With NWN2 under development (and with most of likely to to buy it), we should all be requesting the feature we, character builders, would like the most. That is to say: the option for maximum HP on level up. Let's face it, rolling up those max rolls as it stands is painful. I've started a topic about it the NWN2 forum, it would be nice to get some support from the guild. After all, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

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Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do. MAN! I went there to help out, but NO NEED! You got a talent to pick a HEATED topic! On jan 23.. already to 5+pages.. I wish i had your flair for pickin the controversial topices.

For the record: GO FULL HPS!! But either way, i will continue to re-roll til i get the full points. (yes, self-professd power gamer i am.. as are many of the ppl who post here, i imagine! )

Peace yeah...i also went to give some support
but as avado say,s no need...that is indeed a good topic you started there.
it is a total pain re-roll after re-roll.
