Well ts plain simple. What is the best PvE build you have played and a build, which you could play on many servers?
Be realistic... Depends on how you define 'best'
"And one calculates time from the dies nefastus on which this fatality arose – from the first day of Christianity! – Why not rather from its last?From today? – Revaluation of all values!" In some environments, the old wizard38/1/1 build rules! In others, its the ol' dwarf cleric25/wm7/ftr8! Oh, then i've had great fun with clerc/wm/sd, and OH!! I hear sorc20/rdd10/pal10 is alot of fun too. I've had lots of fun with Tank Dwarven Defenders on low magical places and such, you just laugh at how weak weapons don't do anything to you.

For low magical servers, use clerics or dragons, or both like Kail, he did this one Order of Jormundgandr it really beats people on low magical servers.

High magical servers can end up with crazy AC characters, make one, or casters work well there, strong fighters are good too.

There isn't one that would win on all servers and against everything, but now I'm getting in PvPs.

My favorite style is scythe critical X5 + ov crit + dev crit killing, won't work against undead, generally they're the PvEs inmune to criticals, but everything else pretty much is dead with one critical hit, no matter if they save the dev crit, high magical multiplies its damage awesomely avobe any other, and still a great fighter without its critical. I like this build: Hannibal not made by me though... by Firestar Rogue, I might make a different version of it to adjust my needs of ov crit and dev crit. If grouped with people, I've always loved the Shifter.

Get a nice meat shield in front of you and a lvl 10 Shifter can use 3 basilisk stone gaze attacks for an unlimited amount of times (re-shifting).

EVERYONE ROLLS A 1 at some point.

Undead are very suseptible to Fort based attacks.
Stone gaze is not affected by SR or AC so you might get those big dragons with a 1 roll.

Soloing... the shifter is not as strong as other classes of comparable levels. But in a group with a tank... they rock! (pun intended)