Quote: Posted 09/14/04 14:28:25 (GMT) -- CrispyCritter
Quote: Posted 09/14/04 07:32:44 (GMT) -- tanassi
Thanks man, helpful info.
I also saw I made a mistake in my post, using 16 pm levels. That is not necessary.
I have never played a caster before, so can you help me with some things:
- which school of magic should I take?
- if I 'only' have 24 wizz levels, will my spell penetration be strong enough?
- would it be a good idea to get still spell so i could use armour?
Also (I cant test it myself as my home pc is being fixed):
- what will hp be?
- what will AC be?
Thanks for your help!
As for school of magic, I would go with Illusion, as there don't seem to be many useful Enchantment spells. That is, unless you've got the PRC pack, in which case yo might want to go generalist.
With 24 lvls of Wizard + Epic Spell Pen., you will be able to beat SRs of 31-50 without using breaches. With Mord's, you will be able to lower a creature's SR by 10, so that means you will be able to beat SRs of 41-60. The highest SR of any "stock" monster is 32, so that shouldn't be a problem. Whether or not that will be high enough for the server you play on, I have no idea. If you are playing PvP, the only thing that might give you a problem would be a pure or near-pure Monk with lots of SR feats.
As for auto-still spell, that depends largely on the environment you're playing in. Currently, this build gets a +3 bonus from Dex unbuffed, and a +9 AC bonus from Dex with all buffs. With plate armor and a tower shield, you would only get a +1 bonus from Dex, but you would get +8 from the armor and +3 from the shield. Thus, your AC would only be about 4 points higher than you can buff it up to now, assuming you are using +5 items (the extra +1 if from the shield; the Shield spell will only give you a +4 bonus to AC).
If you are assuming +10 items, then you could get your AC up to 9 points higher than you could with a Dex build wearing robes, so in that environment it might be worth it. If you did decide that you wanted the Auto-Still spell feats, you could easily substitute them for the Damage Reduction feats; just make sure to lower Dex at creation and boost Str a bit so that you won't be encumbered.
HP: ~546 max (assuming +30 from Deathless Vigor)
AC: 10 base
+3 Dex
+4 Tumble
+6 Bone Skin
+1 Dodge
+2 Armor Skin
+10 Improved Expertise
36 Naked AC, unbuffed