where do i find the effects per level of bard song so i know wha the figurative sweet spot for it is i cant even find the plus' gained per song "upgrade" so if someone could post it for me many thanks http://nwn.wikia.com/wiki/Bard_Song cool but whats the sweet spot for bard song 30 preform?

Edited By haseo terror of death on 11/05/07 23:35

not quite sure what you are after, as the link shows the benefits gained from the song at 30th level.

What exactly is this sweet spot? a sweet spot is a point where it doesnt get very much better asfter it so i was looking and lvl 16 30 preform is the sweet spot i think becuase after it the only up is 2 hp yay i think thats it well then

CASE CLOSED Yes, the 'sweet spot' is generally considered to be the 16th level Song. This isn't so much due to getting little for the higher level Song as it is the prohibitive Perform ranks required for them. If it weren't for the ridiculous Perform rank requirements, taking your Song to level 25 or even 30 would be a no brainer.
It's rogue, dammit, ROGUE!!! The only other factor you may want to consider is the benefit of a 20th level bard song over that of 16th. Purely because you can take Lasting Inspiration, giving a far longer duration of the song. The 2 reasons to take more than 16 Bard levels are Lasting Inspiration (as noted above), and more spell castings per day. Spells per day max at 20, and you can take LI at level if it is on a general feat level in Epic. There isn't too much point to taking Bard above level 20 except for skill dumps - you won't be able to get Perform high enough to use the song to full effect unless there are some items that give you large Perform bonuses.