Harping under cover: Rogue(21), Harper Scout (5), Dwarven Defender(14)
This scout knows the meaning of Be Prepared. At all times he is prepared for a beating, and ready to sneak up and give one back. Potions and Spells synergize in this build. Of note are Sneak Attack 11d6, Self Concealment V, Defensive Stance, DR 9/-, and Epic Dodge.
Dwarf, Lawful PvM/PvP 1-40 (Does especially well in low to medium magic environments)
Strength 12 Dexterity 17 (30) (can be buffed to 40) Constitution 16 (18) Wisdom 8 Intelligence 14 Charisma 7 (can be buffed to 17)
Hitpoints: 524(max roll), 447.5(average roll), defensive stance gives +80HP Skillpoints: 326 Saving throws: Fortitude 24, Reflex 30, Will 21 Saving throw bonuses: (dex buffs give up to +5 reflex) (def. stance: +2 saves, +2 will from cons boost) BAB: 27 AB: 40/35/30/25 (dex buffs up to 45/40/35/30) AC: 28(can be buffed and defensive stance to 37)
I'm curious, why do you start with 7 CHA and write that it can be buffed to 17? As far as I know neither Rogue, Harper Scout or Dwarven Defender have any real use for CHA, I'd rather start with 13 STR, but I suppose you know a reason I don't.
The build is nice, it has a lot of defensive capability as it is to be expected, I always like Dwarven Defenders. _________________ "My name is Thaxll'ssyllia, but you simians may refer to me merely as "Sir", if you prefer a less... syllable intensive workout."
Edwin Odesseiron - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
The charisma is just for the UMD. Harper scout can use both eagle's splendor spell like ability and potion to get a total of 2 + 2d4 buff.
Strength 13 doesn't actually allow that much carrying power as opposed to strength 12, there is however a significant carrying jump from 13 to 14.