Hey all,


I've been lucky enough to stumble across a free 20Mbit connection to host a dedicated server. Need some advice. Im looking for a module to run on it, interested in running a persistant world using the Community Expansion Pack. I will eventually create my old module (or modify an existing one greatly). Any suggestions on what to get? It can require HoU but not SoU (I havent had the loot to buy that one yet). Ive done the search on the vault, but it never seems to give the results that Im looking for

The only multiplayer that Ive really played is World Of Iniquity and I like the way that is set up.

Any Ideas?

It's not a bad partnership. We live in harmony we do, well at least until he gets hungry and swallows a companion or two.

-Solstice on living with a symbiote link(Entropy). *shrugs* Build something, start small or find someone to do it for you.

I would have started hosting dmed games, as that's what I prefer other to play.