I don't usually make classes that require alignment shifts however, I recently did a request for a clanmate on the server I play on. I figured the build was unique enough it deserved to be used by more then 1 person, so here it is:
Bard(16), Red Dragon Disciple(10), Dwarven Defender(14), Dwarf, True Neutral
AB can be expected to hit 57 self buffed with +12 str and +5 GMW, AC can be expected to hit mid 60s to low 70s in +5 gear, DC on Dev can get up to 49 with +12 str
The saves aren't the best in the world but he asked for a Bard/RDD/DD Dever, so that's what he got lol
Edited By Kail Pendragon on 04/29/09 17:53
NIce. The only thing its missing is ELF! ( the secret document post )
i enjoy getting dev crit as early as possible (yes, that is why i played prc near the end cuz it allows you to get dev at 21 with pure divine caster classes ) so, the only small twink id do is move dev and blind fight. you take blind so late anyway (out of necessity) that i cant see 3 more lvls make or break!
Sorry, should have specified that Dev Crit is a bonus feat from DD that's why I had to take it so late..ran out of room lol
I like the idea here. Just got to thinking of what could be done if dev. crit was passed over. EDR jumped to mind, but that would take a pretty big stat reworking. Still, I think it could be done, and I think it would work. Just an idea though. I don't really feel like fleshing it out. Nice concept though. Dude looks dangerous.
And, avado, if you're going to take advantage of the super secret racial exploit, I'd go human (heh, or halfling, you know, for coolness...). There's your pre-epic Blind Fight. That said, dwarven looks the best choice in my eyes. The stat spread hurts just a wee bit, but if you did change things for EDR, then that stat spread becomes significantly less painful. Anyways, just couldn't let a suggestion to be an elf go unchallenged...
Yeah I was thinking of a variant with EDR however, I just didn't feel it was comparable to a more traditional Dwarven Defender since for the most part they tend to have 30 BAB and aren't as tight for feats/stats.
Lol Revenant, we seem to be doing the same builds I've played this split a few years back. Didn't work on that server since this character was in most ways (on that server) inferior to Bard 26/BG 4/RDD 10 or Bard 20/CoT 10/RDD 10 since lower AC meant dying more often from a 1 on Devcrit compared to Bard/BG, but..
Works great for PvM since mobs don't have Devcrit as often and DR lets you tank them pretty well.
A different variation: Bard 8/RDD 10/DD 22. This one's all about DR and still gets +2 AB from his bard song. A more traditional tank/damage soaker.
PS: at the cost of a few skillpoints you can get +1 BAB by taking 8 DD pre-epic. And since you took so much concentration despite being unable to cast in heavy armor, you don't really need it.
PPS: Epic Prowess and Extend or Still Spell will net you the same AB as two Great Strength feats but will also give you Extend or Still spell.