I've not been active here for a while, because work has been very busy lately, but I've picked up doing some builds and playing the OC again.

Now I have a build that is more or less like the Reliable Archer on the Epic Builds page. I have two feats left to choose pre-epic, but don't know which ones to take.

I was thinking of either:
- dodge and mobility: for extra AC with AOO's while shooting arrows

- ambidexterity and two weapon fighting: for being able to do some melee too (I already have weapon finesse, because of my high dex it's usefull in the early levels when archery isn't that good yet)

So which one to pick? Or are there other (better) possibilities? I already have feats like rapid shot, called shot, pointblank shot and focus/specialization.

Thanx in advance for your help . have you got blind fight as a feat? i find this is a must have in any situation. Other then that, I'd definitely get dodge