Happy New Year everybody!

May your swords always be sharp and your glasses always full. Hail and Glory!

(and don't forget the annual offering of ale for your moderators )
Heavy metal
Or no metal at all
Whimps and posers
Leave the hall!

Edited By Kail Pendragon on 12/31/06 18:40

Well, happy new year for everybody of course, but it isn't even 6 p.m. at my place, so I'll wait a few hours for the real one.

You want ale? oh well, in that case I'll just keep for myself the expensive wine. Happy New Year!

how about leftover Egg Nog? Happpy new year to all.

- Epic Character Builders Guild

- Life is but a dream...

- I know more than I am letting on...

-I think, Therefore I am. Happy New Year.

We are sons of Odin, and the fire that we burn inside
is the legacy of warrior-kings who reign above in the sky
I will lead the charge, my sword into the wind
Sons of Odin fights to die and live again