I'm not sure if anyone here knows of this toll. I found the link on the forum of a server I play on. This tool displays rvery level of your character, what skills and feats you took etc...

http://nwntool.coucou.net/nwntool201b6.rar Umm, tried to go to the link, and it askd me to save a file... is it a 'safe' link? LOL sorry for bein paranoid but.. it is the internet!

Peace LOL, it's safe. Awesome, I've been looking for something like that.

Quote: Posted 03/23/05 04:45:38 (GMT) -- avado

Umm, tried to go to the link, and it askd me to save a file... is it a 'safe' link? LOL sorry for bein paranoid but.. it is the internet!


There is way around it.. just change the link so you do not have to download the file.. unless it is not linked to.

- Epic Character Builders Guild

- Life is but a dream...

- I know more than I am letting on...

-I think, Therefore I am.

Edited By Anuis on 03/23/05 18:34