does this skill actualy work parry i never heard people talking about it but does it work and does it seem worth it to have or use Yes, it does. It's been awhile since I've played, but I remember seeing people parrying (myself included). Go parry, it's like the Jedi Mind Trick of the Force!
You can't kill what was simply never there. . . It works but imvho not worth it .
Spirit, It is the hero's strength, the mother's resilience, and the poor man's armor. It cannot be broken, and it cannot be taken away. This I must believe. ~ Drizzt Do'Urden My opinion is that a strong defense is your best start, so I maxed it on all of my legit builds.
You can't kill what was simply never there. . . Rarely worth investing your valuable skill points, IMO.

You cannot Parry more than 3 attacks in a round, regardless of how many attacks per round you character has.

A roll of 20 will go through the Parry anyway, so you can't Parry the autohit.
It's rogue, dammit, ROGUE!!! The biggest problem with parry is that it allows only one riposte each round while only being applied to a few attacks per round leaving your character vulnerable to a series of critical hits. The only major use of it at epic levels is to get hit (hit-me mage) in which the points in parry don't matter or have a negative effect. It's the biggest waste of skillpoints you can ever make, don't go for it. If you search the BW boards you'll find plenty of topics which discussed the demerits and brokeness of Parry.
They can't stop us
Let them try
For Heavy Metal
We will die All that being true. I have seen the skill very well used by some builds. A dual wielding, Epic Dodging, Dev Critter with Imp Invis on it has done very well toe to toe with some of the more powerful melee builds out there, having seen its effectiveness I have been tempted to try it out myself. Parry can make low lvl creatures harder to kill. I've seen that used in several mods and on some of the creatures on the standard NWN palette.
But that's another cup of tea.
I generally avoid temptation, unless I can't resist it... i'm kind of partial to the parry skill actually, more for the role playing aspect than anything (been reading too much Drizzt! haha!)

are there any good uses for it? or more to the point, any way to use it effectively without devoting too much of your character around it? i've seen a few builds where the whole character is built around the parry skill but it doesn't really make a well-balanced build.