome your discipline even if you roll a 20. So save the points and put your Str up to 10 (+2 to damage, and you won't get overloaded so easily).
Epic Dodge - you start Dex at 18, but you delay all your Great Dex feats to the end, so you can't take ED until level 30, and you don't take it until level 33. This is the most important single Epic feat you pick up, get it as soon as possible. If you take Great Dex I at level 21, you can take ED at level 24.
You take Great Fortitude at level 21 - don't waste an Epic feat slot on a pre-epic feat. You don't need to take Great Fortitude to take Epic Fortitude anyway. You took Epic Prowess, but not Epic Weapon Focus. EWF gives you +2, EP only +1, so take EWF first. I would replace Great Fortitude with EP. (Actually, I would drop Epic Fortitude and move Armor Skin to the Monk bonus feat and take 2 more Great Dex as well).
Hope this helps,
Ok, took your advice.. put a few extra points into UMD, and from what i see, even Search is higher than I need it. But that is ok.
I also noticed the description of Crippling Strike and realized that it's doing me no good. It applies up to +2 Str Modifier to the sneak attacks. I have no Str Modifier on this build. (baring equipment)
So I changed it to Skill Mastery, for trap disabling, and lock picking while others are combatting. The only problem is that I don't get this till lvl 40, but I can survive with that. (Oh, and the reason i go Rogue on lvl 40, instead of Monk, is to max out Open Lock..)
This time I'll post the new build to a new thread. Titled Mini Monk V2.
Quote: Posted 03/20/07 02:43 (GMT) -- Aakanaar I also noticed the description of Crippling Strike and realized that it's doing me no good. It applies up to +2 Str Modifier to the sneak attacks. I have no Str Modifier on this build. (baring equipment)
Actually, Crippling Strike lowers your opponent's STR by 2. The word "additional" is misleading.