Edited By Kail Pendragon on 11/09/07 15:04
Go Bard 4 pre-epic or delay al the Bard levels till epic, to net you some more AB (1?).Edited By rafa10pj on 11/09/07 00:33
Quote: Posted 11/08/07 22:36 (GMT) -- haseo terror of death
OK here we go I am going to say in advance this is only my first build so go easy
Oh and I got it to dual weild and just got in dev critical
have fun tearing it to bits
The Singing Kukri
Fighter18 / bard15 / weaponmaster7
STR- 14
DEX- 15
CON- 12
WIS- 8
INT- 14
CHR- 14
1) Fighter- blind fight, weapon exotic, weapon focus kukris
2) Fighter- ambidextrous 2 weapon
3) Fighter- ambidextrous
4) Fighter- expensive +1STR
5) Fighter- None
6) Fighter- Weapon special (kukri), Dodge
7) Fighter- none
Fighter- Mobility +1 STR
9) Fighter- spring attack
10) Fighter- Whirlwind attack
11) Weapon Master- Weapon of choice kukri (DUH)
12) Weapon Master- Improved 2Weapon, STR +1
13) Weapon Master- none
14) Weapon Master- none
15) Weapon Master- power attack
16) Bard- none(spells) CHR +1
17) Bard- Bard Song
18) Bard- curse song
19) Weapon Master- none
20) Weapon Master- STR +1, KI critical
21) Bard- Epic weapon focuse kukri
22) Bard- none
23) Bard- none
24) Bard- Chr+1, Improved critical kukri
25) Bard- none
26) Fighter- none
27) Fighter- epic weapon specialization, cleave
28) Bard- +1STR
29) Bard- None
30) Bard- Great STR 1
31) Bard- none
32) Bard- +1str
33) Bard- Great cleave
34) Fighter- none
35) Bard- none
36) Fighter- great STR 2, epic prowess
37) Fighter- none
38) Fighter- Overwhelming critical
39) Fighter- great STR 3
40) Fighter- Devastating crit
1) 4 discipline,1 heal, 2 intimidate save 11
2) 1 discipline save15
3) 1 discipline 1 intimidate save 17
4) 1 discipline
5) 1 discipline 1 intimidate
6) 1 discipline
7) 1 discipline
1 discipline
9) 1 discipline
10) 1 discipline
11) 1 discipline
12) 1 discipline
13) 1 discipline
14) 1 discipline
15) 1 discipline
16) Cocentration19, 1 discipline, Preform 19, Tumble 16, UMD 15
17) 3tumble, UMD 4
18) Concentration 2, Discipline 2, Preform 2, timble 1
19) Discipline 1
20) Discipline 1
21) concentration,preform, +3, disipline +1, UMD, tumble +4
22) Tumble 1, concentration 1, disciplinE 1, UMD 2
23) disipline, tumble, umd, and concentration all plus 1
24) skill check all skills listed should be if not already 27
25) all 28 im now to lazy to type them all out
26) concentration and dis. +1
27) concentration and dis. +1
28) all skills 31
29) all skills 32
30) all 33
31) All 34
32) all 35
33) all 36
34) concentration and dis. +1
35) all 38
36) concentration and dis. +1
37) concentration and dis. +1
38) concentration and dis. +1
39) concentration and dis. +1
40) concentration and dis. +1
STR- 25
DEX- 15
CON- 12
INT- 14
WIS- 8
CHR- 16
HP- 298 (did not reroll for maxs)
AC- 28(19)(naked)
AB- +41/+36/+31/+26
Ab off hand- +41/+36
#of Attacks=6
Concetration- 43
Discipline- 43
Preform- 38
Tumble- 38
UMD- 38
Heal- 1
Intimidate- 4
And unused put in lore or something
Edited By galelabriel on 11/09/07 03:04
I know that the intention of the build was other, but dropping Dev Crit would free up 5 feats, which this build desperately needs.Edited By rafa10pj on 11/09/07 04:49
Quote: Posted 11/09/07 04:45 (GMT) -- rafa10pj
Furthermore, if you decide to single wield, you can drop DEX to 10 and have more breathing space as far as ability points go, namely STR and CON.
My bad. That's what I get for posting at 4 A.M Man, writing "none" on the emply feat levels is only difficulting it to read.Quote: Posted 11/09/07 12:35 (GMT) -- galelabriel
DEX will have to be kept to a minimum of 13 to get Dodge and some other feats required for the Weapon Master prestige class.
Edited By Kail Pendragon on 11/09/07 15:03
wow this is to tell you the truth exactly what i expectedEdited By rafa10pj on 11/10/07 00:28
I doubt this was your "first ever" build playing nwn. Anyways, if you know your build has an inherent weakness. Every build has a weakness (as well as strengths). Write them down as well and if possible, also include how you can circumvent those weaknesses. Provide more details.Quote: Posted 11/10/07 00:26 (GMT) -- rafa10pj
There are not noob flaws I dare say, but that is situational I guess. You shouldn't be discouraged either way.
Of course there are!Quote: Posted 11/10/07 05:02 (GMT) -- Thaxll'ssyllia
There sure are noob flaws, we've all made them at some point.
Quote: Posted 11/10/07 05:02 (GMT) -- Thaxll'ssyllia
a Wizard 39 / Bard 1 with 8 INT (OK, nobody does that)
Quote: Posted 11/09/07 04:45 (GMT) -- rafa10pj
I'm sorry if this feels like I'm hijacking your build and thread, but it seems to me that you are stretching your character too thin.
But then again, I know nothing![]()
Quote: Posted 06/28/06 00:22:49 (GMT) -- TyrTemplar
This post is for general information purposes only, and does not constitute a legal opinion or render any legal advice. It may not be relied on for any purpose, and gives rise to
Edited By avado on 11/11/07 07:05
If he weren't that stretched, he would have chosen more Great Strengths. I mean, he ended with an AB of 41, 39 dual-wielding, which is kind of low... a few more Great STR won't hurt. His HP are kinda low also and Toughness would help him, at least to get past the 400 line.Quote: Posted 11/11/07 07:05 (GMT) -- avado
stretchin a build too thin.. hmmm. imvho a fighter wm isnt too thin.
Edited By basuraman on 11/12/07 02:12
Well, first off, the Bard 23 CoT 10 WM 7 is far and away a better version of this. Don't get me wrong, fighters are fun, and who doesn't want an extra +6 damage per hit? But... I'd trade that extra damager per hit for +5 to all my saves, lay on hands, and Divine Wrath any day. Plus, if you have to take some WM levels pre-epic, the save bonus from CoT helps to offset the loss to your Fortitude save.Edited By Hiwatt on 11/13/07 01:18
Quote: Well, first off, the Bard 23 CoT 10 WM 7 is far and away a better version of this.
Quote: Also, the ability score allotment could use tweaking. You really need to choose whether this is going to be a Dex-based or Str-based build. If Dex, go halfling or elf. Otherwise, human should be fine.
Quote: Finally, lose the dodge/mobility/spring attack line of feats.
Edited By basuraman on 11/13/07 03:09
I just tested the dev.crit off-hand again, with one of dev.crit dual wielders (in this case, the Green Beret, dev.crit kama-wielding monk/ranger/cot, putting the kama into the off-hand (with the dev.crit feat thus off-hand), and a simple shortsword in the main, so as to test to see if there are any changes, and am happy to report that there are no changes such that me monk was dev.critting just fine (of course, works much much nicer when the dev.crit is coming at your enemy from both hands, and that's nice! -- so yeah, you can dev.crit from the off-hand, it does still apply (game version: 1.68).Edited By TyrTemplar on 11/15/07 17:25
Quote: Finally, lose the dodge/mobility/spring attack line of feats.
Quote: I'd agree with you, but then he couldn't become a weapon master.