I was looking through the manual today and I came across a feat called Sap. It seems this ability has disappeared from the game. Can anyone shine some light on this? The Feat is still technically in the game. But, it can not be earned. The only ways to get the feat are by hacking, or being a DM.

The reason that one can not earn this feat is because it is extreamly broken. It is like a Monk's Stunning Fist, but has a higher DC, Lasts Longer, and can be used infinate times a day. But, they seemed to discover how broken it was during BETA-Testing, and did not have enough time to fully remove it from the coding. So they just made it impossible to have on a legal character. That's what I was figuring. When I was reading the feat description it seemed too powerful. You hit someone and they are stunned for 12 seconds! That's enough time to finish someone off.