Quote: Posted 07/24/06 22:47:54 (GMT) -- FinneousPJ
You should listen to avado![]()
Quote: Posted 08/13/08 02:55 (GMT) -- avado
PRC works like this for EPic spells. First you must find the seed for the spell. These look like books. There is a chart on prc forum that shows these (me thinks, i use prc2.2 rules). Once you read/use the book then you need to have the XP requirement (above lvl) and the amount of gold that the spell requires. You then need to port to a "laboratory" to learn the spell. IF you are playing with PRC rules, you should see a yellow wording after a rest that says you have a certain amount of epic spells to use. The nice thing is you dont use them like a wizard!
You also MUST have the Spellcraft to learn the spell (and you roll vs spellcraft DC to learn (you can miss learning it!)). Lore allows you to learn epic spells in multiples of 10. so 20 means 2 epics etc. The highest spellcraft is something like 108 or something.
Hope that helps. WHat server are you playing on? The mountain?
Quote: Posted 11/27/07 23:01 (GMT) -- Thaxll'ssyllia
I agree with avado, Storm of Vengeance rocks, it stuns great, it can deal heavy damage over time, and Evasion doesn't work against it, you should try it in your strategy as well, too bad it's conjuraEdited By avado on 08/14/08 02:14
Quote: Posted 08/14/08 02:12 (GMT) -- avado
Epic casting feat? I am not sure what you are refering too? If you mean 'How do i cast epic spells?", that is easy.
Edited By Dra'vex on 08/14/08 09:57
I have no experience with this. Honestly, i think it is a way to totally KIL epic spellcasting! Way to GO PRC! Kill an awesome add-on.I fixed it!!! I updated to 1.69, and updated to PRC 3.2 Beta 5, did the trick.Quote: Posted 07/24/06 22:47:54 (GMT) -- FinneousPJ
You should listen to avado![]()
Quote: Posted 08/15/08 02:21 (GMT) -- avado
I have no experience with this. Honestly, i think it is a way to totally KIL epic spellcasting! Way to GO PRC! Kill an awesome add-on.![]()
Edited By Dra'vex on 08/16/08 16:16
The Epic Spellcasting System that Bneshank created (and was opted into the PRC, btw) is the closest there is to the real D&D PnP counterpart.Quote: :: Epic Spellcasting ::
Epic characters with spellcasting capabilities are often capable of casting epic spells. You must have over 20 caster levels, including prestige classes. So a 21 wizard or a 16wizard/5archmage can cast epic spells, but a 20 cleric cant' In order to use the Epic Spellcasting system, one must open up the radial menu (right-click), go to the spells icon, select the epic spells icon (to the right), and then click "Replenish Spell Slots".
A dialog will appear. It has several options, mostly self-explanitory. Here you can "memorize" epic spells. This will put spells that you know onto the radial, or remove them. Due to a bioware bug, you can only have 6 epic spells ready to cast at any time. You can change spells on the radial at any point, you do not have to rest, and the radial changes instantly. Another feature is the ability to transport to an epic spell laboratory (module builders: this can be disabled... see below.) Here is where you can actually learn Epic Spells. (You can learn epic spells at any "laboratory" (which may be an altar for clerics, stone circle for duids, or anything a builder can think of), but these are not placed in modules unless done so by the builder.)
:: Epic Spell Laboratory ::
If you applied the hak using the PRC installer, by default you will have access to the epic spell laboratory. Here you can purchase every spell seed and every epic spellbook from a merchant. Also for sale is a large array of the new non-epic wizard spell scrolls available in the PRC, so that you can try out those.
Module builders have the option of turning these features off. This is useful for persistent worlds where power shouldn't be so easy to come by. Access to the lab is controlled by a module variable called PRC_SPELLSLAB. The following options are available:
0. (default) Can teleport to the Epic Spell Laboratory, merchant sells all epic spells and new wizard scrolls.
1. Can teleport to the Epic Spell Laboratory, merchant sells only the epic spells available in HotU and new wizard scrolls.
2. Can teleport to the Epic Spell Laboratory, but the merchant is unavailable.
3. Cannot teleport to the Epic Spell Laboratory.
Hardcore PW's would most likely choose option 3. Option 2, however, is good for less difficult PW's which want to make it possible to research epic spells easily but still want to control the spells that are available and make them harder to get.
:: Learning Epic Spells ::
Every epic spell requires several things to learn:
1. High enough Spellcraft skill to successfully learn it. The DC varies. Range from 25 to 100, approx. Spell focus feats reduce this DC.
2. Excess experience. The XP cost varies. You can not lose a level, so any XP must be above the minimum for that level. The XP is equal to GP divided by 25, so between 9,000 and 36,000.
3. Gold. The price varies. The gold cost is equal to the DC multiplied by 9,000, so between 225,000 and 900,000 GP.
4. Proper seed(s). Some spells also require other epic spells to have been researched first.
To determine the requirements of an epic spell, you can use the spellbook.i.e. Use the uniqe power ability of the spell book you wish to learn. This will also show you what that spells effect are, and what is required to cast as some spells burn XP and/or cause backlash damage.
The seeds are available as spellbooks from the merchant, if he is available. These basically teach your character 'secrets' which are needed to learn to spell. For example, an "Seed of Armor" is required to cast "Epic Mage Armor." To acquire the knowledge of a spell seed, simply use the book. This does not cost anything. It has a chance to disintegrate, which is good for controlling the availability of seeds in persistent worlds.
Once you have all the required things, learning a spell can be attempted. You simply place the book of the epic spell in the inventory of the "Tome of Epic Spell Learning" in the Epic Spell Laboratory. You will be automatically successful if you have the components and your Spellcraft skill + 10 is equal to or higher than the required Spellcraft. Otherwise, you will do a skill check to see if learning it succeeds. If you suceed the check, the GP and XP is removed. If you fail, no XP is lost, but you do loose half the GP cost. If you cannot do the research becuase you dont know the right seeds or cant pay the cost, you suffer no penalty.
All of this information is also summed up if you check the description of the Tome of Epic Spell Learning.
:: Casting Epic Spells ::
Once you've learned an epic spell, it needs to be added to your radial menu. To do this, go back to the "Replenish Spell Slots" icon on your radial menu. One of the options should be to manage your epic spells. Here you can add/remove spells from your radial menu. There is also a handy, "Identify all items" option.
Once you have the spell added to your radial menu, I recommend you add it to the hotbar at the bottom of the screen. This ensures it is easy to access.
You have a limit per day of how many epic spells you can cast. You can gain these back if you rest. It is determined by your Lore skill. It is equal to lore/10 and includes skill focus feats.
Some epic spells can cost XP/Gold each time you cast them. In order to cast a spell you must again pass a spellcraft check. The "Spellcraft + 10 >= Required Skill" rule still applies, but if your spellcraft isn't that good you might fail and lose your slot and whatever XP/Gold components are required by that spell.
:: Other Information ::
This replaces the bioware spells, so they are no longer avaliable as feats. Characters that already have the bioware epic spells may experience bugs.
Boneshank put a lot of toggle switches into the scripts, check "inc_epicspells" for details. Here, you can also change costs, DC for any spells, prerequsiites for any spells and attatch research cutscenes.
Epic Spell Default DC XP Casting Cost Backlash
Audience of Stone 41
Achilles Heel 54
Allied Martyr 47
All Hope Lost 29
Anarchy's Call 43
Animus Blast 30
Animus Blizzard 58
Army Unfallen 66 d6/per ally
Battle Bounding 41
Celestial Council 27
Champion's Valor 45 200
Contingent Resurrection 52
Contingent Reunion 44
Deadeye Sense 47 400
Dire Winter 99 2000
Dreamscape 29
Dragon Knight 48
Deathmark 59
Dullblades 54 10d6
Dweomer Thief 65
Enslave 60 3500
Epic Mage Armor 46
Epic Repulsion 34
Epic Spell Reflection 108 10000
Epic Warding 68
Eternal Freedom 92 10000
Fiendish Words 27
Fleetness of Foot 32
Gem Cage 48
Godsmite 63 d4/per level
Greater Ruin 59
Greater Spell Resistance 67
Greater Timestop 27
Hellball 70 400 10d6
Hell Send 34
Herculean Alliance 61
Herculean Empowerment 51
Impenetrability 54 10d6
Leech Field 64
Legendary Artisan 78
Life Force Transfer 0
Magma Burst 80
Mass Penguin 35
Momento Mori 78
Mummy Dust 35
Nailed to the Sky 42 1000
Night's Undoing 24
Order Restored 43
Paths Become Known 36
Peerless Penitence 68 1000
Pestilence 44 600
Pious Parley 36
Planar Cell 51
Psionic Salvo 74
Rain of Fire 75 500
Risen Reunited 67
Ruin 29
Singular Sunder 58
Spell Worm 25
Storm Mantle 74
Summon Aberration 42
Superb Dispelling 59 10d6
Symrustar's Spellbinding 0
The Withering 69 300
Tolodine's Killing Wind 91 400
Transcendent Vitality 101 10000
Twinfiend 64
Unholy Disciple 47 300
Unimpinged 54 10d6
Unseen Wanderer 88 10000
Whip of Shar 73
Edited By WebShaman on 11/01/08 20:42