I thought that in the past the weapon that a character shifted into dragon shape was of the creature type. So you couldn't focus in it or take any feats pertaining to it. I recently tested this and it seems that unarmed attack feats do shift over into dragon shape now. The attack base was higher as well as the critical hit range was from 19-20 instead of the usual 20.

Also it seems that armor skin was only giving +1 AC when shifted into dragon shape. The savings throws were crazy, they were different in all 3 characters.

Can anyone else confirm this?

Thx Was this seen on the character sheet or the actual rolls? Just curious, because the character sheet data is commonly assumed to be correct like the manual. Bah the stupid character sheet is worst foe in NWN by far. I will definetly test the rolls to see if the AB is correct or not. The feats definetly transfer over to dragon shape. Weapon focus, epic weapon focus, improved critical, and epic prowess all apply in dragon shape now. I also heard that epic prowess does not show up on the character sheet which is correct.

So I guess in theory now you could make a dev crit dragon. I had no idea epic prowess was ever disabled for dragon shape, I thought it worked with any weapon in any shape. About weapon focus, I assume you mean in unarmed strike. If so, I just tried that and got very strange results. In bear shape weapon focus did not work even though it did affect the character sheet. The strange bit was in draogon shape however. Ab was listed as 46/43/40/37/34/31. When i actually attacked a combat dummy my ab was all over the place, appearing to vary randomly between 28 and 50, all against the same target and with no buffs involved. Could anyone shed some light on this? Yea I stated the epic prowess part wrong. That always worked, it just does not show up on the character sheet but it does in the rolls.

In the past bear shape, dragon shape, ect. all said unarmed attack but the game considered them creature weapons. Since the bioware updates they have changed dragon shape so that it actually is unarmed attack so that feats will apply to it. I imagine they did this to dragon but didn't bother with bear or other forms because no one really uses those forms. Dragon is a popular form so they actually bothered with it.

As for my testing it looked like it should. The character sheet read 48,43,38,33,28 and the rolls went 49,44,39,34,29. The rolls are 1 higher due to epic prowess and the character had critical hits on 19 or 20. I believe this has been the case for awhile. I play a Dragonshaper and in Dragonform even in 1.65 he got the benefits of those feats. but I have also seen what is referred above, that they sometimes go all over the place......