This is something that I just saw in one of the build. So if you activate expertise, this raises your AC and lowers your attack AB, but you can cast without any withdraws?

Kinda kool though...

thx CA..
I was baptized with the Holy Spirit when I took Him by simple faith in the Word of God.... You can if the switch that prevents this isn't enabled in the module.
The world is grey, the mountain's old
The forge's fire is ashen and cold
No harp is wrung, no hammer falls
The darkness dwells in Druin's halls...

~ Summoning - Khazad-Dúm Yeah, it's basically free AC (and is considered by many to be an exploit - myself included). If your character stops casting or moves (other than to finish casting a spell), Expertise will switch off. You also cannot activate Expertise with Defensive Casting Mode (and I don't think you can Counterspell with Expertise on either).
Captain's Log, Stardate 6051: had trouble sleeping last night... my hiatal hernia is acting up. The ship is... drafty and damp; I complain but... nobody listens.