ok, this is more for fun, but I was thining about having a list of characters from video games appear in Neverwinter Nights... some games to get great material from would be Soul Caliber Series, lots of weapons used in that... Like to me, Nightmare would be a modified version of the Master Of Melee by Mithdradates (found here Click Here ) but some one else might see him differently, and maybe you want Link from the Zelda series, or Kain and Raziel from Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver series... heck, maybe you want to make a entirely new epic character to represent one of these people...

I get bored sometimes and think of this stuff hehe.. tell me what you all think and post some of your thoughts on what they would be... I see Nightmare as more of an uber greatsword blackguard myself.

Ivy (from SC2) wuld be a cool one to build as well.
......if only they had the weapon
Its all about the drums..
Its all about the bass..