I haven't taken the time to come up with a bio yet, I just wanted to see what you guys thought of this build and how it could be improved. Keep in mind that I go to servers such as The Summits, where people play as semi legits and ubers.
I don't remember what the starting stats where so I will just give you the final build:
Feats: Amor Proficiency Light Amor Proficiency Medium Cleave Disarm Dodge Mobility Power Attack Shield Proficiency Weapon Proficiency Martial Weapon Proficiency SImple Weapon Proficiency Elf Improved Critical Spear Weapon Focus Spear Bard Son Bardic Knowledge Evasion Improved Evasion Defensive Roll Darkvision Immunity to Sleep Skill Affinity Listen Skill Affinity Spot Keen Sense Uncanny Dodge 1 Uncanny Dodge 2 Uncanny Dodge 3 Slippery Mind Luck of Hero's Spring Attack Hide in Plain Sight Summon Shadow Shadow Evade Epic Reflexs Epic Skill Focus: Parry Great Dexterity 1 Great Dexterity 2 Great Dexterity 3 Epic Dodge Draconic Armor Draconic Abilities Immunity to Paralysis Immunity to Fire Epic Character Epic Shadow Dancer Epic Red Dragon Disciple EPic Shadowlord Hit Die Increase d6 Hit Die Increase d8 Hit Die Increase d10
Well, what do you think? I felt like Rdd had never been properly utilized, so I tried to put it to good use. Edited By Rileigh on 11/04/05 20:07:57
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Without seeing the build's level progression and such it's pretty hard to refine it.
I find it interesting that you take 21 SD levels and get a dex of 30 but don't take any self-conceal feats.
I don't really see why you consider this "the right way to use RDD" either.
I also find it extremely interesting that you don't have weapon finesse, weapon focus, or epic prowess. How exactly do you, uh, hurt things? Your unbuffed AB in this build looks like it would only be +32 and you'd only get 3 attacks per round. _________________
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I never did see y it mattered what order u picked them in. I made this char a week ago, and I have no way to get the order the feats were picked in.
for some reason the NWN Tool i dl won;t do that. I didn't take the self concealment feats because I didn't see them, plus i didn't think they were imperitive to the build. However i am still a noobie in training
Plus, I never said that this was the right way to use RDD. I just said that I thought it had never been utilized properly. On the servers I play on rarely ever do u see an RDD char. I also thought that the RDD would go well with the SD since it can buff up it's abilities. I was trying to create a build that was great at dodging, while could also deal out heavy dmg
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Quote: Posted 11/04/05 20:05:11 (GMT) -- Rileigh
Well, what do you think? I felt like Rdd had never been properly utilized, so I tried to put it to good use.
Yes, you did post that "rdd had never been properly utilized," leading to the obvious conclusion that you think this build is the right way to use the class.
Feat order matters because some feats are prerequisites of other feats. If you don't take them in a certain order you can't get some at all. That's probably why you never saw Self Conceal, you didn't take your feats in the right order to open it up.
I also think I'm missing how you're getting 51 AC... 10 base + 10 dex bonus + 4 RDD bonus + 7 tumble bonus + 2 armor skin equals 33 AC. +3 from a tower shield and +4 from when shadow evade is active brings you up to 40... but that's still 11 points short of your claim.
Based on what you posted I can only piece together the picture of a character with weak offense, above-average but not spectacular defense, and a reasonably good summon (the epic shadowlord).
Please only post builds in this forum in the future if you have their levelling scheme and accurate final stats handy. Include the class split in the subject also I don't want to be a total jerk so I'm trying to help, but if you actually want help, you'll have to supply more info. If you can't remember what you did, try redoing it in a leveller module so you can be sure to have the right rules and info active. _________________ Experience is the mother of good judgement; bad judgement is the father of experience.
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I second everything Xylo said. Having said that.....
Quote: Posted 11/04/05 20:05:11 (GMT) -- Rileigh
where people play as semi legits and ubers.
What's a semi legit? Is that someone with only a partially-hacked character? Really, what does that mean?
Quote: I don't remember what the starting stats where so I will just give you the final build
As Xylo has stated, that's practically of no use in reviewing the build.
Quote: I felt like Rdd had never been properly utilized, so I tried to put it to good use.
What does this mean? How to you "properly utilize" RDD? All this time I've been doing it wrong?
Kaliban. _________________
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Ok, I rebuilt the char, and wrote the entire progression on paper (there has to busy a quicker way than that). I'm not sure how I got the 51 ac. I think it got messed up when I removed all of my gear. it went from -86 ac to 51. Oh well, this should help.
Name: Sheverash Guardian of the Dark Chapel Race: Elf Gender: Male Age: 346
I know I am missing three levels, somewhere in the writing process I got confused and screwed it up. But this should give you a better idea than the first post.
Edited By griphook on 11/05/05 00:39
Oi! How'd ya get over here! Bloody teleporters?? _________________ Got Hommlet? World of Greyhawk Action Server (with 1/2 price ales on Mondays!)
Ariel, Ookla, RIDE!
The gods work in mysterious ways..... _________________ "It's a damned shame when people be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that!"
LOL! Come on guys, we were all young once too
Ri, I appreciate the effort. Here's some advice: Look at the way cinn, xylo, griz, myself how we post builds. Do you notice some similarities? I can appreciate that you want to list ALL the feats, but in reality, you are only making it very hard for ppl to read your build when you do. FOr example, when you take Bard 1, most of us know what feats you get! When you take SD1 we know you get HIPS, etc. I know conformation is hard for some people, but here, it really separates the epic builders from the noobes. JOIN THE DARKSIDE!
Now, WHy go rdd11? Is there somethin I dont know about the magic "proper" use of rdd (yes, when you make a statement of the "proper" way to do a build you will have to PROVE it)? I find it rather interesting that you say the best way to use rdd is bard/sd! Funny, I always thought that the synergys of sorc and pally mixed with rdd was a much better way to go (and there are ALOT of sorc/rdd/pals out there, including one that I have chatted with folks about and havnt posted). I am looking, but I dont see synergystic relations with bard/sd/rdd. now if you were usin wm/sd, thats different! I'd love to understand what you meant when you said that. What are the rest of us missing?
Thanks for the feedback avado. I guess thats the difference in the places we play at. Where I go, you rarely ever see a build like this one. Oh well, it did crummy in the Summits so I chunked; yes you can all aplaud that action lol. Hopefully my next build won't be so bad.
If Tomi was to leave feedback for this build, his exact words would be, "your ugly and you smell like a rotten skunk!"