Was building a char up to Bard7/Fghtr4/, but had the crazy idea of adding Sorcerer for better buffing than Bard has. The plan was to get the bard up to lvl12, fghtr stay at lvl4, and the sorcerer at 24 - so that Epic MageArmour can be taken as a minimum. I think I just broke it tho by adding the caster in. The damage spells are not important as he has good equipment to fight with (actually some stuff a lvl30 fighter would probably like) . Any advice on how to get this rectified and still have a decent fighting character.

Currently he is at Bard7/fghtr4/sorcerer1 ***BUMP*** anyone any ideas.. curse my stupidity, etc, etc? Last chance.. anyone? I'd say go either Fighter/Bard or Fighter/Sorc. I feel that taking both Sorc and Bard spreads you too thin, and since they both add about the same stuff (Though Bards and Sing, And the Sorc has More/Better spells), there is no reason to take both at lower levels, isntead of having one at a higher level. Although it's not the greatest build, if you really want to continue playing your character, you might do something like Bard 8/Fighter 10/Sorcerer 22.

By lvl 20, take 1 more lvl of Fighter, and 7 more lvls of Sorc, so that you end up Bard 7/Fighter 5/Sorc 8 by lvl 20. This will give you a +14 pre-epic BAB, which isn't terrible.

Note that you can get Epic Weapon Spec with this build if you want to (+4 damage). If you do choose to get Epic Weapon Spec, make sure you have taken Weapon Spec and Epic Weapon Focus first, as these are pre-requisites. If you take Weapon Spec pre-epic, you will be able to get Epic Weapon Spec by lvl 21. Just take Epic Weapon Focus as your regular feat and pick up Epic Weapon Spec as your Fighter bonus feat.

You should be able to get an Epic Spell with this build. I would stongly suggest you choose Epic Warding; you should be able to get this as early as lvl 33 provided you meet the pre-reqs (9th lvl spells, Sorcerer lvl 21+, Spellcraft 34+), although you may want to get the Auto-Still Spell feats first if you are playing a Str-based build.

If this is a Str-based build and you are planning on wearing armor, make sure to start taking Auto-Still Spell feats as soon as you hit your 18th lvl of Sorc. Make sure you pick up Still Spell by lvl 20, and also make sure you have enough points to pump into Spellcraft so that you meet the requirements (same goes for Epic Spells).

Since you are taking 8 Sorc lvls pre-epic, you should be able to get Auto-Still spell I by lvl 30, assuming you take all Sorc lvls from lvl 21-30 (if you do this, Epic Weapon Spec will have to wait).

So, the build would look something like this:

Bard 8/Fighter 10/Sorc 22

(pre-epic Bard 7/Fighter 5/Sorc


21 Epic Spell Penetration (assuming you get Spell Pen. and Greater Spell Pen. pre-epic)

24 Improved Combat Casting (take Combat Casting pre-epic; Also pick up Expertise and Improved Expertise for a nice +10 to AC; otherwise take something else)

27 Great Str/Cha (if you need the boost to your stats) *
30 Auto-Still Spell I
31 Fighter: Epic Weapon Focus
33 Auto-Still Spell II
34 Fighter: Epic Weapon Spec
36 Auto-Still Spell III
37 Fighter: Epic Prowess
39 Epic Warding

* the feat at lvl 27 is a free feat; take what you want. I recommended Great Str/Cha, but if you don't need the boost, take something else.

If you have the Str necessary to get Overwhelming and Dev. Crit, feel free to take them on your Fighter bonus feats. The reason I decided to go with a spellcaster build rather than a Dev. Crit build is because you need less Cha to get 9th lvl spells than you do Str to get Dev Crit.

Epic lvl progression

21-30 Sorc
31-32 Fighter
33 Sorc
34-35 Fighter
36 Sorc
37 Fighter
38-39 Sorc
40 Bard

The last Bard lvl is to max out your skills. Bards get tons of class skills, so pick whatever you want. Things that Bards get that Fighters and Sorcerers do not would be Hide, Move Silently, Taunt, and UMD. You probably don't want Hide or Move Silently IF this is a Str build, but you may find Taunt and UMD to be useful.

If you want more help than that, I will need more info on your character; particularly your feats and attributes.