I'm building a Cleric/CoT/monk build and right now I stand on taking 20 cleric, 18 CoT, and 2 Monk. Are there any advantages of going 21 cleric, 18 CoT, and 1 monk? I figured there weren't any so I might as well go 2 monk and get deflect arrows. Let me know what you guys think. Not that I can think of, other then an epic spell on that cleric level. what type of cleric is it? With C.O.T in it its probably a melee build, so don't think an epic spell is apropiate. Why are you taking so many cleric levels? With that many COT levels i guess you're a melee fighter. You can do with 17 (or even 15, if you don't need any 9 level spells). Take 6 monk levels to get IKD. It's a zen archery build. I didn't want to go melee because I was sick and tired of killing myself on mages' shields. I took so many lvls of CoT to max out my ab pre-epic and also to make my fort savings throw high enough to fend off any dev crit. I know I waste a feat because I have to have weapon focus in a melee weapon but CoT gets so many bonus feats it made up for it. You're probably best off how you're planning to build it right now. I assume you're grabbing Monk for your first level and your 37th level so as to get your Tumble to 40 ranks.

BTW...you might consider investing in the Auto Silent Spell feats. This will let you cast Silence on yourself to neutralize nearby casters, while still letting you cast spells.
(sig space for rent)